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Permit Number: T08CM02318
Parcel: 12312139B

Review Status: Completed


Permit Number - T08CM02318
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
09/22/2008 ANDREW CONNOR NPPO REVIEW Denied Submit NPP plan or Application for Exception; include acceptable documentation, which clearly indicates that the project will not impact Protected Native Plants.
09/30/2008 GERRY KOZIOL WWM REVIEW Approved
Date: 10-16-08
Activity: T08CM02318
Address: 1527 E. Hampton St.
Applicant: Steve Sweet

Plan review for the above referenced structure has been completed. This letter reflects comments to be addressed. In order to facilitate a shorter back check time, we request that you please provide revised plans and calculations, along with a written response to each of the noted items indicating action taken.

The scope of this plan review includes architectural, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, and energy conservation. The purpose of this review is to verify compliance to the 2006 International Residential Code with local amendments. Other comment references may be derived from additional codes and standards adopted by The City of Tucson. All features have been checked only to the extent allowed by the submittals provided for review. All portions of this project are assumed to meet other departmental requirements, conditions, and concerns before permit approval.

1. Provide two copies of the corrected set of drawings (no clouds or revision numbers please) along with a set of the first submission (cloud corrections on this set please). All corrections and revisions shall be made on original tracings or finished reproducible set. Pen or pencil corrections on final prints will not be acceptable. To avoid delays, ensure that all corrections have been made, are complete, and have been coordinated on all applicable detail and note sheets.
2. Any architect and/or engineer involved in the design of the structure shall seal the related sheets of plans, details and calculations in accordance with the rules of the State Board of Technical Registration.

3. Darken type as necessary in order to provide a clearly legible plan.
4. Provide complete construction drawings for the proposed detached garage.

INCLUSIVE HOME DESIGN: (references taken from ANSI 117.1-1998 as amended)
5. Correct note for applicability to unincorporated Pima County.
6. Provide all switches, receptacles, and controls within 48 inches of the floor but not less than 15 inches above the floor, 1003.9 (including thermostat controls).

7. Specify tempered glass in hazardous locations, R308.4 (Adjacent to stairways and landings).
8. All exterior wall lines shall be braced and parallel interior wall lines shall be braced at intervals not exceeding 35' from exterior wall lines, R403.1.6, R602.10.1.1, R602.10.8.

9. Justify the exterior balcony beam size based on the appropriate loading criteria (60psf for exterior balconies, Table 301.5).
10. Provide lateral analysis for stud walls exceeding 10' in height approved by an engineer registered in the State of Arizona, 602.3(5).
11. Specify header sizes and materials for all openings.

12. Provide cross section detail for 2x6 framing option at radius roof over bathroom #3.
13. Clarify roofing materials to be used (four different materials specified).
14. Provide solid blocking for I-joists at interior bearing wall per manufacturer requirements.
15. Provide cross section of exterior balcony to include details for all connections (roof to beam, beam to post, post to floor, floor to post, etc.).

16. Details are required for island venting (air admittance valves/Chicago Loops), UPC 909.
17. Specify a 1" water meter for the proposed demand.
18. Provide a pressure drop calculation, 610.8.

19. Provide discharge of condensate to an approved location, M1411.3, IMC amendment 307.

20. All smoke detectors must be interconnected with a power source from the building wiring, and shall be equipped with battery backup, R313.
21. Show receptacle outlets at wall spaces 2' or more so that no point along the wall is more than 6' from a receptacle outlet, E3801.2 (Ref: Master bedroom spacing).

If you have any questions please contact:
Clayton Trevillyan
Residential Plan Review