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Permit Number: T09BU00502
Parcel: 12620001C

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: GRADING

Permit Number - T09BU00502
Review Name: GRADING
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
04/27/2009 JASON GREEN ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied DATE: May 1, 2009
SUBJECT: 900 S Randolph Way Site/Grading/Building Plan & Floodplain Use Permit- Engineering Review
TO: Justin Dykstra
LOCATION: T14S R14E Sec16 Ward 6
ACTIVITY: T09CM00795 (Site/Building Plan), T09BU00502 (Grading Plan) & T09OT00684 (Floodplain Use Permit)

SUMMARY: Engineering Division of Development Services Department has received and reviewed the site plan (T09CM00795), Building Plan (T09CM00795), Grading Plan (T09BU00502), Floodplain Use Permit (T09OT00684), Drainage Statement (Olsson Associates, 06MAR09), Geotechnical Engineering Report (Terracon, 03APR09) and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (Olsson Associates, 13JAN09) for the above referenced property. Engineering Division does not recommend approval of the plan sets at this time. The following items need to be addressed:


1) Revise Section 2.3 of the Statement to include a discussion on CP1 and the proposed 2 cell 8-foot long scuppers. Verify the Standard Detail for Public Improvement and Type of scupper proposed within this section.

2) Revise Section 2.3 of the Statement to include a detail for the proposed curb opening at CP 5 to verify that the detail provided on the civil sheets of the proposed site/grading plan meet the minimum requirements of the Drainage Statement.

3) Revise Section 3.0 of the Statement to include a discussion on the proposed water harvesting basin and the 20-4-foot curb openings along Camino Campestre. All aspect of the drainage solution for the public road way needs to be discussed and calculations are required to verify constructability.

4) Revise Section 4.1 of the Statement and/or the proposed condition exhibits to label the 100-year floodplain limits on Figure 4 as currently stated. Currently the limits are labeled on Figure 5 and not Figure 4. The entire limits of the 100-year floodplain width are required to be shown in plan view on the proposed condition drainage map for verification with the HEC-RAS analysis. Figure 5 can depict the right over bank of the regulatory flow as shown with cross-sections for reference; however the entire floodplain width is required on one of the exhibits.

5) Revise Section 4.3, Figures 3 and 5 and/or the HEC-RAS output sheets so that the summary tables for both existing and proposed water surface elevations match within each section. A quick check shows discrepancies between the 3 data sets.

6) Revise Figures 4 and 5 of the Statement to clearly show all locations of the proposed drainage structures. All discussions, figures, channel sections, water harvesting basins, curb openings and details must match in location, types, size, call outs, dimensions, etc. for all proposed structures.


7) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.8: Revise the site plan to label the minimum dimensions required for the entry width for all existing and revised PAAL access points on Camino Campestre, Country Club Road and 22nd Street per the City of Tucson Access Management Guidelines.

8) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.8: Revise the site plan to dimension the minimum 24-foot PAAL widths for all two-way traffic (12-foot for one-way traffic unless used as a fire access lane then 20-foot minimum is required) at all access locations on the site plan per DS Sec.3-05.2.1.C.

9) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.8: Revise the site plan to provide a detail or keynote call out for all transitions from concrete headers to the proposed vertical curbing. All areas on the site plan should be keynoted at these transition locations for construction purposes. One example is Detail 1 on Sheet D-1 adjacent to the handicap ramp.

10) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.10: Revise the site plan to label and dimension the existing and future sight visibility triangles for all existing and revised PAAL access points. Provide the dimension for both the near and far side of the triangles per DS Sec.3-01.5.3.

11) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.11: Verify and label the 25-feet radii and concrete curbs per City of Tucson Transportation Access Management Guidelines (TAMG), Section 5.5 at all driveway entrances located on Country Club and 22nd Street. Refer to DS Sec.3-01.3.2.C for street development standards.

12) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.11: Verify and label the required 18-foot radii at the access points along Camino Campestre. Refer to DS Sec.3-01.3.2.C and the Transportation Access Management Guidelines for street development standards.

13) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.12: Revise the site plan to show that all proposed offsite handicap access ramps within the public right-of-way meet the minimum design requirements per public standard detail #207. Refer to comments from Ron Brown, RA Structural Plans Examiner for all ADA and handicap requirements that apply to this project.

14) DS Sec2-02.2.1.A.16: Provide additional spot elevations on the details and on the associated sheets for the proposed curb cuts into all proposed water harvesting basins along Camino Campestre to verify flow patterns.

15) DS Sec2-02.2.1.A.16: Provide a note on the site plan that states "Water Harvesting Areas to be depressed a minimum of 6-inches." Refer to the "City of Tucson Water Harvesting Guidance Manual, Ordinance # 10210" for recommendation on how to construct and maintain the required water harvesting areas for onsite flow containment.

16) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.17: Provide the cut and fill quantities on the site plan.

17) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.19: Revise the site plan to label both Country Club Road and 22nd Street as a MS&R Arterial route.

18) DS Sec2-02.2.1.A.19: Revise the site plan to clearly label the center lines of all streets that are shown.

19) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.19: Revise the site plan to label and dimension the existing right-of-ways for all streets as shown on the civil drawings.

20) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.19: Label and dimension the MS&R future right-of-way widths for both Country Club Road and 22nd Street. Label and dimension the intersection widening for Country Club Road and 22nd Street along with the future sight visibility triangles. Clarify the existing 80-foot versus 30-foot ½ right-of-way on Country Club. Clarify if the future MS&R ½ right-of-way adjacent to this parcel will be the existing 80-foot as shown currently for the majority of the parcel. Clarify if the right-of-way is measured from the center line of the road. Contact Jose Ortiz, PE City of Tucson Department of Transportation at 837-6730 or Jose.Ortiz@tucsonaz.gov for clarity on the MS&R future right-of-way of Country Club Road.

21) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.21: Provide dimensions from all existing street monument lines to the existing and/or proposed curb, existing sidewalks, driveways, etc.

22) Be advised that further comments may be forth coming on resubmittal of the site plan.


23) Revise the grading plan and associated details for the required offsite and onsite curbing to show that it meets the minimum requirements of Standard Details for Public Improvements #209 for vertical curbing. All proposed curbing must at a minimum meet or exceed the minimum requirements for Standard Details for Public Improvements and must be clearly labeled on the construction details and civil sheets.

24) Revise the grading plan to provide a detail or keynote call out for all transitions from concrete headers to the proposed vertical curbing. All areas on the grading plan should be keynoted at these transition locations for construction purposes. One example is Detail G/C-13 on Sheet C-13 adjacent to the handicap ramp. Verify that all details and plan view match in transition locations.

25) Revise the grading plan (civil sheets) to label and dimension the required 25-feet radii and concrete curbs per City of Tucson Transportation Access Management Guidelines (TAMG), Section 5.5 at all driveway entrances located on Country Club Road and 22nd Street. Refer to DS Sec.3-01.3.2.C for street development standards.

26) Revise the grading plan (civil sheets) to label and dimension the required 18-foot radii at the access points along Camino Campestre. Refer to DS Sec.3-01.3.2.C and the Transportation Access Management Guidelines for street development standards.

27) Provide additional spot elevations on the details and on the associated civil sheets for the proposed curb cuts into all proposed water harvesting basins along Camino Campestre.

28) Provide the cut and fill quantities on the grading plan.

29) Revise Grading Note #15 and the Basis of Bearing Section to clearly label the basis of Bearing in degrees and it's location in plan view. The purpose of the basis of bearings is to enable another surveyor to retrace the original survey. As such, the statement must be referenced to found, readily locatable monuments. There are three general methods of establishing bearings; a) Reference to a record of survey or a recorded plat, b) Astronomic (normally solar or polaris), c) Assumed. Clarify the method used and the bearing in degrees for site grading purposes.

30) Revise Grading Note #16 and the Basis of Elevation Section for the topography and spot elevations shown. Provide the specific Bench Mark including City Field Book and page number along with the numerical datum elevation for the datum reference used (1929 NGVD).

31) Revise all details and associated plan view on the civil sheets to show the Start-End stationing and standard detail reference at all locations for the proposed security barriers.

32) DS Sec.11-01: Revise grading plan to provide a grading note specifying conformance with City of Tucson Development Standard 11-01.0 (excavation and grading requirements).

33) Provide a general note on the grading plan to state the following: "Call for a Pre-construction meeting prior to start of earthwork. To schedule a DSD Pre-construction meeting, SWPPP inspection or general Engineering Inspections, call IVR (740-6970), or schedule with a Customer Service Representative at the Development Services Department, or contact DSD Engineering at 791-5550 extension 2101, or schedule inspections online at:

34) Please ensure that the grading plan is consistent with the site plan and Drainage Statement. Grading standards may be accessed at: http://www.ci.tucson.az.us/dsd/DevStandsTOC.pdf.


35) The Floodplain Use Permit (FUP) will be conditioned and issued concurrently with the grading plan application and stamped approved plan set. All conditions related to the FUP will be based on the grading plan review.


36) Engineering could not verify that the building plan was in compliance with a stamped approved site plan (T09CM00795). Please submit two copies of the stamped approved site plan, landscape, and NPPO plans with the next building plan submittal.

37) Engineering will re-review the building plan on the next submittal to insure compliance with the approved and stamped site plan. Additional comments may be forthcoming.


38) The Geotechnical Report is accepted as submitted. Provide a copy of the Geotechnical Report at resubmittal for record keeping purposes. All recommendations within the Geotechnical Report are applicable to this project and must be incorporated into the grading plan as required by the General Notes.

STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN: The proposed SWPPP meets the minimum requirements of the AzPDES Construction General Permit (CGP). However the SWPPP and Exhibits can not be stamped approved until approval of the grading plan. Provide both copies with resubmittal for stamp approval.


Please provide a revised Drainage Statement, site plan and grading plan along with 2 copies of the SWPPP and 1 copy of the Geotechnical Report that addresses the comments provided above. Include a comprehensive response letter addressing in detail responses to all of the above comments. Enclose "redlines" with the resubmittal package.

Further comments may be generated upon resubmittal of the Drainage Statement, site plan and grading plan review.

For questions, or to schedule an appointment, I can be reached at 837-4929.

Jason Green, CFM
Senior Engineer Associate
Engineering Division
COT Development Services

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description