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Plan Number: T08SE00005
Parcel: Unknown

Address: Unknown

Review Status: Completed


Plan Number - T08SE00005
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
03/20/2008 JIMHOFF1 DOT ENGINEERING REVIEW Completed TDOT Engineering has no objections.
03/20/2008 ANDY VERA ENV SVCS REVIEW Completed ES has no objections or comments to this request.
03/20/2008 JIMHOFF1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW ADOT Completed ADOT has NO COMMENT on the Rezoning
03/20/2008 DAVE MANN FIRE REVIEW Approved
03/25/2008 JOSE ORTIZ DOT TRAFFIC REVIEW Completed Traffic has no oblections to the proposed special exception.
03/25/2008 JULIE YBARRA SIGNS SIGN CODE REVIEW Completed The above referenced case is located in the Single Family Residential District and any signs will need to comply with the Single Family Residential District section of the Tucson Sign Code
03/25/2008 JOE LINVILLE LANDSCAPE REVIEW Approv-Cond The Landscape Section recommends that the retention basin be configured to avoid disturbance, as shown in the Environmental Resource Report, of the Protected Riparian Area (Ex. II.T) and the Pima Pineapple Cactus (Ex. IIQ).
03/25/2008 JOE LINVILLE LANDSCAPE REVIEW Approv-Cond Plans have been revised appropriately.

TO: Development Services Department Rezoning Section
FROM: Steve Shields
Lead Planner

PROJECT: TEP Cienega Substation
Dawn Drive
Special Exception - SE-08-05

TRANSMITTAL: March 31, 2008

The zoning for this property is RH. The existing use falls under the Utilities Use Group, Sec. 6.3.12, Distribution System "25", limited to: Power substations with an input voltage of one hundred fifteen (115) kilovolts or greater, subject to: Sec., .F, .G, and .J and approval through a Zoning Examiner Full Notice Procedure, Sec. 23A-50 and 23A-53 (Ord. No. 9967, §2, 7/1/04).
Development designator "25", requires or allows the following:
Minimum site area = 180,000 Sq. Ft.
Floor area ratio = 0.10
Site Coverage = 20%
Maximum building height = 30 feet
Interior perimeter yard indicator = FF

1. This project consists of a 138 Kilovolt utility substation. It appears that the proposed subdivision meets the requirements for setbacks, accessibility and site coverage.

Off-Street Parking: Two (2) required

Off-Street Loading: Not required.

Bicycle Parking: Not required.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Steve Shields, (520) 836-4956.
SE-08-05, TEP Cienega Substaton - Dawn Drive (Ward 4)

General: This special exception request is to allow the use of a 12.7-acre lease site for an electric utility substation. The lease site is located northwest of the Dawn Drive/Shalom Drive intersection, north of Interstate Highway 10 (I-10) and east of Colossal Cave Road, in the southeast Tucson area. It is located on a 308.2-acre undeveloped parcel owned by the Arizona State Land Department (parcel # 305-13-007D).

The site is near the rapidly-growing Vail area in unincorporated Pima County. Areas immediately surrounding the least site in all directions are vacant and undeveloped. Further east and north is single-family residential development. This project is southeast of the urbanized metropolitan area.

Land Use Plan: The special exception site is within the bounds of the Rincon Southeast Subregional Plan, Map Detail #8. There are no applicable policies regarding trails, connectivity and open space/recreational uses.

Designated Trails in Area: According to the Eastern Pima County Trails System Master Plan, there are no designated trails on or adjacent to the site. The nearest trail is the Vail Loop Trail (Local Trail #269), approximately a mile to the northeast. This approximately 2.5-mile long trail links Colossal Cave Road to Cienega Creek.


Parks has no comments or conditions, and does not object to this special exception proposal.

Reviewed By: Joanne Hershenhorn
04/03/2008 JIMHOFF1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW OFFICE OF CONSERVATION & SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Completed Comments submitted by Ann Audrey, Office of Conservation and Sustainable Development
Support approval on the condition that a Revised Mitigation Plan will be provided per the description below.

The proposed impact to PRA of 0.04 acres constitutes approximately 1.5% of the 2.69 acres of total PRA mapped in the ERR. The proposed mitigation area is shown on Exhibit II.Y as constituting 2 acres and is located on the east, north and west sides of the developed portion of the site. This proposed mitigation area is contiguous with the area labeled as landscaping on the Preliminary Development Plan provided in the back of the ERR, and including the area labels as Retention Basin on the west side of the facility.

The Draft Mitigation Plan (section Y of the report) fails to provide specific information about where mitigation plants for PRA impact will be placed, and how they will be maintained differently then conventional landscaping plants. Interspersing mitigation plantings with landscape plantings does not constitute adequate re-creation of riparian habitat. Because plants will eventually be cut off from irrigation, those species most typically associated with riparian areas - Acacia constricta and Prosopis velutina, should be placed in locations that provide similar soil moisture conditions as occurred within the boundaries of the floodplain. Since a number of the mitigation plants are cacti, these should be placed in appropriate soil moisture locations for these plants, and in proximity to the acacia and mesquite mitigation plantings. Applicant should provide an amended Draft Mitigation Plan figure showing specific planting locations for the mitigation plants.

Ann Audrey
City of Tucson
Office of Conservation and Sustainable Development
04/04/2008 JIMHOFF1 TUCSON WATER NEW AREA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Completed According to our records, this area is served by the Vail Water Company. Please seek their comments on this project.

Please feel free to contact me if you need any additional information about our service area.

Thank you,

Frederick Coy
Senior Engineering Associate
Planning and Engineering
Tucson Water
04/04/2008 MATT FLICK ENGINEERING REVIEW Completed T08SE00005 - TEP Cienega Substation - Dawn Drive, RH Zone - Ward 4

DSD Engineering has no objection or adverse comment to approval of the Special Exception.

The 12.72-acre substation site lies along the north side of Dawn Drive about 2100 feet east of Colossal Cave Road. The site is part of a 308.15-acre Arizona State Land Department parcel and is currently undeveloped.

Dawn Drive is a paved, two-lane local street with a 150 feet wide right-of-way and generally serves the rural residential properties in this area. Access to this site will be from Dawn Drive.

Soils and topography on the site are characteristic of alluvial fans. Vegetated soils are resistant to erosion but are erodible when disturbed or vegetation is removed. The northern one-third of the site is subject to frequent flows and contains a regulatory floodplain. The proposed substation development encroaches slightly into the floodplain as determined by the applicant's consultant.

The site lies in a non-designated basin and is not subject to detention requirements. Threshold retention is indicated and water harvesting is required by the LUC.

The following conditions are requested:

1. Preparation of a complete Drainage Report, including details of detention/retention, is required.

2. Each detention/retention basin shall include a sediment trap, or other sediment control measures as approved by the City Engineer, to prevent sedimentation of the detention/retention basin. Each sediment trap, or other sediment control measure, shall have a provision for total drainage.

3. Detention/retention basin floors shall be graded to drain either toward the outlet structure or other logical point. Basin floors shall not be flat.
04/07/2008 JIMHOFF1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW PIMA ASSN OF GOVTS Completed RE: SE-08-05 Cienega Substation

This project will have minimal traffic impact.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions,



Sandra C. Holland
Senior Statistical/ Research Analyst
04/07/2008 JIMHOFF1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW TDOT STREETS Completed No objections from Streets.

Sandra Zurbrick
April 7, 2008
SE-08-05 TEP Cienega Substation - Dawn Drive
Special Exception RH
Rincon Southeast SubregionalPlan, Map Detail #8
03//21/07 drcorral

This special exception request is to allow a new Tucson Electric Power Company (TEP) substation on a 12.7-acre-site (leased) located within a parcel owned by Arizona State Land Department (ASLD). The ASLD vacant parcel is located approximately one-half mile east of the intersection of Colossal Cave Road and Dawn Drive. The proposed TEP lease site is to be centrally located along the southern boundary of the State parcel, adjacent to an existing electrical transmission line. Access will be from Dawn Drive using two 20-foot private access easements, one at the southeast corner and the other at the southwest corner of the lease site to accommodate TEP vehicles with a loop access around/through the substation. The TEP substation lease boundary is being proposed at 1,000 feet from the existing residential properties to the east with an additional two hundred feet interior setback from the lease boundaries to the perimeter masonry wall that will enclose the substation and ground equipment.

Land Use Plan Policy Summary

Land use plan policy guidance is provided by the Rincon Southeast Subregional Plan (RSSP) Map Detail #8 and the City's General Plan. The Design Guidelines Manual suggests design techniques that can be used to implement land use plan policy objectives.

The Houghton/Dawn map detail covers an approximately 3,500-acre or 5.5-square-mile area of undeveloped State Trust lands, generally located north and south of Interstate 10 between Houghton Road on the west and Colossal Cave Road on the east. This map detail area lies immediately east of map detail #4-RSSP and shares many of the same environmental characteristics. The terrain is generally flat and braided by a network of shallow washes. The characteristic vegetation is creosote, bur sage, and cacti species, with mesquite found in and along the washes.

The area is zoned RH (Rural Homestead, very low-density residential) and RX-1 (low-density residential). The closest residential development is a recreational vehicle park located east of Houghton Road, just north of the Rocket Road alignment. The area is affected by both high voltage transmission lines and an underground gas pipeline.

The Environmental Resource Zone (ERZ) recognizes the value of Tucson's open space resources, particularly the critical and sensitive wildlife habitat of eastern Pima County associated with public preserves. The Houghton/Dawn area contains numerous significant washes that were added to the ERZ base map when original City zoning was established for this area.

General Plan policy supports measures that protect life and property, including those that minimize potential loss due to flooding and erosion. Policies promote protecting washes and associated habitat and wildlife corridors. Other policies encourage environmentally sensitive site design that enhances the visual quality of the community. The Design Guidelines Manual suggests techniques for improving the visual appeal of freestanding walls, and screening less visually attractive uses, such as utility equipment.

There is one ERZ watercourse and one proposed ERZ watercourse within the ASLD parcel boundary; however, none of the watercourses will be affected by the project site.


The proposed 12.5-acre substation is a right-of-way leased site located within a 308.15-acre undeveloped, ASLD-owned parcel located north of Dawn Drive and straddles Colossal Cave Road. There is no adjoining human-occupied development. The nearest residential development abuts the vacant ASLD parcel along the eastern boundary of the ASLD parcel. However, the TEP substation lease area is centralized within the ASLD parcel and therefore approximately 1,000 feet from the nearest residential development.

The substation will be setback at least 200 feet from all sides of the leased area. Maintenance of the site, including electrical equipment, access driveways and drainage retention basin will be the responsibility of TEP. To minimize visual impacts, staff supports a 10-foot high decorative masonry screen wall as proposed applicant on all four sides of the substation improvements. The applicant proposes to provide a final mitigation plan for any area disturbed during construction, subject to Development Services and the Office of Conservation and Sustainability Development staff approval.

There are no designated watercourses affecting the project site. There is one ERZ watercourse and one proposed ERZ watercourse within the ASLD parcel boundary, but not affected by the proposed substation. Both regulated watercourses are reaches of Franco Wash. According to the Wash information maps, there is no presence of Critical and Sensitive Biological Communities (Shaw 1986) within the project site. An area west of the proposed substation is classified as Class II Habitat, which is associated with a reach of the Franco Wash. Franco Wash habitat will not be affected by the proposed substation. In addition, its difficult to determine if the proposed TEP lease site has any invasive buffelgrass. If found, staff requires an eradication mitigation plan (method of constant monitor and treatment).


The proposed use of this site for a substation is consistent with RSSP. Screening and buffering will be provided to minimize visual impacts on the surroundings, consistent with General Plan policies. To enhance this proposal's compliance with RSSP and General Plan policies, the following are recommended as conditions of granting this special exception request:

1. Ten-foot-high perimeter decorative masonry screen wall is to be a color that blends in with the natural surroundings, and shall be graffiti-resistant.
Relevant Policies and Guidelines:
· Element 7, Safety, Policy 2
· Element 14, Environmental Planning and Conservation, Policy 3
· DG - I.B.3.a. - Freestanding Walls

2. The applicant proposes to provide a final mitigation plan for any area disturbed outside the perimeter wall during construction, subject to Development Services and the Office of Conservation and Sustainability Development staff approval.
Relevant Policies and Guidelines:
· RSSP - Landscaping Policy a.1,2,3,& 4
· Element 7, Safety, Policy 2
· General Plan. Element 1, Growth Areas and Population, Policy 22
· Element 2, Land Use, Supporting Policy 10.2
· Element 4, Community Character and Design, Policy 6.1
· Element 14, Environmental Planning and Conservation, Policy 3
· DG - I.B.3.f. - Landscape Screens

3. An archaeological assessment and survey shall be performed by a qualified archaeologist before any grading or other ground modification takes place. If cultural features or remains are found, testing and data recovery shall be completed as needed. Copies of testing plans, testing reports, data recovery plans and final reports shall be submitted to and approved by the City Historic Preservation Office prior to construction work commencing. If, during construction, human remains and associated burial items are discovered, ground disturbing activities in the vicinity of the discovery will cease, the discovery site will be secured, and the Arizona State Museum will be immediately notified as required under A. R. S. 41-865.
Relevant Policies
· RSSP - Archaeological and Historic Preservation Policy a., b., & c.
· GP - Element 5 - Policy 3, 3.1, & 3.1A

4. A buffelgrass management plan will be created for the site as part of the Native Plant Preservation Plan portion of the Landscape Plan approval.
Relevant Policies & Guidelines
· GP - Element 14: Policy 4 & 4.3.B
· DG - I.B.3.d - Plant Materials



Plan Adoption Date: June 10, 1996 (Resolution No. 17293)
Annexation Date: January 2, 1996 (Ordinance No. 8616, C15-95-19)

General Description

The Houghton/Dawn map detail covers an approximately 3,500-acre or 5.5-square-mile area of undeveloped State Trust lands, generally located north and south of Interstate 10 between Houghton Road on the west and Colossal Cave Road on the east. This map detail area lies immediately east of map detail #4-RSSP and shares many of the same environmental characteristics. The terrain is generally flat and braided by a network of shallow washes. The characteristic vegetation is creosote, bur sage, and cacti species, with mesquite found in and along the washes.

The area is zoned RH (Rural Homestead, very low-density residential) and RX-1 (low-density residential). The closest residential development is a recreational vehicle park located east of Houghton Road, just north of the Rocket Road alignment. The area is affected by both high voltage transmission lines and an underground gas pipeline.

The Major Streets and Routes Plan (MS&R) identifies certain streets for special designation as scenic or gateway routes. Because Houghton Road north of the Harrison-I-10 area had previously been designated a gateway route, this gateway designation was extended south at the time original City zoning was established for this area. In addition, Colossal Cave Road is designated as a scenic route in the county and is a candidate scenic route in city. This is the first segment of Colossal Cave Road to be annexed into the City.

The Environmental Resource Zone (ERZ) recognizes the value of Tucson's open space resources, particularly the critical and sensitive wildlife habitat of eastern Pima County associated with public preserves. The Houghton/Dawn area contains numerous significant washes that were added to the ERZ base map when original City zoning was established for this area.

In addition to the environmental concerns regarding wash preservation, the most significant influence on future development is Interstate 10, which diagonally bisects the area. The Southern Pacific Railroad, immediately north of the plan area, will also impact future land uses and transportation both within the plan area and in adjacent undeveloped areas to the north. Because the area is undeveloped, there is little infrastructure. The I-10 interchange for Colossal Cave Road/Wentworth Road lies directly south of the easternmost portion of the plan area. Colossal Cave Road leads to the community of Vail and the Rincon Valley. Wentworth Road leads south to New Tucson.

The Eastern Pima County Trail System Master Plan shows the Flato-Franco washes (#4) as a Second Priority Primary Trail. This trail route is comprised of natural washes and road and utility rights-of-way. In the Houghton/Dawn area, the trail follows the underground gas line easement and Colossal Cave Road and is primarily intended to serve as a long distance equestrian trail and desert belt connection to Cienega Creek.

Plan Designations

Areas identified as ERZ washes are designated Resource Conservation (RC) on the map detail. Otherwise, plan designations generally reflect current zoning. The area south of the interstate is planned Low Intensity Rural and Medium Intensity Rural, which generally correspond to RH and RX-1 zoning. The majority of the area north of the interstate, zoned RH, is planned Development Reserve. Development Reserve is a "holding zone" for future urban development. The Medium Intensity Rural designation north of the interstate reflects RX-1 zoning. The I-10 corridor is planned Medium High Intensity Urban and restricted to nonresidential uses by Special Area Policy 5-03. Design standards in this corridor are provided by Special Area Policy 2-03.

Applicable Subregional Policies

All Subregional Policies should be reviewed for applicability to land use proposals within this area. Depending on the particular site under consideration and the nature of the rezoning request, Natural and Cultural Resources policies, particularly Open Space, Wildlife Habitat, Regional Trail System, and Archaeological and Historic Preservation policies, will be particularly important to guide development in this area.

Special Area Policies

Special Area 2-03 I-10 Corridor/Eastern Gateway

Site design standards are provided for this area to enhance the sense of entry to the metropolitan area, preserve viewsheds and native vegetation, and mitigate negative impacts from industrial uses.

2-03 I-10 Corridor/Eastern Gateway
Location: T16, R16, portions of Sections 7, 18, 17, 20, & 21. T16, R15, portions of Section 12.
Description/Purpose: Standards to preserve scenic quality along a major transportation corridor and enhance the sense of entry into the metropolitan area; design criteria for visual standards, preservation of viewsheds of ridge lines and preservation of native vegetation; mitigation of negative impacts of industrial uses; buffering of existing residential; restriction of future residential. (Also see Special Area 5-03).

Special Area 5-03 Restricted (Nonresidential) Medium High Intensity Urban

This area is restricted to nonresidential uses to provide a transition between existing industrial and low-intensity residential uses.

5-03 Restricted (Nonresidential) Medium High Intensity Urban
Location: I-10 corridor and areas south of Tucson International Airport (T16, R15, portions of Sections 2 & 12; T16, R16, portions of Sections 7, 18, 17 & 20; T16, R14, portions of Section 5.)
Description: Restricted to nonresidential uses; provides for office and Park Industrial area as a transition between existing industrial and lower intensity residential uses.

2. Wildlife Habitat and Corridors
Protection of wildlife habitat and movement corridors includes both preservation and mitigation of negative impacts of development.

a. Areas shall be identified as significant wildlife habitat and corridors in accordance with the following:
1) Critical and Sensitive Wildlife Habitats of Eastern Pima County Map accepted and endorsed by Mayor and Council in December 1989 or inventory update which supersedes this study;
2) Environmental Resource Report prepared in accordance with City of Tucson Development Standard 1-07.0 (Environmental Resource Report).

9. Archaeological and Historic Preservation
As appropriate to the development proposal and site characteristics, the following procedures may be required:

a. Site Inventory: An inventory of archaeological and historical sites shall include a summary of records maintained at the Arizona State Museum for parcels that have already been surveyed.

b. Site Survey: If recommended by the Arizona State Museum or the State Historic Preservation Office, parcels that have not been inventoried shall be field surveyed by a professional archaeologist, and any resources encountered shall be recorded in accordance with guidelines established by the Arizona State Museum and the State Historic Preservation Office.

c. Based on the inventory or survey process, significant archaeological and historical sites shall be evaluated by a professional archaeologist and/or architectural historian, as appropriate, for designation under the City historic zone ordinance and eligibility to the National and State Registers of Historic Places.

Site Design
3. Landscaping
a. An acceptable plant preservation plan completed by a qualified professional shall be a condition of rezoning if the site analysis identifies any of the following on-site features:
1) Threatened and/or endangered plant species;
2) Plants listed in Appendix A of the Arizona Native Plant Law;
3) Significant wildlife habitats and corridors (see Plan Policy II.B.2);
4) Areas of riparian vegetation.

b. The plant preservation plan shall clearly delineate areas to be preserved, including the fencing of no-grade areas. The City Landscape Inspector shall field verify compliance with grading limit lines.

c. Wherever on-site features as noted in policy a. above can not be preserved, landscape design and construction shall promote the use of transplanted, on-site desert plants, container plants, seeded desert plants and inorganic groundcover. This requirement shall be particularly emphasized on all landscaped areas abutting public rights-of-way, scenic and gateway routes and landscaping having high public visibility.

d. Saguaros of a height of six feet or less that can not be preserved in place or relocated on-site shall be replaced on a one-to-one height basis with nursery grown or permitted and tagged saguaro transplants (as per Arizona Native Plant Law requirements).

e. Saguaros measuring over six feet that can not be preserved in place or effectively relocated on-site shall be replaced, within the site area, with two or more nursery grown or permitted and tagged saguaro transplants whose combined height equals that of the saguaro that is lost.

f. The preservation plan shall specify salvage and transplant procedures, soil preparation and a maintenance schedule for all relocated plants, and include assurances that saguaro and other cacti salvage shall be performed by a professional using equipment appropriate for the size of the plant being moved.

General Plan

General Plan. Element 1, Growth Areas and Population, Policy 22 is to protect washes, linkages to important habitat areas, and wildlife corridors through design and development practices that respect the natural environment

Element 2, Land Use, Supporting Policy 10.2 is to continue to develop and refine regulations and guidelines to support wildlife and vegetation when development occurs within environmentally sensitive areas

Element 4, Community Character and Design, Policy 1 is to protect and enhance Tucson's natural setting, urban form and community image. Supporting Policy1.5 is to promote a renewed community effort to control visual blight … Supporting Policy 3.1 is to protect views from frequently used gathering places, major streets, and pedestrian paths … Policy 6 is to promote quality in design for ... all development. Supporting Policy 6.1 is for all development to incorporate environmentally sensitive design that … complements adjacent land uses, and enhances the overall function and visual quality of the … community. Supporting Policy 6.6 is to utilize strategies in the Design Guidelines Manual to provide an improved level of community design.

General Plan - Element 5
Policy 3: Consider the needs of unique and newly emerging preservation-related resource areas requiring special attention.
Supporting Policy 3.1: Focus on the preservation of historic vegetation, historic landscapes, and historic trails.
Supporting Policy 3.1A: Develop a process for the identification, designation, and protection of these historic elements as a component of a heritage and cultural resources plan.

Element 7, Safety, Policy 2 is to maintain measures to protect life and property in natural hazard areas. Supporting Policy 2.1 is to continue to administer and update adopted floodplain regulations to reduce the damage and severity of flood events.

Element 14, Environmental Planning and Conservation, Policy 3 is to implement methods to conserve and enhance habitat when development occurs.

Development Standards
Design Guideline I.B.3.a, Freestanding Walls - The intent is to reduce the impact of freestanding walls over 75 feet long and over 3 feet high and increase their visual appeal. Solutions include promoting variations in scale, reflective surface, texture and pattern by varying the wall alignment (jog, curve, notch, setback, etc.), and planting trees and shrubs in the voids created by wall variations; and using two or more wall materials, and/or incorporating a visually interesting design on the wall surface.

Design Guideline I.B.3.f, Landscape Screen - The intent is to use landscaping … to screen less visually attractive uses. A solution is to screen … utility equipment …by using a masonry wall and plantings.

s:\caserev\sp-excpt\se07-08\ SE-08-05 TEP Cienega Substation - Dawn Drive
05/09/2008 JIMHOFF1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW OTHER AGENCIES Passed The Tucson Airport Authority has reviewed the above referenced Special Exception request and has no concerns or comments.

Dennis Cady, AICP
Director of Planning
05/09/2008 JIMHOFF1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW OTHER AGENCIES Passed I have no issues with this proposal at this time.
CSO Becky Noel
Tucson Police Dept

Tim Bolton
Principal Planner
Arizona State Land Department
Southern Arizona Real Estate Office