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Permit Number: T08CM03315
Parcel: 133033080

Review Status: Completed


Permit Number - T08CM03315
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
10/08/2008 DROBEY1 WWM REVIEW Needs Review
10/17/2008 ANDREW CONNOR NPPO REVIEW Denied Case # T08SA00370 is currently under review. Submit a copy of the approved overlay plans for reference. The site application will be reviewed for compliance when the approved documents are included in the submittal.

FROM: Michael St.Paul, Planning Technician

PROJECT: T08CM03315 (T08SA00370 for SCZ)
1475 North Houghton Road
SFR 1st review (133-03-3080)

TRANSMITTAL: October 28, 2008

COMMENTS: Please attach a response letter with the next submittal, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed.

1. This review is for a single family residential (SFR) in the SR zone (LUC Section The Development Designator is "C" (LUC Section and the Perimeter Yard Indicator is BB (LUC Section

2. This property is located on North Houghton Road, which is on the Major Streets and Routes (MS&R) Setback Zone (LUC Section 2.8.3). Please demonstrate compliance with the MS&R requirements by providing the existing and future right-of-ways (ROWs) and the existing and future curb locations (DS 2-02.2.1.A.19).

3. North Houghton Road is also located in the Scenic Corridor Zone (SCZ) (LUC Section 2.8.2). A thirty (30) foot landscaping buffer is required along the SCZ measured from the edge of the future ROW (LUC Section

4. The maximum building height is twenty-four (24) feet for a residential structure in the SCZ (LUC Section and the building setback is three (3) times the building's height (LUC Section

5. All building heights must be stated on the plan (see site plan model). Also provide fully dimensioned elevations.

6. Provide dimensions from each side the structure to the nearest property lines.

7. Show all utility lines such are water, gas and electric.

8. Show all easements of record with dimensions and use.

9. Please be aware that there shall be additional comments relative to the Overlay procedure and submittals, changes in the plans submitted and/or additional information provided.

10. Please see the SCZ overlay review T08SA00370. The plot plan and the SCZ overlay plan should be identical.
10/31/2008 JASON GREEN ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied DATE: October 30, 2008
SUBJECT: New Single-Family Residence- Engineering Review
TO: Holly Burns
LOCATION: 1475 N Houghton Road, Ward 2
ACTIVITY: T08CM03315 (Site Plan)

SUMMARY: Engineering Division of Development Services Department has received and reviewed the Site Plan application (T08CM03315) and supplemental grading plan for the above referenced property and does not recommend approval of the Site Plan at this time. The following information is required:


1) Clarify General Note # 10 on the grading plan sheet referencing that the entire site is within a 100-year floodplain. The subject property is located within a Shaded Zone X 500-year floodplain as shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), Community- Panel No. 040073-04019C-2257K, effective date July 24, 2000. Since this project does not appear to be within a mapped FEMA SFHA please provide any additional information that would clarify the note and the need for an elevated finish floor.

2) TC Sec.26-5: Provide an engineering study prepared by a state-registered professional civil engineer that addresses the requirements outlined in section 26-5.2 if it is determined by the civil engineer that this property is affected by a regulatory 100-year floodplain.

3) Provide 2 separate cross section through the house (North-South and East-West) showing all dimensions, setbacks, elevations (existing and proposed), etc to verify conformance with the grading standards.

4) Revise the Site Plan sheet to demonstrate compliance with the Major Streets and Routes (MS&R) Setback Zone (LUC Section 2.8.3). Providing the existing and/or future right-of-ways (ROWs) for Houghton Road along with the existing and/or future curb and sidewalk locations per the Development Standards and the Transportation Access Management Guidelines.

5) Revise the Site Plan and /or supplemental grading plan sheet to label the proposed spot elevations on the plan to show drainage, slopes and driveway access to the proposed residence.

6) Per the cut and fill quantities shown on the plan set it is required that a grading permit application with associated fees be submitted for review. The single-family residence building plan will not be approved prior to grading plan approval.

7) Provide the name and telephone contact information on the Site Plan sheet for the owner of the property.

8) Provide a description for the "square lined" symbol that is shown on the plan sets within the legend. All symbols that are used on the site plan or grading plan sheets must be shown in the legend, revise.

9) Be advised that all future improvements (walls, fences, pool, and detached or attached accessory structures) will require a separate permit for review and approval.

10) All site plans (Overlay Site Plan and SFR Site Plan) must match. All comments posted under the Overlay review, Activity #T08SA00370, must be shown on both site plans prior to approval.


Please provide a revised engineered site plan, Hydrology Report (if applicable) and all associated information that address the comments provided above.

For any questions or to schedule a meeting I can be reached at 837-4929.

Jason Green, CFM
Senior Engineer Associate
Engineering Division
Development Services

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
11/07/2008 DELMA ROBEY OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed
11/07/2008 SUE REEVES REJECT SHELF Completed