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Plan Number: T08SE00037
Parcel: Unknown

Review Status: Completed


Plan Number - T08SE00037
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments

TO: Development Services Department
Rezoning Section

FROM: Terry Stevens
Lead Planner

PROJECT: Triple Crown Villas - Sarnoff
1100 S. Sarnoff Zoning C-1
Special Exception Case Number - SE-08-37

TRANSMITTAL: September 22, 2008

1. The proposed use falls under the LUC Sec. Residential Use Group, Sec. 6.3.8. Family Dwelling "RCP-9", subject to: Sec. 3.6.1.
2. Per LUC Sec. Cluster development under this section shall be approved in accordance with Development Compliance Code Sec. 23A-35. RCPs for sites that are five (5) acres or less shall be reviewed and approved through the Zoning Examiner Full Notice Procedure
Development designator "RCP-9", requires or allows the following:
Minimum site area = 0
Density = 93.85 units allowed / 30 units provided
Maximum building height = 40 feet allowed / 24 feet provided
Site coverage = 75% allowed / 43% provided
Interior perimeter yard indicator = CC

Zoning has reviewed this proposal for compliance with The City of Tucson Development Standard Land Use Code (LUC).

Off-Street Parking: 90 spaces required / 85 provided per approved DSMR
Off-Street Loading: 0
Bicycle Parking: 0
Pedestrian Access: The provided pedestrian circulation/accessible route appears to be adequate.

Additional comments may be forth coming based on conditions of the Special Exception approval process.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Terry Stevens, (520) 836-4961 or email Terry.Stevens@tucsonaz.gov.
09/23/2008 MCASTRO2 DOT ENGINEERING REVIEW Completed TDOT Engineering has no objections subject to a appropriate improvements to Sarnoff Drive as required by TDOT Traffic Engineering.

Andy Dinauer
SE-08-37 Triple Crown Villas - Sarnoff Drive
C-1 ZEFNP for an RCP under five acres
Pantano East Area Plan
9/23/08 drcorral Full Review

This is a Special Exception request for an RCP under five acres in the C-1 zone. The proposed development is for 30 two-story townhomes on a 2.6 acre site with primary access from Sarnoff Drive (designated a collector street on the MS&R map). The site is bordered on the east by a multi-story apartment complex zoned C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial), on the north by one-story single-family residential development in the R-1 zone (low density residential up to six units per acre), on the west by office/commercial uses zoned C-1, and on the south commercial uses zoned C-1 and C-2 (Community Commercial).

The zoning site is located within the boundaries of the Pantano East Area Plan (PEAP). The General Plan and Design Guidelines Manual also provide policy and guidance for the proposed land use.

Plan Policy Summary:

The site is within the Pantano East Area Plan (PEAP) which supports infill development projects and support a variety of housing types, including townhouses that reflect sensitivity to site and neighborhood conditions and adhere to relevant site and architectural design guidelines. Medium-density residential (up to 15 units per acre) is allowed where access is provided from a collector street.

General Plan policies encourage new residential development that contributes to the visual character of the neighborhood and promotes neighborhood identity. Policies promote quality and safety in design, and compatibility with and adequate buffering of surrounding development.


The PEAP supports infill development at medium density (up to 15 untis per acre) as requested in this proposal for a 30, two-story, townhome development on 2.6 acres of land approximately 150 north of East 22nd Street on the east side of South Sarnoff Drive. The plan encourages sensitity to site and neighborhood conditions and adherence to design guidelines. Existing commercial uses exist to the south of the site, with single-story, single-family residential uses to the north, and multi-family residential uses to the east.

According to the design compatibility report, the applicant proposes to protect the privacy of residentially zoned properties to the north and south by limiting the roofline height on the sides of the end units to 17 feet. The rooflines will transition from 17 feet in height on the sides of the end units to 23 feet in height for the interior units. To address privacy issues, staff will be placing a condition prohibiting balconies along the northern and southern edge and limiting windows to clerestory only along the southern and northern edges perimeters to further protect the privacy of those residences.

The General Plan and Design Guidelines Manual also encourage and support development projects that incorporate quality and safe design elements that enhance the overall function and visual quality of the street and adjacent properties. The Plans also call for innovative site design that includes child-friendly design elements such as high visibility play areas and safe, well-marked highly visible pedestrian crossings. Screen walls that are more than three feet in height adjacent to recreational areas shall be designed as view walls. The lowest thirty inches of the wall above the ground surface may be constructed of solid masonry with at least 80 percent of the upper portion of the wall to be of wrought iron construction. Wall details shall be submitted with the development plan(s) and/or plats to demonstrate compliance with this condition

The plans also call for usable open space that incorporates active/passive recreational space that is handicapped accessible. The preliminary development plan shows a centrally located recreational area that will include a large artificial turf putting green with picnic tables and benches, and a children's play area is proposed within the detention basin. Furthermore, to increase the usability of the recreation areas, a variety of thornless shade trees selected from the Low Water Use Tolerant List shall be planted and shall be shown on the landscape plan.

Any units adjacent to right-of-way along Sarnoff Drive and abutting residentially zoned property to the north and south will incorporate four-sided architecture, such that building facades at the rear and sides will be designed with attention to the architectural character and detail comparable to the front façade. To conform to the aesthetic standards and requirements of RCP's, no two alike units of the same color or design shall be placed adjacent to each other. Additionally, all proposed perimeter screen walls adjacent to the right-of-way or adjacent to residentially zoned property will be painted or constructed of graffiti-resistant material. Any walls that are 75 feet or greater in length shall vary and shall include break wall expanses landscaped with vegetation to include trees. Trees planted to break wall expanses shall be placed no more than 25 feet apart.

To maintain the visual character of the neighborhood, new development will apply consistent design treatment common to the existing character of the neighborhood. All exterior mechanical equipment shall be screened from view from adjacent development and street frontages, and shall be architecturally integrated into the overall design of the development. Signage will also be integrated into the overall design of the subdivision and landscaping with emphasis on scale, height, and color. To demonstrate buildings will be visually interesting and compatible with the surrounding neighborhood dimensioned and colored elevation drawings will be submitted with the tentative plans.

The RCP will also require the planing of one (1) fifteen-gallon tree on every lot with additional trees along the public sidewalk and parking areas at one tree for every four parking spaces. This will not only create a microclimate for pedestrians and reduce the "heat Island" effect, but will also increase the aesthetic appeal of the development. Additionally, planting areas should be designed to promote water harvesting.


The proposed development is consistent with and supported by the policy direction provided in the General Plan and the Pantano East Area Plan. The following are recommended as rezoning conditions, and the referenced Plans and the Design Guidelines Manual support them.

1. All exterior mechanical equipment shall be screened from view from adjacent development and street frontages, and it shall be architecturally integrated into the overall design of the development.
Relevant Policies
· PEAP - Residential Policy 1
· General Plan, Element 4, Policy 6 & 6.1
· DG I.B.2.d - Rooftop Equipment

2. Balconies prohibited along the northern and southern edge and only clerestory windows allowed for all second story windows facing north and south.
Relevant Policies
· PEAP - Residential Policy 3
· General Plan, Element 4, Policy 6
· DG - 1.B.1.a. - Privacy of Adjacent Developments

3. Side and rear building facades adjacent to public right-of-way and residentially zoned property will be built with attention to architectural character and detail comparable to the front façade. Consistent design treatment, including but not limited to color palette, rooflines, signs, and trim materials shall be provided, and no two units of the same kind or color shall be placed next to one another.
Relevant Policies
· PEAP - Residential Policy 1
· General Plan, Element 4, Policy 6
· D.G. - I.B.2.e - Design Context and Neighborhood Character

4. Structure wall heights will be no greater than 17 feet along the northern and southern edges of the site, and no structures shall exceed 24 feet in height.
Relevant Policies
· PEAP - Residential Policy 1
· General Plan, Element 4, Policy 6
· D.G. - I.B.2.e - Design Context and Neighborhood Character
· DG - 1.B.1.a. - Privacy of Adjacent Developments

5. To demonstrate compliance with the above rezoning conditions, dimensioned elevation drawings with proposed colors and materials are to be submitted as a part of the platting process to CDRC.
Relevant Policies
· PEAP - Residential Policy 1
· General Plan, Element 4, Policy 6
· D.G. - I.B.2.e - Design Context and Neighborhood Character

6. Six-foot-high masonry walls will be placed along the northern and southern edges of the site.
Relevant Policies
· PEAP - Residential Policy 3.b
· General Plan, Element 4, Policy 6 & 6.1

7. Any required or proposed masonry screen walls shall be constructed of, or painted with, graffiti-resistant materials. These screen walls shall incorporate one of the following decorative materials: (a) tile, (b) stone, (c) brick, (d) textured brick/block, (e) a coarse-textured material such as stucco or plaster, or (f) a combination of the above materials and a typical section shall be placed on the Tentative Plan or Landscape Plan.
Relevant Policies
· PEAP - Residential Policy 3.b
· General Plan, Element 4, Policy 6
· DG I.C.3.a. - Free-standing Walls

8. Any continuous screen wall greater than 75 feet in length and 3 feet in height and visible from a public right-of-way or existing residential development shall have a varied wall alignment (jog, curve, notch, setback, etc.).
Relevant Policies and Guidelines:
· PEAP - Residential Policy 3.b
· GP Element 4: Policy 6 and 6.1
· DG - I.B.3.a. - Free Standing Walls

9. Recreation areas and retention basins will incorporate elements of usable open space and active/passive recreational space and those pedestrian facilities will be accessible to the handicapped. Specifically, there will be a centrally located recreational area that will include a large artificial turf putting green with picnic tables and benches, and a children's play area will be built within the detention basin. These areas will be made ADA accessible with a minimum five- (5)-foot-wide path constructed of either stabilized DG, asphalt, or textured concrete.
Relevant Policies
· General Plan, Element 4, Supporting Policy 6.2
· D.G. - II.A.2.a -Outdoor Activity/Play Areas
· D.G. - I.A.2.b. - Detention/Retention Basins

9. To increase the usability of the recreation areas, provide a wide range of shade trees from the Low Water Use Drought Tolerant List. To increase appearance, shade, and longevity diversity, provide an appropriate amount of longer living and diverse shade producing trees, including evergreens that are in the Low Water use Drought Tolerant List. Do not locate any vegetation that has thorns at maturation in the recreation areas.
Relevant Policies
· D.G. - I.B.3.d. - Plant Materials
· D.G. - I.B.3.g. - Planting for Visibility and Security

10. Patio walls abutting recreation areas will incorporate safe-by-design concepts by placing the "eyes of the community." Patio wall for units abutting recreation areas will meet the following criteria: the masonry wall portion of the wall will not exceed four (4) feet, eight (8) inches in height, except for pillars, with one (1) foot, six (6) inch wrought iron or other similar open fencing materials on top.
Relevant Policies
· PEAP Residential Policy 3. C.
· General Plan, Element 4, Supporting Policy 6.2
· D.G. - II.A.1.b - "Safe By Design" Concepts

11. Signage shall be integrated into the overall design of the subdivision and landscaping with emphasis on scale, height, and color.
Relevant Policies and Guidelines:
· GP - Element 4: Policy 5, 5.6, 6 & 6.1
· DG - I.B.4.a. - Public Signage

12. Submit Water Harvesting Plan & Detail sheet(s) at time of review submittal for Grading and Landscape Plans. Water Harvesting Plan will indicate concept design for stormwater runoff routing through publicly visible landscaped areas (i.e., front yards, common space, perimeter buffer areas) and details will illustrate design specifics (i.e, depth of basin, swale, curb openings, raised walkways, use of mulch, etc). City of Tucson Water Harvesting Guidance Manual has examples of water harvesting techniques.
Relevant Policies & Guidelines:
· GP - Element 14: Supporting Policies 4.1 & 4.3
· DG - I.B.3.b. - Water Harvesting

13. Provide a minimum of one fifteen (15) gallon tree, no more than ten (10) feet from the back of the sidewalk, on every other lot frontage to create a pleasant microclimate for pedestrians and increase the aesthetic appeal of the development.
Relevant Policies
· General Plan, Element 4, Supporting Policy 4.9
· D.G. - I.B.3.c. - Placement of Trees

14. One canopy tree shall be provided within the vehicular use area for each four motor vehicle parking spaces, or shade pattern caused by mature canopy trees, buildings, and other structures on the vehicular use area from 9:20 to 3:20 p.m. MST on June 21 must cover fifty percent of the paved area.
Relevant Policies and Guidelines:
· GP Element 4: Supporting Policies 4.9,& 4.9C
· DG - I.B.3.c. - Placement of Trees

15. A bufflegrass management plan will be created for the site to include common areas before approval of the Native Plant Preservation Plan portion of the Landscape Plan.
Relevant Policies & Guidelines
· GP - Element 14: Policy 4 & 4.3.B
· DG - I.B.3.d - Plant Materials

Plan Policies

Pantano East Area Plan


Policy 1. Preserve the integrity of established neighborhoods.

Implementation Techniques

A. Allow only local traffic into developed neighborhoods.

Policy 2. Promote residential infill of vacant land where adequate provisions of streets and utilities are available.

Implementation Techniques

B. Low- and medium-density residential developments are generally appropriate along collector streets.

Policy 3. Ensure the compatibility of new development with existing land uses.

General Plan

Element 4: Community Character and Design

Policy 4 is to design and maintain streets to enhance their overall function and aesthetic quality. Supporting Policy 4.9 is to promote the planting of street trees to provide shade for the pedestrian and visual relief for the driver and bicyclist.

Policy 5 is to promote neighborhood identify and visual character. Supporting Policy 5.1 encourages neighborhood associations to record, publicize, and disseminate to potential developers and the City Planning Department the list of features characterizing their area. Supporting Policy 5.3 is to support infill and redevelopment projects that reflect sensitivity to site and neighborhood conditions and adhere to relevant site and architectural design guidelines.

Policy 6: Promote quality in design for residential, commercial, industrial, mixed-use, and publicly funded development.

Supporting Policy 6.1 All development should incorporate environmentally sensitive design that protects the integrity of existing neighborhoods, complements adjacent land uses, and enhances the overall function and visual quality of the street, adjacent properties, and the community.

Supporting Policy 6.6 Solutions and strategies included in the Design Guidelines Manual should be utilized to provide an improved level of community design.

General Plan - Element 14
Policy 4: Promote the development and management of healthy and attractive urban vegetation
4.3.B Promote native vegetation as the preferred landscaping in order to restore wildlife habitat, conserve water, and enhance Tucson's regional identity.

Design Guidelines Manual

A. Land Use and Site Design
1. Site Planning
II.A.1.b - "Safe By Design" Concepts
Intent - Provide a safer development by adhering to "Safe by Design" concepts.

2. Forms/Scale/Material/Color
I.B.2.d. - Rooftop Equipment

Intent - Minimize mechanical equipment on rooftops to reduce negative visual impacts on neighbors and to reduce energy costs.

Solution - Integrate solar energy techniques and other mechanical equipment into the overall design of the building and screen all mechanical equipment on roofs.

I.B.2.e - Design Context and Neighborhood Character

Intent - Improve the character of new projects and reinforce existing architectural character in established neighborhoods.
Solution - Harmonize new building with existing buildings by incorporating design elements of the adjacent architecture including the following:
· Scale and massing of structures
· Roof and parapet forms
· Door and window-fenestration pattern
· Finishes, materials, and colors
· Site amenities such as walls and landscaping
· Traditional or prevailing setbacks and building orientation

3. Buffering/Screening/ Landscape Design

I.B.3.a. - Free-standing Walls

Intent - Reduce the impact of freestanding walls over 75 feet long and over 3 feet high and increase their visual appeal.

Solution - Promote variations in scale, reflective surface, texture, and pattern:

· Vary wall alignments (jog, curve, notch, setback, etc.)
· Plant trees and shrubs, in voids created by wall variations, at an appropriate scale/massing
· Locate trees every 25 feet
· Use two or more wall materials and/or incorporate a visually interesting design on the wall surface
· Include decorative features of tile, stone, or brick
· Use sound absorbing or scattering materials such as tile, stone, or brick

I.B.3.b - Water Harvesting

Intent - Conserve water resources and preserve drainage patterns, thereby reducing engineering and irrigation costs.

Solution - Design for water-harvesting to direct all excess runoff onto vegetated areas:
· Make 'saucers' around newly planted trees and shrubs
· Harvest runoff using surface grading

I.B.3.c. - Placement of Trees

Intent - Provide a pleasant microclimate for pedestrians and increase the aesthetic appeal of a development.

Solution - Carefully locate trees to provide shade, wherever possible, to pedestrians by:
· Placing trees no further than 25' apart, particularly along walkways
· Clustering trees at plaza areas or other public gathering places

I.B.3.d. - Plant Materials

Intent - Provide a homogeneous landscape design of appropriate character using minimal irrigation.

Solution - Choose the right mix of trees, shrubs, and groundcover:
· Drought tolerant trees (see the City's drought tolerant plant list)
· Plants similar in form and scale to existing vegetation in the area
· Accent plants at entryways, changes of direction, intersections of roads, etc.
· Vegetation which displays a variety of leaf size, texture, color, and, if possible, provides flowers in all seasons

I.B.3.g. - Planting for Visibility and Security

Intent - Select and position plant materials to aid surveillance and minimize crime.

Solution - Maintain visibility of doors and windows from the street and from within the development:
· Lift canopies of trees near buildings to six feet from the base of the trunk; plant larger specimens in those locations
· Shrub/groundcover height near buildings should be less than 30 inches; choose low-growing varieties
· Site spiny or thorny plants under ground floor windows to discourage unwanted access

4. Signage and Lighting
a. Public Signage (I.B.4.a)
Intent - Establish continuity and consistency in the design and location of public signage, so that the aesthetic appearance is improved.
Solution - Provide guidance for the use of public signage so that it:
· Is clearly visible and consistently sited so different types of information are easily located
· Is integrated into its surroundings in such a way that the message is clear but the sign is not the dominant feature
· Provides information sufficiently in advance of choices people have to make
· Is properly maintained on quality mountings so that the intended alignment and orientation are sustained
· Avoids the unnecessary and unsightly clutter of multiple signs and the resultant confusion of information

s:\caserev\SP-ECPT\SE08-09\ SE-08-37 Triple Crown Villas - Sarnoff Drive
09/24/2008 DAVE MANN FIRE REVIEW Approved
09/24/2008 MARK CASTRO REZ AGENCY REVIEW PARKS & RECREATION Completed Parks and Recreation has no comments.

Glenn Hicks
Capital Planning and Development
Parks & Recreation Dept., City of Tucson
09/25/2008 MCASTRO2 TUCSON WATER NEW AREA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Completed Water Availability letter received.
09/29/2008 MARK CASTRO REZ AGENCY REVIEW ADOT Completed ADOT has NO COMMENT on this project

Douglas Kratina

Vehicle Trip Generation: Daily: 176 PM Peak: 16

KoSok Chae, Ph.D.
10/02/2008 MARK CASTRO REZ AGENCY REVIEW PIMA CNTY WASTEWATER Completed The PCRWRD has no objection to the proposed special exception to allow a 30 lot subdivision on 2.61 acres.

Should the City of Tucson be inclined to approve this special exception, the PCRWRD recommends the following rezoning conditions:

1. The owner / developer shall construe no action by Pima County as a commitment to provide sewer service to any new development within the rezoning area until Pima County executes an agreement with the owner / developer to that effect.
2. The owner / developer shall obtain written documentation from the PCRWRD that treatment and conveyance capacity is available for any new development within the rezoning area, no more than 90 days before submitting any tentative plat, development plan, sewer improvement plan or request for building permit for review. Should treatment and / or conveyance capacity not be available at that time, the owner / developer shall have the option of funding, designing and constructing the necessary improvements to Pima County's public sewerage system at his or her sole expense or cooperatively with other affected parties. All such improvements shall be designed and constructed as directed by the Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department.
3. The owner / developer shall connect all development within the rezoning area to Pima County's public sewer system at the location and in the manner specified by the PCRWRD in its capacity response letter and as specified by the Development Services Department at the time of review of the tentative plat, development plan, sewer construction plan, or request for building permit.
4. The owner / developer shall complete the construction of all necessary public and/or private sewerage facilities as required by all applicable agreements with Pima County, and all applicable regulations, including the Clean Water Act and those promulgated by ADEQ, before treatment and conveyance capacity in the downstream public sewerage system will be permanently committed for any new development within the rezoning area.

Don Willhoit, Sr. CEA
Development Liaison Section
Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department
10/03/2008 MATT FLICK ENGINEERING REVIEW Completed DSD Engineering has no objection or adverse comment to the proposed Special Exception. The following condition is requested:

Any proposed retaining walls that face the right-of-way or can be viewed from other properties shall be constructed of, or painted with, graffiti-resistant materials. These retaining walls shall incorporate one of the following decorative materials: (a) tile, (b) stone, (c) brick, (d) textured brick/block, (e) a coarse-textured material such as stucco or plaster, or (f) a combination of the above materials.
10/07/2008 JOSE ORTIZ DOT TRAFFIC REVIEW Completed October 6, 2008
PROJECT NAME: Triple Crown Villas-Sarnoff Drive
PROJECT ADDRESS: 1149 S Sarnoff Dr
PROJECT REVIEWER: Jose E. Ortiz PE, Traffic Engineer

Traffic requires the following conditions for the referenced special exception.

-If applicable, the Owner/Developer shall submit a Traffic Impact Analysis at the time of tentative/development plan review addressing the proposed impacts from the proposed development and potential public improvements along Sarnoff Drive.

All access drives shall be in conformance with the Transportation Access Management Guidelines for the City of Tucson.

Access onto the alley shall not be permitted as depicted on the tentative plat.
10/08/2008 ANDY VERA ENV SVCS REVIEW Completed ES has no objections to this rezoning request to a proposed RCP.

Upon review of the preliminary DP I have the following comments:

1. The distance for rolling out automated plastic containers (APC's) curbside off Whirlway is going to be over 125 ft. for soem residents. This appears to be an unreasonable expectation in comparison to standard curbside collection in front of the property. ES forsees the potential for a future request from the community which will require implementing a specialized collection service that may not be cost effective.

2. On collection day there will be as many as 60 (2 per lot) automated plastic containers (APC's) placed out along the sidewalk. Each container will require 5.5 ft width x 3 ft depth for a total of 333 ft of curbside/sidewalk space. Does not appear to be adequate area on the north side of Whirlway to accommodate all APC's.

3. Lastly, if this site is going to have all containers brought out to one designated area then they might as well provide two areas for on site dumpster collections...one for recycle and one for refuse....This is my recommendation for meeting the solid waste collection needs for this community.
The preliminary DP does not appear to demonstrate adequate turnaround for collection vehicle to circulate within development to perform curbside refuse and recycle collection services.
90 gallon APC collection requires street frontage access for each lot/unit.

If you have any questions you may contact Andy Vera at (520) 791-5543 ext 1212 or e-mail: Andy.Vera@tucsonaz.gov
10/09/2008 MARK CASTRO REZ AGENCY REVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT Completed No comments received.
10/09/2008 JULIE YBARRA SIGNS SIGN CODE REVIEW Completed the above referenced case is located in the Single Family Residential District of the Tucson sign code. All signs will need to comply with section 3-72 of the Tucson Sign Code.
10/09/2008 MARK CASTRO REZ AGENCY REVIEW TDOT RTA Completed No comments received.

Pima County has reviewed the above-referenced Special Exception and has no comments to offer at this time.

Arlan M. Colton FAICP
Planning Official, Pima County Development Services

No comment.

Tim Bolton
Principal Planner
Arizona State Land Department
Southern Arizona Real Estate Office

TEP Land Management has no comments regarding this project at this time.

Shannon Breslin
Sr. Environmental and Land Use Planner
Tucson Electric Power

Distribution Planning has no concerns or comments regarding this project.

Tucson Electric Power

City Planning and Zoning:
Upon review of the provided materials, Davis-Monthan AFB has no concerns or comments related to the request for zoning in reference to:

CASE: SE-08-37 Triple Crown Villas - Sarnoff Drive, C-1 Zone

Karen Oden
Davis-Monthan AFB

The Tucson Airport Authority has reviewed the above referenced project
and has no comments or concerns.

Judy Alexander, CAE
Sr. Director Regulatory & Environmental Studies

No concerns or comment.

CSO Becky Noel
Tucson Police Dept

No objections from Streets

Sandra Zurbrick