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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Permit Number - T09BU00580
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
08/02/2010 | ELIZABETH EBERBACH | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | DATE: August 5, 2010 TO: Timothy Robertson, RA SUBJECT: 977 S Bill Martin Dr Site/Grading Plan Review Resubmittal LOCATION: Canyon View at Starr Pass lot 28 REVIEWER: Elizabeth Leibold PE ACTIVITY NUMBERS: T09CM00922 / T09BU00580 Summary: Engineering Division has reviewed the submitted plan review package including a copy of the grading plan. Engineering does not recommend approval until the remaining comments are addressed. SITE / GRADING PLAN COMMENTS: 1) DS Sec 9-04.3: Show compliance for this section of the HDZ standards. Address the following comments: a) DS Sec 9-04.2.1.G: The proposed lot disturbance area is not acceptable based on Hillside Development Zone average cross slope (ACS is estimated over 30%). The Tentative and Final Plats have general notes restricting the allowable area based on HDZ requirements. Provide calculations for the Average Cross Slope (ACS) per LUC to justify proposed grading limits. Also, please provide a copy of Board of Adjustment case for the subdivision which may provide further information regarding maximum developable area. Contact Russlyn Wells at 837-4948. Otherwise, a variance process may be needed for proposed disturbance area exceeding maximum gradable area per section LUC b) Provide the following HDZ data on the plan: i) Label "Total lot area" in square feet per Final Plat. ii) LUC Sec. Average Cross Slope (ACS) percentage for entire lot area. Or, provide the ACS percentage for area of lot that excludes any set-aside natural area. This may be area of protected peak or additional area including steep slopes that will not be used for further development on the lot in the future. iii) Check Total Allowable Grading Area in square feet, based on LUC Table 2.8.1.I. iv) Label the square footage of disturbance area that reflects the revised, actual proposed total disturbance / graded area. c) Label on planview any areas within the lot for proposed Natural Undisturbed Area (these areas are typically indicated in the protected peak areas). 2) Provide a geotechnical report that provides recommendation for project. Specifically address the following comments based on compliance with geotechnical recommendations: a) Label slope grades in cut area and at driveway or revise grading design to show compliance with geotechnical report. If geotechnical inspections during construction are required, provide note on grading plan. b) Per IBC, 10-ft at 5% earthen grade is required at minimum around foundations, unless the geotechnical addenda support other design. The rear slope appears to be less than 10-feet from structure. Clarify with details and on planview to provide positive drainage from structure and sufficient setback at retaining systems. 3) DS Sec.11-01.4.C: Provide the remaining clarification/notations that will be required to be shown on a grading plan: a) For retaining systems, label additional top & toe of wall elevations on the plan. b) For toe and top of slopes, provide additional proposed spot elevations on planview. c) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.19: Label the edge of existing pavement and existing sidewalk for Bill Martin Drive. d) DS Sec.2-02.2.11: Address the following driveway comments: i) Label elevation at driveway entrance at street. ii) Revise design for driveway so that driveway slope does not exceed 14%, and re-label driveway slope grade for traversable access from street. iii) Provide cross section from driveway to street across side slope with proposed slope grades. Clarify cut/fill condition and provide spot elevations at west edge of driveway. iv) Label and show erosion protection along edge of driveway. e) DS Sec.11-01.10.5: South yard at base and top of cut slope need clarification. Address the following comments: i) Provide spot elevations in rear yard and within top and bottom interceptor swales directing runoff away from proposed house and around the yard. Provide spot elevations in rear yard indicating/clarifying positive flow out of the rear yard. Show how design will prevent stormwater runoff into or ponding in the west, south and east yard areas. ii) A note is shown on plans stating that an interceptor swale is to be located at the top of rear slope however insufficient area is shown at top of slope. Clarify with dimensions and spot elevations and provide sufficient width on plans for the area needed for the interceptor swales that are required at top of cut slopes. Capacity for interceptors shall have a minimum of 30-in wide and 12-in deep. Show how stormwater runoff flow is intercepted and label erosion protection on a detail for rear yard interceptor swale and depict the area with dimensions on planview. f) DS Sec.9-04.3.1.A.2, Land Use Code (LUC) Sec. 2.8.1-I: Assure sufficient grading area is provided for grading construction of lot 28. Label locations within the driveway or yard areas for construction staging areas, construction materials, and vehicle parking. 4) A geotechnical report is referenced on the plans. If there are any proposed slopes that exceed 3:1(H:V) geotechnical report is required. Submit geotechnical report for the project or subdivision. 5) DS Sec.9-04.3.3.A: Add note to details that all rip rapped slopes shall have handplaced stone with filter fabric. 6) Clarify and label bearings, distance, and curve data for the lot lines, as well as labeling protected peak delineation within lot boundary, to match Final Plat. It will be necessary to set up a meeting to go over comments before resubmittal. For resubmittal, please provide 2 copies of the site/grading plans with supporting documents including a copy of the geotechnical report, redlines, and response letter. I can be reached at 837-4934 if you have questions. Elizabeth Leibold, PE Civil Engineer Engineering Division Planning & Development Services Department |
08/04/2010 | MICHAEL ST. PAUL | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | August 4, 2010 Development Services Department Zoning Review Section Michael St.Paul Planning Technician T09BU00580 Grading Plans for T09CM00922 Second Review Comments: 1. The grading plan has been reviewed by Zoning Review Section but cannot approve the plan until it has been approved by the Engineering, and Landscape Review Sections and until all zoning comments or concerns have been addressed. 2. We cannot verify that the grading plan is in compliance with an approved site plan for this site. Please provide one copy of the stamped approved site plan with your next submittal. 3. See comments T09CM00922. Be aware that this site is in the Hillside Development Zone (HDZ). 4. Zoning will re-review the grading plan on the next submittal to ensure compliance with the approved site plan. Additional comments may be forthcoming. |
08/09/2010 | ANDREW CONNOR | NPPO | REVIEW | Denied | Ensure that all Engineering comments and concerns are addressed. Add the following notes to site plan (Including heading): CITY OF TUCSON DEVELOPMENT STANDARD NO. 9-04.0 HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT SITE IMPROVEMENT Add the following notes to site plan (Including heading): A. Vegetation Retention. 1. Existing trees with four (4) inch or greater trunk diameter and cacti will be preserved in their original locations, except for building sites and access and utilities serving building sites. 2. When retention of the above trees and cacti in their original locations is not possible due to building site location, the trees and cacti will be salvaged and replanted in areas requiring re-vegetation, whenever possible. B. Re-vegetation. All cut or fill slopes, which are no steeper than three (3:1) and all utility trenches or septic leaching fields which are not located in parking or driveway areas will be re-vegetated in compliance with the following requirements. 1. All plants used in re-vegetation must be the same as the native vegetation on the site or any adjacent site prior to grading or clearing. 2. Re-vegetation will be accomplished with the following minimum requirements for plants. a. Native trees, a minimum of fifteen (15) gallon size with a minimum trunk diameter of two (2) inches measured at the soil level, or large specimen cactus will be placed at the same vegetation density found on the site prior to any clearing, grubbing, or grading. b. Seeds for trees, desert shrubs, and grasses will be planted with a density adequate to control erosion and may use one of the following methods of planting or any other method approved by the Zoning Review Section at DSD. 1) Raked into the soil with appropriate mulch materials; 2) Hydro-seeding; 3) Anchored mulches; or 4) Established on jute, rolled straw, or similar material. C. A temporary watering system must be installed until the re-vegetation materials are established. D. NPPO pre permit inspection is required prior to grading inspection can be scheduled by calling IVR system and entering inspection code 09015 or calling Landscape Field Representative directly @ 520- 837-4950 Fencing shall be required during construction per DS 2-06.8.0 Fig.1 for all undisturbed natural desert areas E. Grubbing, grading, and clearing are to occur only within the areas identified on the grading plan and staked on the site or lot. The limits should include all cut and fill areas, leach fields, septic tanks and future development areas. |