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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Permit Number - T08CM00378
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
02/28/2008 | KEN VAN KARSEN | BUILDING-RESIDENTIAL | REVIEW | Denied | PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS T08CM00378 Plan review for the above referenced structure has been completed. This letter reflects comments to be addressed. In order to facilitate a shorter back check time, we request that you please provide revised plans and calculations, highlighting any changes, along with a written response to each of the noted items indicating action taken. SCOPE OF REVIEW: The scope of this plan review covers architectural, plumbing, mechanical, energy conservation and electrical. All code references are to the 2006 International Residential Code, 2006 International Energy Conservation Code, and Arizona State amendments to the 2006 Uniform Plumbing Code. All features were checked only to the extent allowed by the submittals provided. All portions of this project are assumed to meet or will meet other departmental requirements, conditions and concerns before permit approval. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: All corrections and revisions shall be made on original tracings or a finished reproducible set. Return two sets along with a set of the first submission for reference. Pen or pencil corrections on final prints will not be acceptable. To avoid delays, ensure that all corrections have been made, are complete, and have been coordinated on all applicable detail and note sheets (clouded revision notation is not necessary for comment changes). All engineers and architects involved in the design of the structure are to seal the related sheets of plans, details and calculations in accordance with the rules of the State Board of Technical Registration. The City of Tucson adopted the 2006 IRC with amendments on 6/12/2007, the 2006 UPC with amendments on 7/10/2007 and effective 1/1/2007 the Inclusive Home Design. All plans should reference these codes. Adopted amendments are found at: http://www.tucsonaz.gov/dsd/Codes___Ordinances/Building_Codes/building_codes.html FOUNDATION PLANS: 1. Provide a landing or show existing surface at the new French Doors. A landing must be at least as wide as the door it serves and 36" in the direction of travel, R311.4.3. 2. Detail the foundation requirements for accommodating all new loads, R401.2. 3. Note on the drawings the allowable soil bearing pressure used in the design of the footings, or state that the assumed value of 1500 PSF is being used per Table R401.4.1 if a soils report is not provided. FLOOR PLANS: 1. Show the door from a garage to dwelling with self-closing and self-latching provision, 2006 IRC Amendment section 309.1. 2. Provide or note ½" gypsum board (garage side) on all walls common to the garage and house at relocated door area, R309.2. 3. Show existing window as compliance with R310 providing egress from the basement bedroom to grade level. 4. Show a minimum 18"X24" access to under floor space that exceeds 30SF, R408.4. 5. Show a minimum 22" x 30" attic access, R807.1. STRUCTURAL PLANS: 1. Provide existing roof and floor framing plan information for determining header and beam sizing (Kitchen area and AZ room), R301.1. 2. Provide a header schedule or show sizes consistent with Table 502.5(1) & (2). 3. Specify steel lintels sized to support imposed load, R606.10. 4. Provide joist sizes and spacing in compliance with Table R502.3.1(1) for new floor areas and with Table R802.4 for new ceiling areas. SECTIONS - DETAILS: 1. Indicate all materials used; stucco, concrete block, glass block, roofing system, siding, veneer, etc, R301.1. 2. Detail interior walls showing wood framing members resting on concrete as pressure treated, R319.1 item 2. 3. Show the ceiling gypsum board as either 5/8" or ½" sag resistant when applied to 24" o/c ceiling framing, IRC table R702.3.5 footnote d. 4. Show fiber-cement board or glass mat gypsum backers for tiled walls in tub and shower areas, R702.4.2. 5. Specify a #15 water-resistive barrier over studs of all exterior wall in-fill, R703.2. PLUMBING PLANS: 1. Relocate the gas service pipe from beneath the building, or if existing show as the only feasible path, UPC 1211.1.6. & IRC G2415.11. MECHANICAL PLANS: 1. Show supply and return ducts with minimum R-8 insulation (includes vented attics) except when completely located inside the thermal envelope, R1103.2.1. Show R-4.2 insulation when ducts are located in an unconditioned space (chase) inside the thermal envelope, IECC 503.2.7 (City of Tucson Amended). 2. Provide a condensate drain line and disposal from HVAC unit, M1411.3. 3. Revise (Zone 3) return air duct and register sizes, M1602. Minimum duct/register size: heat pump or air conditioner - 6 SQ IN / 1000 BTU, M1403.1 (1 ton cooling = 12,000 BTU). ELECTRICAL PLANS: 1. Provide clear and legible notation (minimum 1/8" lettering) aligned with bottom of sheet, R106.1.1. 2. A wall switch for illuminating stairs must be provided at each floor level of stairways with six or more risers (Basement), R303.6.1. 3. Smoke alarms are required outside each separate sleeping area (Basement), R313.2. 4. Panelboards may not be located in clothes closets (relocate Sub-Panel B), E3305.4. 5. Provide an exterior outlet at grade level located at both the front and back of the dwelling, E3801.7. These outlets shall be GFCI protected E3802.3. 6. Hallways of 10' or more in length require a receptacle (Basement), E3801.10. 7. Show a GFCI receptacle outlet on the same level within 25' of exterior HVAC equipment, E3801.11. 8. All receptacle outlets exterior and within 6' of a wet bar or sink shall have ground fault circuit interrupting protection. Label each receptacle GFCI requiring such protection, E3802. 9. Note that combination type arc-fault circuit interrupter shall protect bedroom outlets including receptacles, lights and smoke detectors, E3802.12. 10. At least one wall-switch-controlled lighting outlet shall be installed to provide illumination on the exterior side of each outdoor egress door having grade level access (AZ room), R3803.3. 11. Weatherproof covers are required for preventing moisture from entering electrical boxes in damp or wet locations, E3805.11. OUTDOOR LIGHTING CODE 1. Show compliance with City of Tucson Outdoor Lighting Code with an approved lighting calculation in accordance with OLC 3.1.2. Include all exterior fixtures on the property in the calculations. 2. Provide cut sheets for all full cut-off fixtures showing the angle of cutoff, light emissions and fixture wattage. All other fixtures are assumed to be unshielded (non-FCO style). If you have any questions please contact: Ken Van Karsen (520) 837-4912 City of Tucson Residential Plan Review |