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Plan Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: REZONING - IPC
Plan Number - T07SE00032
Review Name: REZONING - IPC
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
01/02/2008 | HEATHER THRALL | ZONING | REVIEW | Completed | TO: Development Services Department Rezoning Division FROM: Heather Thrall Senior Planner PROJECT: SE-07-32 Dos Hombres 3103 N. Columbus Blvd. Zoning Review for Zoning Examiner Report TRANSMITTAL: December 28, 2007 The project proposal consists of an RCP proposed in an R-1 zone under 5 acres, requiring a special exception. The proposal has sufficient information to allow the review to proceed. It should be noted however, that this RCP density appears to be exceeded - even with a density bonus. Nine units divided by 1.43 acres appears to be a density of 6.4 units an acre. The maximum amount of density, even with a density bonus, is 6.25 units an acre. Before the project proceeds, the density should be clarified. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call (520) 791-5608. |
12/24/2007 | MATT FLICK | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Completed | Sufficient information exists to determine compliance with the Grant-Alvernon Area Plan. |
12/28/2007 | JUDITH IMHOFF | COMMUNITY PLANNING | REVIEW | Completed | DEPARTMENT OF URBAN PLANNING & DESIGN SE-07-32 Dos Hombres LLC - Columbus Blvd Special Exception R-1 Grant Alvernon Area Plan 12/26/07 drcorral ipc This Special Exception request if for a Residential Cluster Project (RCP) with density bonus for a parcel that is under five acres. The site is bordered by Columbus Boulevard to the east, Blacklidge Drive to the south, McCormick Place Townhomes to the north, and to the west. The zoning site is within the Grant Alvernon Area Plan (GAAP). The City of Tucson's General Plan and Design Guidelines Manual also provide policy and guidance for land use. Plan Policy Summary: Land use policy direction for this project is provided by the Grant Alvernon Area Plan (GAAP). The General Plan and Design Guidelines Manual also provide policy guidance for land use. The GAAP supports infill development projects that are compatible with the surrounding uses and adhere to relevant site and architectural design guidelines. The Plan also promotes design flexibility by encouraging infill development under the RCP option. The GAAP, the General Plan and Design Guidelines Manual encourage and support development projects that incorporate quality and safe design delements that enhance the overal fucntion and visual quality of the street and adjacent properties. The adopted plans also call for innovative site design to include design elements of usable open space and active/passible recreational space with handicapped accesssible pedestrian facilties. The GAAP supports medium residential density of between 6 and 15 units per acre in conformance with the Residential Cluster Project (RCP) provision of the Land Use Code. This request is for the development of nine detached residential units on 1.62 acres developed under the RCP option; as such, is supported by the plans. Discussion The applicant attended a presubmittal meeting with staff on August 29, 2007 and held a neighborhood meeting on November 15, 2007. Issues raised during the meeting included screening and connectivity. The Design Compatibility Report and the proposed preliminary development plan (PDP) are in general compliance with Land Use Code Section 3.6.1, RCP requirements. The rezoning application includes a site inventory/design concept as part of the design compatibility report. Key issues to address at the time of full rezoning will include the following: ¨ Site design that demonstrates sensitivty to the privacy of the residences to the west and north ¨ Approprite buffering along the west parameter of the site ¨ Application of design characteristics to those existing single-family detached or attached structures along the same block frontage and the block frontage across the street ¨ Establishmetn of a homeowner's association or management organization to provide for the permanent care, and maintenance of commonly owned areas. ¨ Refuge storage/pick-up options and locations. ¨ Four-sided architecture application for units visible from the right-of-way or when adjacent to residentially zoned properties. Sufficient information has been submitted to determine that a plan amendment is not required; therefore, it is recommended this case be accepted for processing. Grant-Alvernon Area Plan Intent Statement: The General Land Use Policies are intended to provide criteria for determining where development is appropriate. They support development that serves to enhance the character and quality of Grant-Alvernon neighborhoods. These policies are meant to be used in conjunction with the General Design Guidelines. Policy 1. Encourage the development of child-friendly land uses when the location and design of the development is in compliance with adopted Plan polices. Examples of child-friendly development include community centers, libraries, parks, and schools. Policy 2. Encourage the development of vacant property throughout the Grant-Alvernon area to complement the existing scale, character, and identity of the surrounding neighborhood. Policy 3. Support development on the perimeter of residential areas which serves to protect and enhance the quality of life for neighborhood residents. Policy 4. Demonstrate sensitivity to surrounding uses through the use of design, location, orientation, landscaping, screening, etc., as outlined in the General Design Guidelines. Policy 5. Utilize Defensible Space Guidelines in design development (see General Design Guidelines). Policy 6. Restrict primary access for nonresidential and high-density (over 15 units per acre) residential uses, to arterial streets or to collector streets within 300 feet of an arterial, as identified in the Major Streets and Routes Plan and as allowed by other adopted Plan policies. Policy 7. Encourage developers to meet with neighborhood associations regarding development design. Policy 8. Explore incentives, such as fee waivers and tax credits, to encourage compatible residential infill development, reinvestment, rehabilitation, etc. Incentives are also appropriate for developments that will use alternative energy sources. B. RESIDENTIAL LAND USE POLICIES Intent Statement: The Residential Land Use Policies support residential development which provides a wide range of housing types to meet the diverse needs of Grant-Alvernon residents while serving to enhance the stability of neighborhoods and schools. These policies are meant to be used in conjunction with the General Design Guidelines. Policy 1. Encourage residential infill that is compatible with neighborhood scale, density, and character, as outlined in the General Design Guidelines. Policy 2. Under the guidance of the General Design Guidelines, provide for residential development in appropriate locations: b. Medium-density (between 6 and 15 units per acre, in conformance with the Residential Cluster Project (RCP) provision of the Land Use Code) residential development is appropriate where primary vehicular access is provided to an arterial or collector street and is directed away from the interior of low-density residential areas. Policy 3. Encourage continued residential use of historically residential structures throughout the Grant-Alvernon area, except as provided in Office and Commercial Land Use Policy 2. Policy 4. Promote the consolidation of parcels with common property lines when developing higher density residential uses, to provide sufficient space for adequate buffering of adjacent, less intense development. Policy 5. Encourage diversity of housing types within the Plan area. Policy 6. Encourage residential development to include secure bicycle parking areas, a well-defined pedestrian system linked to the public sidewalk system, and convenient access to transit facilities, schools, and commercial nodes. Policy 7. Promote on-site recreational areas in medium and high-density residential developments (greater than 6 units per acre). General Plan Element 1: Growth Areas and Population Mid-City Growth Area Background: The overall policies of the Mid-City Growth Area are focused on neighborhood preservation, transportation efficiencies, and commercial revitalization. Policy 10: Support continued neighborhood investment. Policy 11: Support a mix of housing types and opportunities throughout the Mid-City Growth Area to meet the diverse needs of the residents. Element 4: Community Character and Design Policy 6: Promote quality in design for residential, commercial, industrial, mixed-use, and publicly funded development. Supporting Policy 6.1 All development should incorporate environmentally sensitive design that protects the integrity of existing neighborhoods, complements adjacent land uses, and enhances the overall function and visual quality of the street, adjacent properties, and the community. Supporting Policy 6.6 Solutions and strategies included in the Design Guidelines Manual should be utilized to provide an improved level of community design. Land Use Code Land Use Code, Article III. Development Regulations, Division 6. Development Incentives Section 3.6.1 Residential Cluster Project (RCP) for site of less than five acres. Design Guidelines Manual I.B.2.e - Design Context and Neighborhood Character Intent - Improve the character of new projects and reinforce existing architectural character in established neighborhoods. Solution - Harmonize new building with existing buildings by incorporating design elements of the adjacent architecture including the following: · Scale and massing of structures · Roof and parapet forms · Door and window-fenestration pattern · Finishes, materials, and colors · Site amenities such as walls and landscaping · Traditional or prevailing setbacks and building orientation s:\caserev\sp-excpt\se07-08\ SE-07-32 Dos Hombres LLC - Columbus Blvd ipc |