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Plan Number: T08SE00006
Parcel: Unknown

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: REZONING - IPC

Plan Number - T08SE00006
Review Name: REZONING - IPC
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
03/25/2008 DAVE MANN FIRE REVIEW Approved
03/28/2008 STEVE SHIELDS ZONING REVIEW Completed TO: Rezoning Division
Re: Acceptance of Information for Plan Compliance (IPC)

Verizon at McGraw's
Houghton Road, SR & C1
Special Exception - SE-08-06

1. The proposed wireless project appears to be located entirely on parcel 136-31-002G which is zoned C1. The existing use falls under the Commercial Services Use Group, Sec. 6.3.5, Communications "28", subject to: Sec., .C, and .D.1 or .D.2. Also per the General Restrictions the following restrictions apply to all uses and development in this zone.
A. Drive-through services are not permitted unless specifically provided for the land use.
B. All land use activities except vehicular use areas shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed building unless specifically provided otherwise.
The submitted plan, showing the proposed wireless communications stealth tower and associated structures is acceptable to continue the review for the zoning examiner's report.

Should you have questions, contact me at 837-4956 please.

Steve Shields, Lead Planner
City of Tucson, Development Services Department
04/02/2008 MATT FLICK ENGINEERING REVIEW Completed There is sufficient information to determine compliance with the South Pantano Area Plan.
SE-08-06 Verizon at McGraw's - Houghton Road
Special Exception SR and C-1
South Pantano Area Plan and the General Plan
03/29/08 drcorral

This Special Exception request is to allow a new cellular communications facility at 4122 South Houghton Road, near McGraw's Cantina restaurant. Due to its location atop a ridge overlooking areas to the south, McGraw's is a popular site for telecommunications facilities. Sprint, T-Mobile and AT&T are other carriers situated at this location designed as stealth saguaros; the other, Alltel, is concealed in an adobe chimney on a small building behind (west of) the restaurant.

The applicant proposes a new 30-foot high stealth saguaro to be located southwest of McGraw's Cantina in the vicinity of the other existing stealth saguaros. The stealth saguaro and ground equipment will be located in an approximately 12' by 26' prefabricated equipment shelter within a 40'(I) by 25'(W) by 10'(H) masonry walled compound. The exterior of the shelter and the masonry perimeter wall will be textured and painted to match the buildings nearby.

The areas to the north and south of the parcel are zoned SR, and to the east is the parcel with McGraw's Cantina, zoned C-1, and further east is Houghton Road. Across Houghton to the east is Highland Trials Estates, a large-lot, low-density, residential subdivision. To the west is an open space area in the Redland Hills subdivision. Pantano Wash is to the southwest.

Land Use Plan Policy Summary

Land use policy guidance is provided by the South Pantano Area Plan (SPAP) and the General Plan. The site is located within SPAP Subarea 7. SPAP Commercial land use policies require the use of appropriate design elements when locating commercial uses in proximity to established neighborhoods. Subarea 7 also that vacant land west of Houghton should be developed to be compatible with adjacent suburban densities. The General Plan policy supports the provision of new telecommunications facilities if they are located, installed and maintained in a manner that minimizes visual impacts and preserves views. As such, the proposed stealth saguaro cactus antenna appears to be in general compliance with the intent of the plans.


The applicant attended a pre-submittal meeting with staff on December 5, 2007, and held a neighborhood meeting on March 11, 2008. There were no attendees. Sufficient information has been provided to demonstrate substantial compliance with the SPAP and the General Plan. A plan amendment is not required.


Staff recommends that this application be accepted for processing.


South Pantano Area Plan

COMMERCIAL SUB-GOAL - Provide for the commercial needs of the area.


1. Promote commercial developments at appropriate locations in the area.

Implementation Techniques

B. Require appropriate design elements (fences, walls, vegetation, etc.) during the rezoning and development review process when locating commercial uses in proximity to established neighborhoods.



This area includes the land east and west of Houghton Road between Golf Links Road/Old Spanish Trail on the north and the extension of Irvington Road on the south (see Subarea Seven Map).

Houghton Road is the main arterial through this subarea furnishing direct access to Interstate 10 to the south and the total metropolitan area to the north. Old Spanish Trail borders at the northeast corner of this area and is designated as a Scenic Route by Pima County. Refer to Transportation, Section 3.C for development criteria adjacent to this scenic route.

Escalante Road east of Houghton is a major street in the adopted Pima County Major Streets and Routes Plan.

The land outlined on this subarea map west of Houghton is vacant while the land to the east is partially developed on four plus acre lots.

Proposed Use:

Commercial node development is appropriate at major Houghton Road intersections. Suburban to midurban densities are appropriate along the frontage of Houghton provided the final design of proposed development is sensitive to natural topography. Cut and fill and grading for any proposed development should be kept to a minimum. Development may extend east into this subarea from Houghton Road provided it is designed to transition compatibly to and consistent with the existing natural and rural character of adjacent properties east of Houghton. Higher density developments may be appropriate in conjunction with commercial nodes and must have direct access to Houghton Road. The vacant land west of Houghton should be developed to be compatible with adjacent suburban densities.

Escalante Road will continue to be planned as a major street, however; its classification, extension from Houghton and necessary right-of-way will be reviewed along with other major streets at the time the area is annexed.

General Plan

Element 4:Community Character and Design,
Policy 3: Preserve scenic views of natural features and community landmarks.

Supporting Policy 3.7: Require that, whenever possible, telecommunications facilities be located, installed, and maintained to minimize visual impact, preserve views, and be consistent with the City's adopted land use plans and policies. Cabling and fiber optics should be installed underground where possible, and the visual impact of cellular towers will be a prime consideration in the City's acceptance and approval.

Policy 5: Promote neighborhood identity and visual character
5.5 A Consider incentive for telecommunications providers to install infrastructures, not only in the newer areas, but also in older neighborhoods to increase opportunities for all citizens to have access to high-tech telecom services.

Design Guidelines Manual
e. Design Context and Neighborhood Character (1.B.2.e)
Intent - improve the character of new projects and reinforce existing architectural character in established neighborhoods.

Solution - harmonize new buildings with existing buildings by incorporating design elements of the adjacent architecture including the following:
· Scale and massing of structure
· Finishes, materials and colors

s:\caserev\sp-excpt\se07-08\ SE-08-06 Verizon at McGraw's - Houghton Road ipc