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Permit Number: T08CM00405
Parcel: 13323190A

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: SITE

Permit Number - T08CM00405
Review Name: SITE
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
02/11/2008 DAVE MANN FIRE REVIEW Approved

FROM: Terry Stevens
Lead Planner

7760 E. Speedway Blvd.
Site Plan


COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along with redlines and a response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed.

1. DS 2- Provide the legal description of the parcel being developed. The lot split (reconfiguration) must be approved by the City of Tucson and completed before approval of this site plan. Provide on the site plan the case number of the lot split in the lower right corner near the title block.

2. DS 2- Provide the lot dimensions and bearings for the parcel being developed.

3. DS 2- Provide dimensioned distance between buildings.

4. Ds 2- In the notes and calculations of sheet 1 of 6, note #6 indicates 507 parking spaces have been provided. A count of the spaces on the submitted plan indicates 490 parking spaces provided. The required number of parking spaces is 505, a redesign will be required or application for a variance to reduce the number of required parking spaces.

The plans submitted as the last approved plans are not complete. There has been a revision to this site for a widening of the entrance from Speedway near the Fuel Station. Provide a copy of this revision as it may indicate a change to the number of provided parking spaces as well as a change to traffic flow in general.

On the parking spaces located along Speedway, the western most parking space, has unidentifiable items indicated within the parking space. Clarify what is located within this parking space.

Per DS 3-05.2.3.C.2, wheel stop curbing is to be located 2'-6" from the front of the parking space. Revise detail B on page one. The detail reference on the handicap parking space detail is referenced incorrectly as B/2. Revise.

Clearly indicate the minimum distance of seven (7) feet from grade to the bottom of the handicap sign, per City of Tucson standards.

5. DS 2- This portion of the entire site is required to meet full code compliance. Per DS 2-09.4.1 Class 2 bicycle parking facilities will be located no more than fifty (50) feet from the main building entrance(s) and will be along the front side of the building as well as along other sides of the building that has an entrance. A minimum of two class 2 bicycle parking spaces are required. Clearly indicate location.

6. DS 2- Clearly indicate the distance from the columns for the front porches to the edge of the PAAL. Per DS 3-05.2.2.B.2 the minimum distance is one (1) foot.

The eaves of the porches appear to overhang the PAAL. Clearly indicate the height from grade to the eave. Minimum distance is fifteen (15) feet.

7. DS 2- Provide a pedestrian circulation path connecting to the trash enclosure. See DS 2-08.3.1.

The handicap ramps indicated as keynote #11 do not meet the requirements of City of Tucson Standards detail 207. Detail 207 is for use within the right of way only. All other handicap ramps must the criteria of ANSI 117.1-2003.

Provide a detail of all handicap ramps, clearly indicating slope, width, location of truncated domes, landing, etc.

The pedestrian circulation path (sidewalks) at the front of the buildings must be physically separated from the vehicular use area. See DS 2-08.4.1. The handicap ramp is only required at the crosswalk.

8. DS 2- Provide location, type, size, and height of all existing and proposed signage.

9. DS 2- Per LUC Sec. On a project containing more than one building, loading spaces shall be provided for each building. Loading zone has not been provided for the retail building.

The loading zone and the trash enclosure provided for the Food Services Use has been located on an adjacent property. Provide an access easement over this property for the loading zone. Indicate the recording information of the site plan (docket and page). Provide a copy of the cross access and cross parking agreement including verbiage for the loading zone and the trash enclosure which has been located partially on the adjacent property.

10. DS 2- Provide the location of the future curb and future sight visibility triangles.

11. DS 2- If applicable, provide existing and proposed lighting layout and type.

12. DS 2- The proposed use of the Starbucks is incorrect. A coffee shop is considered Food Services. Revise use.

13. DS 2-02.2.2.A.3 Revise the number of required and provided vehicular and bicycle parking spaces in compliance with previous comments.

DS 2-02.2.2.A.4 Revise the number of required and provided loading zones in compliance with previous comments.

DS 2-02.2.2.A.6 Provide the percentage of building area expansion. The building areas have been previously expanded, those calculations shall be included. DS 2-02.2.2.B When the proposed site is part of a larger site, the calculation encompass the entire site, whether existing or proposed.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Terry Stevens, (520) 837-4961

02/14/2008 SREEVES1 ADA REVIEW Passed
02/19/2008 TERRY STEVENS ZONING HC SITE REVIEW Denied see zoning comments.
02/28/2008 PETER MCLAUGHLIN LANDSCAPE REVIEW Denied Submit a copy of the approved landscape plan. Additional comments may apply once the approved plans are submitted.
02/28/2008 PETER MCLAUGHLIN NPPO REVIEW Approved Exception
03/07/2008 JASON GREEN ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied DATE: March 10, 2008
SUBJECT: 7760 E Speedway Blvd Site Plan- Engineering Review
TO: Olsson Associates Attn: Richard G. Macias, P.E.
LOCATION: T14S R15E Sec08 Ward 2
ACTIVITY: T08CM00405 (Site Plan)

SUMMARY: Engineering Division of Development Services Department has received and reviewed the site plan (T08CM00405) and Drainage Statement (Olsson Associates, 28JAN08) for the above referenced property. Engineering Division does not recommend approval of the site plan application at this time. The following items need to be addressed:


1) The correct site plan number (T08CM00405) can be added to the lower right hand corner of the plan sheets where indicated by "T08CMXXXXX."

2) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.2: Provide the property description for the subject parcel on the cover sheet of the site plan along with a brief legal description for the parcel under the location map.

3) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.3: Provide the administrative address for the subject property on the site plan.

4) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.5: Provide the lot dimensions and bearings for the subject parcel.

5) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.5: Provide the recordation information with the approved lot reconfiguration for the subject parcel. The Zoning Department prior to site plan approval must approve all lot reconfiguration.

6) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.8: Revise the site plan to label and dimension the 6-inch extruded curbing around the proposed vehicular use area. Curbing is required to prevent encroachment onto the adjacent property and landscape area.

7) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.8: Revise the site plan to dimension, or provide a detail, for all planting areas that are within the vehicular use area. Refer to DS Sec.2-06.3.3.C and Figure 3 under DS Sec.3-05 for square footage and minimum width/radii requirements.

8) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.8: Revise the site plan and detail C to show the required 2.5 foot overhang from the face of the wheel stop.

9) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.8: Provide the dimensioned radii for all areas of the parking lot and for the drive-thru entrance to verify that the PAAL intersections and PAAL curvatures meet the minimum requirements within DS Sec.3-05.2.1.

10) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.11: Label and dimension the minimum PAAL entrance widths for the vehicular use area shown on the site plan. Refer to the Transportation Access Management Guidelines for minimum curb cut and drive way entrance requirements at public roadways for street development standards.

11) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.12: Revise the site plan to label and dimension all onsite pedestrian circulation areas. Pedestrian circulation along the south side of the buildings adjacent to the drive-thru must provide a clear 5-foot minimum width where it is adjacent to the PAAL.

12) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.12: Revise the site plan to show the location of all scuppers existing/proposed under the sidewalk for roof drainage. Provide separate details for the scuppers showing the standard detail number for public improvements required meeting these requirements in order to convey the 10-year flow under the pedestrian circulation.

13) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.12: Revise the site plan to provide a detail for al proposed handicap access ramp. Revise the plan to show that all proposed handicap access ramps meet the design requirements per ANSI Standards A117.1-2003 Section 406.13. Provide details or keynotes that label truncated domes at all transitions from pedestrian circulation to vehicular circulation. The site plan calls out Standard Detail #207 for all handicap ramp construction, however the referenced detail does not reflect the proposed handicap ramps, clarify.

14) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.12: Verify that the landing for the required handicap ramp is physically separated from the vehicular use area. Verify that the required ADA access ramp provides for the required 5-foot landing at the top of the ramp to meet ADA compliance. Provide a detail of all handicap ramps, clearly indicating slope, width, location of truncated domes, landing, etc.

15) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.12: Revise the site plan to provide the required pedestrian circulation path from the proposed buildings to the refuse enclosure.

16) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.14: Provide (label and dimension) the required onsite maneuvering areas for any required loading zones that is shown on the site plan. Refer to AASHTO for the national standards for turning radii. All radii must be shown to scale.

17) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.16: Revise the site plan so that the stormwater discharge from the proposed vehicular use area drains into the proposed planting areas and the 10-foot front landscape border/water harvesting area to help reduce onsite flows from leaving the site. Provide a curb cut with dimensions to show that stormwater drains into the landscape area to minimize offsite impacts due to the developed discharge values.

18) DS Sec2-02.2.1.A.16: Provide flow arrows on the site plan to identify drainage patterns for the roof drainage to verify downspout and scupper locations and to verify how the stormwater from the vehicular use area drains into the required landscaping

19) DS Sec2-02.2.1.A.16: Provide a note on the site plan that states "Water Harvesting Areas to be depressed a minimum of 6-inches." Refer to the "City of Tucson Water Harvesting Guidance Manual, Ordinance # 10210" for recommendation on how to construct and maintain the required water harvesting areas for onsite flow containment.

20) DS Sec2-02.2.1.A.17: A Grading Permit application will be required due to the cut and fill quantities shown on the site plan. A grading permit can not be approved prior to site plan approval, but is required prior to any construction activity.

21) DS Sec2-02.2.1.A.19: Revise the site plan to label the shown right-of-way as "existing/future." Verify the MS&R future right-of-way width.

22) DS Sec.2-01.2.1.A.21: Provide dimensions from the street monument lines to the existing and/or proposed curb, sidewalk, driveway and any utility lines.

23) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.32: Revise the site plan and detail E to show that the refuse enclosure meets the minimum requirements of DS Sec.6-01. Refer to Figure 3 (attached to the hard copy of this letter) and DS Sec.6-01.4.2 for specifications and requirements on access, placement of containers, bin enclosure and construction.

24) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.32: Show maneuverability (label and dimension turning radii in plan view) for refuse vehicles in plan view. Revise the refuse container location so that the refuse vehicle has the required 40-foot back-up distance without having to back-up over the existing pedestrian crosswalk.

25) Review and approval from TDOT Permits and Codes for all improvements within the public right-of-way will be required. A right-of-way use permit application will be required prior to construction. Refer to the following links for TDOT Forms and applications:

a) http://www.tucsonaz.gov/dsd/Forms_Fees___Maps/Applications/applications.html /

b) http://www.dot.ci.tucson.az.us/engineering/pia.php

c) Or contact Thad Harvison at 837-6592 for all additional questions regarding r-o-w.

26) Be advised that further comments may be forth coming on resubmittal of the site plan.


Please provide a revised site plan that addresses the comments provided above. Include a comprehensive response letter addressing in detail responses to all of the above comments. Enclose "redlines" with the resubmittal package.

Further comments may be generated upon resubmittal of the site plan review.

If you have any questions or to schedule an appointment I can be reached at 837-4929.

Jason Green, CFM
Senior Engineer Associate
Engineering Division
COT Development Services

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description