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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: GRADING
Permit Number - T09BU00091
Review Name: GRADING
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
02/11/2009 | ANDREW CONNOR | NPPO | REVIEW | Needs Review | Ensure that all Engineering comments and concerns are reflected on the grading plan. |
02/24/2009 | JASON GREEN | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | Marc Avery's Punch List. Review comments to follow per comment letter from Jason Green, CFM Sheet 1 1- Add note: Contact C.O.T. Grading inspector prior to starting construction to schedule a pre-construction meeting. Sheet 2 2- Keynote #21 - Add to install per "C.O.T. D.S. 3-05.2.3.C.2" or provide detail showing 30" from face of curb to face of wheel stop. 3- Keynote #27 - Provide dimensions for drainage channel. 4- Provide permit number, lower right side of drawings. (All Sheets) 5- Locate trash enclosure (northwest side) so that doors do not protrude into PAAL, in open position. 6- Dimensions new driveway entrance northwest side at 24'. (Clearly dimension all PAAL's) 7- Indicate frontage access from Liberty Ave to be HC accessible all the way to new building. 8- Show all door way openings. Also show patio on north side of new building. 9- Provide No Parking signs or stripe in back up spur. (northeast corner) 10- Position ramp next to trash enclosure so enclosure doors do not block access. (northeast) 11- Show roof drains around building 12- Show elevations in and around new water harvesting areas or provide details from tentative plat with elevations. 13- Show 2' setback around all water harvesting areas, per tentative plat. 14- Provide detail for changes to existing HC parking, per tentative plat. (note #4) 15- Provide detail showing changes to existing trash enclosure (southwest), per note #15 tentative plat. 16- Show all new work in existing building areas. 17- Use type II scupper, per C.O.T D.S. 205 or larger. Drainage report calls out 6 foot wall opening and only 1' foot of scupper????? Sheet 3 18- Detail B, Add "Per C.O.T. Standard Detail 209. 19- Detail C, Add "2% Max Cross Slope". 20- Detail F, Add "Per C.O.T. Development Standard 6-01". 21- Detail H, Add "Per C.O.T. Standard Detail 204". SWPPP 22- Provide flow arrows to show direction of anticipated flow. 23- Label existing basins. 24- Provide signed Notice of Intent. Jason it looks as though there are changes to the HC parking and ramps too. Marc Avery 240-9871 |
02/24/2009 | JASON GREEN | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | DATE: February 25, 2009 SUBJECT: Casa Del Pueblo- Grading Plan and SWPPP Review TO: DCC Company LOCATION: 4975 S Liberty Avenue, T155S R13E Sec01 Ward 5 REVIEWERS: Jason Green, CFM ACTIVITY: T09BU00091 (Grading Plan) SUMMARY: Engineering Division of Development Services Department has received and reviewed the proposed grading plan (T09BU00091), Drainage Report (Patterson Hydrology Drainage Engineering, Inc, 20JUN07), Geotechnical Report (Speedie and Associates, 19FEB07) and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (DCC, 19JAN09) for the above referenced property. Engineering Division does not recommend approval of the grading plan application nor SWPPP at this time. The following items need to be addressed: GRADING PLAN COMMENTS: 1) Remove the wording "Preliminary Review Not for Construction or Recording" over the Engineer of Record seal on all sheets once comments have been addressed and the grading plan is ready to be approved. 2) Revise the grading plan sheets to correctly label the activity number (T09BU00091) assigned to this grading permit where referenced as "T09BU0XXXX." 3) Revise Keynote #21 to include the reference to the Development Standard 3-05.2.3.C.2 for the installation of the proposed wheel stops or provide a separate detail showing the required 30" from face of curb to face of wheel stop. 4) Revise Keynote #27 to include a separate detail or provide dimensions (depth, width, slopes, etc) for the proposed drainage swale. All aspects of the drainage improvements must be shown on the grading plan for construction purposes. 5) Revise the grading plan to provide details and/or cross sections for all proposed drainage infrastructure per the Tentative Plat and Drainage Report. The grading plan must provide construction details for the proposed basins (water harvesting areas), swales, scuppers, etc. to include length, width, slopes, depth, etc. The grading plan is the construction document and must provide labels and dimensions for all improvements that match the Tentative Plat and Drainage Report. 6) Revise the grading plan to clearly dimension the minimum 24-foot width requirement for all parking area access lanes (PAALs) in plan view. Specifically the PAAL adjacent to the refuse container located in the northwest corner of the lot and the PAAL area located at the existing refuse container that is to be removed just south of the same spot. 7) Revise the grading plan to clearly delineate the proposed back up spur located in the northeast corner of the site. Provide striping or a "No Parking" sign at this location to prevent vehicles from blocking the spur, which is used for refuse maneuverability. 8) Revise the grading plan to label and dimension all down spout locations for the building to verify that the scupper locations will function during a storm event to allow the 10-year flow to drain under the pedestrian access paths. 9) Revise the grading plan to meet the proposed requirements of the Tentative Plat, specifically Keynote #13 on the Tentative Plat references a detail for the existing handicap ramps in front of the existing building. Verify if this detail is existing conditions or if the access ramps are to be reconstructed to meet handicap accessibility requirements. 10) Refer to comments from Ron Brown, RA Structural Plans Examiner for any handicap accessibility comments that maybe associated with this project. Provide a separate detail for all onsite handicap access ramps. 11) Revise the grading plan to meet the proposed requirements of the Tentative Plat for the refuse container located in the southwest side of the property. Per the Tentative Plat Keynote #15 this refuse container is to be removed and replaced, however per Keynote #8 on the grading plan it only states existing refuse container, clarify. The refuse container must meet all requirements of DS Sec.6-01. 12) Revise Detail B on Sheet 3 of the grading plan to label the City of Tucson Standard Improvement Detail 209 for the proposed Type 2 vertical curb. 13) Revise Detail C on Sheet 3 of the grading plan to label the maximum 2 percent slope for the proposed modified concrete sidewalk. 14) Revise Detail F on Sheet 3 of the grading plan to provide a reference for the City of Tucson Development Standard 6-01 for the proposed refuse enclosure. Verify with dimensions the clear inside dimension of 10'x10'. 15) Revise Detail H on Sheet 3 of the grading plan to label the City of Tucson Standard Improvement Detail 204 for the proposed Type 1 scupper. 16) Provide a general note to include the reference to the Geotechnical Report prepared for this project. Provide the date, job number, engineer who prepared the report, etc. 17) Provide a general note on the grading plan to state the following: "Call for a Pre-construction meeting prior to start of earthwork. To schedule a DSD Pre-construction meeting, SWPPP inspection or general Engineering Inspections, call IVR (740-6970), or schedule with a Customer Service Representative at the Development Services Department, or contact DSD Engineering at 791-5550 extension 2101, or schedule inspections online at: http://www.ci.tucson.az.us/dsd/Online_Services/Online_Permits/online_permits.html 18) Approval from TDOT Permits and Codes for all improvements within the public right-of-way will be required. A right-of-way use permit application will be required prior to construction, if applicable. Contact Thad Harvison, (520)-837-6592 or Thad.Harvison@tucsonaz.gov for all right-of-way requirements and permit applications. 19) Please ensure that the proposed grading plan is consistent with the Development Plan and Drainage Report. Grading standards may be accessed at: http://www.ci.tucson.az.us/dsd/DevStandsTOC.pdf STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN: The SWPPP does not meet the minimum requirements of the AzPDES Construction General Permit (CGP). Revise the SWPPP according to these comments: 20) Part III.A.3 and VIII.J.2: Ensure the SWPPP is signed by a person meeting the certification requirements of Permit Part VIII.J. Specifically the owner certification must be signed prior to SWPPP approval. 21) Part III.C.3.a: Use arrows to show the directions(s) where stormwater will flow for all areas within the project limits (This is for the period during construction, not final contours. Flow direction may change as project grading progresses; when this occurs, maps are to be updated.) 22) Part III.D.3: Include a copy of the completed NOI form that was/will be submitted to ADEQ. The signed NOI is required prior to SWPPP approval. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: To ensure accuracy in the field for both the contractor and Engineering Field Inspector the following comments have been generated by the Engineering Inspector who will be responsible for this job site. Most comments are duplicates of the ones above, however additional comments have been added to help the contractor. Comments are as followed: Sheet 1 1- Add note: Contact C.O.T. Grading inspector prior to starting construction to schedule a pre-construction meeting. Sheet 2 2- Keynote #21 - Add to install per "C.O.T. D.S. 3-05.2.3.C.2" or provide detail showing 30" from face of curb to face of wheel stop. 3- Keynote #27 - Provide dimensions for drainage channel. 4- Provide permit number, lower right side of drawings. (All Sheets) 5- Locate trash enclosure (northwest side) so that doors do not protrude into PAAL, in open position. 6- Dimensions new driveway entrance northwest side at 24'. (Clearly dimension all PAAL's) 7- Indicate frontage access from Liberty Ave to be HC accessible all the way to new building. 8- Show all door way openings. Also show patio on north side of new building. 9- Provide No Parking signs or stripe in back up spur. (northeast corner) 10- Position ramp next to trash enclosure so enclosure doors do not block access. (northeast) 11- Show roof drains around building 12- Show elevations in and around new water harvesting areas or provide details from tentative plat with elevations. 13- Show 2' setback around all water harvesting areas, per tentative plat. 14- Provide detail for changes to existing HC parking, per tentative plat. (note #4) 15- Provide detail showing changes to existing trash enclosure (southwest), per note #15 tentative plat. 16- Show all new work in existing building areas. 17- Use type II scupper, per C.O.T D.S. 205 or larger. Drainage report calls out 6 foot wall opening and only 1' foot of scupper????? Sheet 3 18- Detail B, Add "Per C.O.T. Standard Detail 209. 19- Detail C, Add "2% Max Cross Slope". 20- Detail F, Add "Per C.O.T. Development Standard 6-01". 21- Detail H, Add "Per C.O.T. Standard Detail 204". SWPPP 22- Provide flow arrows to show direction of anticipated flow. 23- Label existing basins. 24- Provide signed Notice of Intent. Jason it looks as though there are changes to the HC parking and ramps too. Marc Avery 240-9871 GENERAL COMMENTS: Please provide a revised grading plan and SWPPP that addresses the comments provided above. Include a comprehensive response letter addressing in detail responses to all of the above comments. Enclose "redlines" with the resubmittal package. Further comments may be generated upon resubmittal of the grading plan and SWPPP review. For questions or to schedule appointments call me at 837-4929. Jason Green, CFM Senior Engineer Associate Engineering Division COT Development Services |
02/25/2009 | MICHAEL ST. PAUL | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | February 25, 2009 Development Services Department Zoning Review Section Michael St.Paul Planning Technician T09BU00091 Grading Plans for S07-121 Comments: 1. The grading plan has been reviewed by Zoning Review Section but cannot approve the plan until it has been approved by the Engineering, and Landscape Review Sections and until all zoning comments or concerns have been addressed. 2. It appears that the Grading Plan my match the approved Tentative Plat. Please submit one copy of the CDRC approved and stamped tentative plat, landscape, and NPPO plans with the next grading plan submittal. 3. Zoning will re-review the grading plan on the next submittal to ensure compliance with the CDRC approved and stamped tentative plat. Additional comments may be forthcoming. |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
03/03/2009 | THAUSER1 | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |
03/03/2009 | SUE REEVES | REJECT SHELF | Completed |