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Permit Number: T08OT00312
Parcel: 12205046A


Review Status: Completed

Review Details: SITE

Permit Number - T08OT00312
Review Name: SITE
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
02/08/2008 MARTIN BROWN FIRE REVIEW Denied Automatic fire sprinklers are required in condominiums. The existing water meters shown on the plans are too small to use. See IFC Section 903.
02/14/2008 SREEVES1 ADA REVIEW Passed
02/15/2008 PETER MCLAUGHLIN LANDSCAPE REVIEW Denied 1. The proposed condominiums must be submitted through the CDRC as a subdivision plat. Refer to DS 2-03 and LUC 4.1.9 for platting requirements or remove all references to "condominiums". Further review comments may be necessary based on the type of review required (site plan or final plat).

2. The landscape border along Seneca Street scales to only 7 feet in width on the site plan drawings (sheets C-1.1 and C-1.2). A street landscape border, per Sec. of the LUC, is a landscape area with a minimum width of ten (10) feet, running the full length of the street property line(s) bounding the site except for points of ingress-egress. Revise site plans to show correctly dimensioned street landscape borders.

3. Relative to the property line the sidewalk is shown in different locations on the site plan and landscape plan. Revise plans to be consistent.

4. The trash dumpster may not be placed within the street landscape border. A full 10-foot width of landscape border is required at the corner of Seneca Street and Ralph Avenue. LUC

5. The cross section labels on site plan sheet C-1.2 are incorrect. Revise all labels to indicate the correct cross section details as shown on sheet C-1.3.

6. For general basin landscaping, both riverstone and decomposed granite are appropriate. But overall, inert groundcovers should not comprise over 35% of the total basin area. See the Stormwater Detention/Retention Manual DS 10-01, page 95 for guidelines on use of decomposed granite within the basin area.

7. The landscape border shall be recorded as common area and maintained by the homeowners association (HOA). The subdivision CC&Rs and shall reference the maintenance standards in Sec. 3.7.6. The DSD Director may allow the recording of a public use easement with the subdivision plat in cases where the requirements of this section is the only reason for the creation of an HOA. The public use easement shall require the abutting property owner to install and maintain a landscape border in accordance with the standards in this Division. LUC

8. The Landscape Borders Table on sheet L2 indicates a 10-foot wide interior landscape border along the east property line adjacent to the residentially zoned single family home to the eat of the site. Show the required 10-foot landscape border along the east property line as required per LUC Table 3.7.2-I
02/15/2008 PETER MCLAUGHLIN NPPO REVIEW Denied The proposed condominiums must be submitted through the CDRC as a subdivision plat. Refer to DS 2-03 and LUC 4.1.9 for platting requirements or remove all references to "condominiums". Further review comments may be necessary based on the type of review required (site plan or final plat).
03/05/2008 HEATHER THRALL ZONING REVIEW Denied TO: Development Services Department
Plans Coordination Office

FROM: Heather Thrall
Senior Planner

PROJECT: T08OT00312, 2102 N. Ralph Avenue
5 new apartment units
Commercial Site plan, 1st Review


COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along with redlines and a response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed.

1. This project was reviewed for compliance with the Land Use Code (LUC), Development Standards (DS), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Tucson City Code 20-222 and International Building Code 2006 (IBC). Specifically, the project was reviewed for site plan content specified in DS 2-02.

2. Per DS 2-, regarding buildings:
A) please provide a building footprint dimension for permitting and records
B) please provide a square footage for each unit
C) please declare whether the units will be two story (don't want to assume that 21' is a 2nd story when it could be just a vaulted peak single story)
D) please declare wall heights for setback calculations
E) please declare any roof overhangs with a dashed line
F) please declare the entry for the units
G) please declare the style of roof
H) please declare how height is measured for the project - note that it is to be from GRADE to either the flat roof and then a parapet height OR from GRADE to midpoint of peak and top of peak.

3. Per DS 2-, regarding setbacks:
A) please provide a note that lists "the minimum building setback adjacent to R-2 zoning is the greater of 10' or ¾ of the height of the exterior building wall."
B) Please provide a note that lists "the minimum building setback from the street front lot line at Seneca is the greater of 21feet or the height of the exterior building wall"
C) Please provide a note that lists "the minimum building setback from the street side lot line at Ralph is 10 feet"
D) Clarify wall height from grade to top of wall at each lot line for verification that sufficient setbacks are provided.
E) I see the setback lines and dimensions provided on the top sheet C1.1, please transfer that data to the actual reviewed site plan drawing on sheet C-1.2

4. Per DS 2-, regarding parking:
A) the 80 degree parking angle provided requires that the PAAL serving access to it is 24' wide, per LUC - the plan provides only 17' of PAAL area. Please revise the parking angle and/or PAAL width as needed.
B) on sheet 3, detail B, revise the length of the parking space to meet chart on LUC for 80 degree, 9' width space - 19.3 feet
C) on sheet 3, detail D, revise the truncated dome location to show them only along the concrete where directly abutting the handicapped access aisle in a 2' wide strip.
D) On sheet 3, detail D, revise the location of the free-standing handicapped sign, as it will be hit by vehicle overhang
E) On sheet 3, detail D, revise the detail reference for the handicapped parking symbol to be "E" rather than F
F) On sheet 3, detail D, please dimension the handicapped access aisle
G) On sheet 3, detail D, please call out the handicapped space depicted as being "van accessible"
H) On sheet 3, detail F, please provide a van accessible sign to be added to the handicapped parking sign.
I) Please provide a parking ratio note per the LUC 3.3.4, 3 bedrooms requires 2.25 parking spaces x 5 units = 11.25 parking spaces required

5. Per DS 2-, regarding bicycle parking:
A) please provide a bicycle parking calculation per LUC 3.3.4, 8% of the number of provided parking spaces. All class 2 allowed for under 50 spaces
B) please disperse the bicycle parking more evening in the complex, to support the intent of DS 2-09.4.1, which is to provide a bicycle parking space within 50' of the entry to the building.

6. Per DS 2-02.1.10, regarding PAALs:
A) the minimum PAAL width for 80 degree angled parking is 24' - revise PAAL width or parking angle
B) with the above notation, two way traffic is implied with 80 degree parking angle.
C) For help with adjusting parking angles and sizes, please see the chart in LUC

7. Per DS 2-, regarding pedestrian and handicapped access;
A) per DS 2-08.3.1, provide pedestrian access to the dumpster
B) per DS 2-08.4.1.A, provide pedestrian access from Seneca to the building

8. Per DS 2-, please declare any freestanding signage with specs

9. Per DS 2-, please ensure any/all easements are provided graphically on the plan and a recordation note is given with the docket/page.

10. Per DS 2-, please show any proposed free-standing lighting and if located adjacent or within vehicle use areas, please call out the width of the pole base and the vertical clearance.

11. Per DS 2-02.2.2.A.3, I see the reference to the FAR calc. Because the property is multi-family residential, it is actually a Lot Coverage calculation. Lot coverage is to be provided in a percentage form, and should include all vehicle use area and building footprint. The maximum lot coverage permitted for this use is 75%.

12. Please note that to convert these apartments into actual condominiums (an air space inside the unit that has a legal description and parcel number allowable for individual sale) requires a final plat to be submitted to the CDRC division of Development Services, reviewed and approved by all CDRC division members (traffic, fire, zoning, engineering, etc.)

13. Please note that depending upon the responses provided, further review comments may be forthcoming. I may be reached at Heather.Thrall@tucsonaz.gov or at 837-4951.

HCT C:\planning\site\DSD\T08OT00312 2102 n ralph.doc

RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Revised site plan and additional requested documents
03/05/2008 HEATHER THRALL ZONING HC SITE REVIEW Denied Please see zoning review comments for this project.
03/12/2008 LOREN MAKUS ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied March 14, 2008
T08OT00312 Site Review
2102 North Ralph Avenue
Loren Makus, EIT

Revise the sight visibility triangle so that the street side is at the edge of the travel lane. Show the SVTs for the intersection of Ralph Avenue and Seneca Street.

Per DS 3-01
2.4 Parking Lanes.
A. A parking lane is seven (7) feet in width and parallel with the curb, if used with a
vertical curb and measured from the face of the vertical curb, and eight (8) feet in
width and parallel with the curb, if used with a wedge curb and measured from the
back of the wedge curb.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
03/24/2008 SUE REEVES REJECT SHELF Completed