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Plan Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Plan Number - T08SE00029
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
08/01/2008 | TERRY STEVENS | ZONING | REVIEW | Completed | CDRC TRANSMITTAL TO: Development Services Department Rezoning Section FROM: Terry Stevens Lead Planner PROJECT: AT&T at Son of Life Church 2955 W. Ironwood Hills Special Exception Case Number - SE-08-29 TRANSMITTAL: August 1, 2008 1. The proposed use falls under the LUC Sec. Special Exception Land Uses, Commercial Services Use Group, Sec. 6.3.5. Communications, "13", limited to wireless communication towers and antennae, subject to: Sec., .C, and .E.2, or Sec., .C, and .F.1, or Sec., .C, and .G Development designator "13", requires or allows the following: Minimum site area = 16,000 sq. ft Floor area ratio = 0.10 Lot Coverage = 15% Maximum building height = 25 feet Interior perimeter yard indicator = DD Zoning has reviewed this proposal for compliance with The City of Tucson Development Standard Land Use Code (LUC). Off-Street Parking: One technician parking space required. Off-Street Loading: 0 required Bicycle Parking: 0 required Pedestrian Access: Not required. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Terry Stevens, (520) 836-4961 or email Terry.Stevens@tucsonaz.gov. |
08/04/2008 | MARTIN BROWN | FIRE | REVIEW | Approved | |
08/04/2008 | MCASTRO2 | DOT ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Completed | TDOT Engineering has no objections. Andy Dinauer |
08/04/2008 | MARK CASTRO | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | OFFICE OF CONSERVATION & SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT | Completed | No objections. No conditions. |
08/06/2008 | MARK CASTRO | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | ADOT | Completed | ADOT has NO COMMENT on the New Special Exception. Douglas Kratina |
08/07/2008 | PETER MCLAUGHLIN | LANDSCAPE | REVIEW | Completed | 1. Although its distance from the MS&R right-of-way line is not dimensioned on the submitted plans, the proposed communications facility appears to be located within the 400-foot Scenic Corridor Zone along Ironwood Hills Drive, which is a designated scenic route. This development is subject to the review and approval of a special application for the Scenic Corridor Overlay Zone. The applicant should contact Patricia Gehlen, CDRC Manager, Development Services Department (520) 791-5550. 2. The Landscape Section recommends referral to the Design Review Board per LUC and LUC 3. The Landscape Section recommends that in keeping with the context of the natural surroundings in this area that a stealth saguaro of no more than 30 feet in height be used in lieu of the proposed stealth palm tree monopole. While numerous saguaros exist on the the site and within the immediate area there are no similar tall palm trees found on the site or in the immediate vicinity of the proposed facility. Due to the height and the type of tower proposed it will not blend well with the natural surroundings of the site. 4. The Landscape Section recommends that the proposed communiation tower not exceed 30 feet in height, which, per LUC, is the maximum allowed structure height within the SCZ. This is also in keeping with the Intent of the policies of Section C.4 (Scenic Routes), of the Tucson Mountains Subregional Plan and with Design Guideline 6.b of the Tumamoc Area Plan. |
08/11/2008 | MARK CASTRO | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | PIMA CNTY WASTEWATER | Completed | The PCWMD has no objection to the proposed special exception to 50' cell tower (monopalm) and associated ground equipment. Don Willhoit Sr. CEA, Capacity Management Section Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department |
08/14/2008 | ANDY VERA | ENV SVCS | REVIEW | Completed | ES has no objections to this request. |
08/14/2008 | MCASTRO2 | TUCSON WATER NEW AREA DEVELOPMENT | REVIEW | Completed | Water Availabilty letter received. |
08/15/2008 | MATT FLICK | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Completed | DSD Engineering has no objection or adverse comment to approval of the Special Exception for installation of communication facilities at this site. The site lies along Ironwood Hills Drive, a designated Scenic Route with an existing and future right-of-way width of 150 feet. There is an existing earthen driveway at the location of the proposed access to the tower site. The driveway meets the location requirements of the Tucson Access Management Guidelines (TAMG). The portion of the driveway within the right-of-way should be paved. The gravel access road should be constructed to ensure that drainage is not captured within the roadway. Otherwise, roadway gravel and sediments will be washed into the Ironwood Hills Road right-of-way. The site lies within the Silvercroft Wash watershed, a designated balanced basin. The floodplain ordinance requires that discharges from developed sites be no greater than existing conditions for the 2-, 10- and 100-year events. There is no specified minimum lot size or development size for applicability of balanced basin requirements. However, the minimal imperviousness associated with this proposal does not warrant the imposition of detention/retention requirements. The proposed facility is to be located on a minor ridge which delineates the boundary between drainage that flows northeasterly from that which flows southeasterly. The minor watercourse that crosses the proposed gravel access road is non-regulatory (100-year discharge is less than 100 cfs). Matt Flick, P.E. Engineering Manager Development Services Department City of Tucson Phone: (520) 837-4931 Fax: (520) 879-8010 Please visit our web site: www.ci.tucson.az.us/dsd |
08/18/2008 | JOSE ORTIZ | DOT TRAFFIC | REVIEW | Completed | TDOT-Traffic has no objections to the referenced Special Exception. |
08/26/2008 | JULIE YBARRA | SIGNS | SIGN CODE REVIEW | Completed | No comments received. |
08/26/2008 | MCASTRO2 | COMMUNITY PLANNING | REVIEW | Completed | DEPARTMENT OF URBAN PLANNING & DESIGN SE-08-29 AT&T - Ironwood Hill Drive RX-2 Special Exception ZEFNP Tumamoc Area Plan 8/26/08 drcorral The proposed special exception land use is for the installation of an unmanned AT&T wireless communications facility to be located on an RX-2 site with an existing church located at 2955 W. Ironwood Hill Drive. The proposed monopalm communications tower is projected at fifty (50) feet in height, and will include two antennas per sector with 3 sectors for a total of 6 antennas. The proposed fifty-foot height of the monopalm is an approximate height of nearby palm trees and utility poles in the area. The associated equipment cabinets will be housed in a 25' X 40' leased area that will be screened via a block wall enclosure and painted to match adjacent church building. Policy Summary Land use policy guidance is provided by the Tumamoc Area Plan (TAP), Subarea 1 and the General Plan. Subarea 1 of the TAP states this are is to be developed at lower densities than the underlying zoning allows in order to preserve wash systems, and that this type of development be maintained and continued. The proposed monopole will be disguised as a palm tree and will be located within a developed site zoned RX-2. General Plan policy also supports the provision of new telecommunications facilities if they are located, installed and maintained in a manner that minimizes visual impacts and preserves views. The Plans support the requested land use when visual appropriate design elements and buffering techniques to mitigate the potential negative impacts of more intense development on established neighborhoods are employed. The proposed wireless communication facility responds to the characteristics of the natural landscape of the surrounding area, as the communications tower will be stealth in the form of a palm tree. As such, the project is in general compliance in keeping with the intent of these Plans and a plan amendment is not required. Analysis This proposal addresses screening, buffering and disguising the monopole, antennas, and ground equipment. The proposal is for a monopalm, which will conceal the antennas within the branch canopy of the palm fronds and the exterior pole will be clad in imitation palm tree bark to ensure the base and trunk of the pole appear as natural as possible. The proposed monopalm design does not negatively impact the neighborhood, as there are live palm trees existing in the area. Within 1,600 feet of the proposed monopalm location, there are approximately 20 palm trees ranging in height from 15 feet to 50 feet. The associated equipment cabinets will be housed in a 25' X 40' leased area that will be screened via a block wall enclosure and painted to match adjacent church building. All of these measures serve to reduce the visual impact to the area. Recommendation The proposed special exception land use for a stealth monopalm, for an unmanned AT&T wireless communication facility can be supported and is in general compliance with applicable policy and the intent of the General Plan, the Tumamoc Area Plan, and the Design Guidelines Manual. The following special exception conditions are recommended to support applicable policies. 1. The top of the stealth (palm tree design) monopalm shall not exceed fifty feet in height. · GP Element 4, Policy 3., 3.7 · GP Element 4, Policy 5, 5.5, 5.5.A · Tumamoc Area Plan Design Guidelines 5 and 6.b. & 6.d. 2. Masonry screen wall designed to screen the telecommunication ground equipment shall be textured and painted to match existing buildings in the surrounding area. Masonry wall to be graffiti resistant. · GP Element 4, Policy 3., 3.7 · GP Element 4, Policy 5., 5.5, 5.5.A · Tumamoc Area Plan Design Guidelines 5 and 6.b. & 6.d. · Design Guidelines Manual (1.B.2.e) Applicable Plan Policies Tumamoc Area Plan II. GENERAL POLICIES. A. DEVELOPMENT POLICIES Public and private land in the Tumamoc Area should be developed in harmony with surrounding uses and according to terrain and drainage constraints. The integrity of established neighborhoods should be protected. This policy should be implemented in the following ways: Policy 2. Restrict commercial development to areas currently zoned for that purpose except as specifically provided in specific subarea policies. Policy 3. Future rezonings and development plans shall be consistent with residential density limits recommended for the subareas. Other policies in this plan take precedence over these recommendations in the event of conflict between adopted policy statements and recommended density designations. Policy 5. Either an Environmental Resource Report or a Design Compatibility Report is required for all rezonings, as appropriate. B. ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION POLICIES Intent Statement: Cultural heritage is a mosaic of a community's archaeological legacy, historic buildings, neighborhoods, and living culture as shown in the expression and celebration of ethnic diversity, regional folkways, and art. Archaeological and Historic Preservation policies support the preservation or restoration of archaeological, historical, and cultural sites that are eligible for inclusion to the National Register of Historic Places and the City of Tucson Historic Preservation Zone. In addition, these policies provide general support for existing neighborhood plans and historic districts that seek to maintain neighborhood integrity, stability, and architectural character. Policy 1. Archaeological resources on rezoning sites should be identified and mitigated through a cultural resource assessment conducted by qualified professionals. Should resources be found which are eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, every attempt to preserve those resources should be considered in project planning. If negative impacts to such resources are identified, then mitigation of the impacts following generally accepted procedures will be needed. Policy 2. Historic resources on rezoning sites should be identified and mitigated through a cultural resource assessment conducted by qualified professionals. Resources that are determined to be eligible for the National Register of Historic Places should be preserved if possible. If preservation cannot be accomplished, then appropriate documentation/mitigation of negative impacts will be needed. C. NATURAL FEATURES POLICIES. Policy 1. The unique desert environment of the Tumamoc Area should be protected. The environmental quality of the Tumamoc Area is its distinctive feature. The preservation of Tumamoc Hill, the natural washes, wildlife habitat, large areas of NUOS, and hillside areas are critical to the future of this area. This policy should be implemented in the following ways: f. New development should be designed and evaluated based on preservation of native vegetation, wildlife habitat, and conservation linkages, and provision of wash buffer zones, where appropriate. h. Preservation of the continuity of conservation linkages with naturally vegetated common area, NUOS, or undeveloped areas on abutting properties is strongly encouraged. E. DESIGN GUIDELINES Intent Statement: The Design Guidelines are intended to help insure that new development is designed in a manner that enhances the visual appearance of the area and is compatible with existing land uses. Not all of the guidelines apply to each case. The guidelines are to be used in various combinations depending on the proposed development, adjacent uses, and the existing site conditions. Guideline 3. When possible, locate new development where there are disturbed areas to minimize disturbance of NUOS areas. Guideline 5. Encourage design in new development, which complements the surrounding development by utilizing compatible setbacks and variations in building height or mass which compliment the scale of surrounding development. Guideline 6. During future rezonings and development plan review in the Tumamoc Area, new development should: a. maintain native vegetation on-site in compliance with the Native Plant Preservation Ordinance requirements. b. be oriented so as not to obstruct neighbors' views or privacy. d. be constructed of material or painted a color which blends with the natural environment. SUBAREA l Total Acres: 622 Vacant: 56 Proposed Use: Residential, at suburban to urban densities. Highest densities should be located near Speedway and Greasewood. Major washes should remain natural and, where needed, should be restored. Lowest densities should be to the west. Mid-urban densities would be appropriate as a transition between urban and suburban developments. A cluster design is encouraged. This area is developed at lower densities than the underlying zoning allows in order to preserve wash systems. This type of development should be maintained and continued. General Plan Element 4:Community Character and Design, Policy 3: Preserve scenic views of natural features and community landmarks. Supporting Policy 3.7: Require that, whenever possible, telecommunications facilities be located, installed, and maintained to minimize visual impact, preserve views, and be consistent with the City's adopted land use plans and policies. Cabling and fiber optics should be installed underground where possible, and the visual impact of cellular towers will be a prime consideration in the City's acceptance and approval. Policy 5: Promote neighborhood identity and visual character 5.5 Promote upgrades to neighborhood infrastructure, including sidewalks and street lighting, and improvements to the existing housing stock 5.5 A Consider incentive for telecommunications providers to install infrastructures, not only in the newer areas, but also in older neighborhoods to increase opportunities for all citizens to have access to high-tech telecom services. Design Guidelines Manual e. Design Context and Neighborhood Character (1.B.2.e) Intent - improve the character of new projects and reinforce existing architectural character in established neighborhoods. Solution - harmonize new buildings with existing buildings by incorporating design elements of the adjacent architecture including the following: · Scale and massing of structure · Finishes, materials and colors s:\caserev\SP-ECPT\SE08-09\ SE-08-29 AT&T - Ironwood Hill Drive |
08/26/2008 | MARK CASTRO | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | SCHOOL DISTRICT | Completed | No comments received. |
08/26/2008 | MARK CASTRO | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | TDOT RTA | Completed | No comments received. |
08/26/2008 | MARK CASTRO | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | TDOT STREETS | Completed | No comments received. |
08/26/2008 | MARK CASTRO | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | OTHER AGENCIES | Completed | 8/01/08 The Tucson Airport Authority has reviewed the above referenced project and has no comments or concerns. Thank you for the opportunity to review this project. Judy Alexander, CAE Sr. Director Regulatory & Environmental Studies Tucson Airport Authority |
08/26/2008 | MARK CASTRO | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | OTHER AGENCIES | Completed | 8/01/08 TEP Land Management has no comment at this time. Shannon Breslin Sr. Environmental and Land Use Planner Tucson Electric Power |
08/26/2008 | MARK CASTRO | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | OTHER AGENCIES | Completed | 8/04/08 No comment. Tim Bolton Principal Planner Arizona State Land Department Southern Arizona Real Estate Office |
08/26/2008 | MARK CASTRO | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | OTHER AGENCIES | Completed | 8/21/08 No objections/comments. CSO Becky Noel #37968 Tucson Police Dept |
08/26/2008 | MARK CASTRO | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | PIMA ASSN OF GOVTS | Completed | No comments received. |
08/26/2008 | MARK CASTRO | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | PARKS & RECREATION | Completed | No comments received. |