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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: FLOODPLAIN
Permit Number - T07OT02518
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
11/06/2007 | JASON GREEN | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Approved | November 6, 2007 FLOODPLAIN USE PERMIT # T07OT02518 PROJECT ADDRESS: 4803 S Calle Miura APPLICANT'S NAME: John Kirkendall PROPERTY OWNER: Emma Nido The applicant is authorized to use a portion of the flood hazard area in the City of Tucson, Arizona, on the property described as: 4803 S Calle Miura, Tucson, AZ 85714, BRAVO I LOT 346. In a portion of Township 14 South, Range 14 East, Section 31, for repair of damaged kitchen. The applicant agrees to comply with City of Tucson Floodplain and Erosion Hazard, and Watercourse Amenities, Safety and Habitat regulations, and are particularly bound by the conditions stated below. Violation of any of the conditions stated or referred to below, as determined by the City Engineer, shall be grounds for revocation of this permit. Responsibility for renewal of this permit, if necessary, is with the applicant. Issuance of this permit does not constitute a waiver of other requirements contained in the Tucson City Code, Land Use Code, or any other Federal, State, County, or local regulation. No use other than as permitted herein is allowed. Additional uses allowed under City of Tucson Floodplain and Erosion Hazard Regulations and Watercourse Amenities, Safety, and Habitat regulations require the issuance of an additional Floodplain Use Permit. The following 7 conditions apply to this permit: 1) This permit becomes invalid and is subject to additional floodplain review, if any required development permit changes the configuration of the improvement, or, if there is any further disturbance within the floodplain other than that outlined in this application. This floodplain use permit may be subject to conditions or restrictions designed to reduce or mitigate the potential damage or hazard to life or property resulting from development within the regulatory floodplain, floodway or erosion hazard areas as determined by the project engineer and accepted by the City of Tucson. 2) This parcel lies in a City of Tucson identified 100-year floodplain. Therefore, the proposed development is subject to substantial improvement requirements. Substantial Improvement means any reconstruction, repair, rehabilitation, addition or other improvements of a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds fifty (50) percent of the market value of the structure before the "start of construction" of the improvements. This term includes structures, which have incurred "substantial damage" regardless of the actual repair work performed. Per Sec. 26-4.1 Nonconforming development. (a) Improvements to, or Reconstruction of, Existing Nonconforming Development: (1) Any structure which is substantially improved at a cost equal to or exceeding fifty (50) percent of the full cash value of the structure as shown on that latest assessment rolls of the county assessor wither (a) before the improvement or repair is started, or (b) if the structure has been damaged and is being restored, before the damage occurred, shall conform to these regulations. At the time of improvement or reconstructing the structure or development, floodproofing (non-residential structures only) may be considered as one of the means if bringing it in compliance with this chapter. The proposed improvement is considered a substantial improvement since the house is located within a City of Tucson regulated floodplain and does not a have an elevation certificate on file. The cost of the improvements is estimated at $13,117.00. The current assessed value of the structure is $62,116.00. The assessed value of the structure, calculated to be $62,116.00, was based on a calculation using the Pima County's assessor's valuation for the improvements and the affidavit of property value from March 2007. Any cumulative improvements would need to be under a total 50% substantial improvement amount of $. The current proposed improvement is 21% of the structure value, so any further improvements would result in other floodplain use permit review, flood proofing design, and/or other substantial improvement requirements. 3) Within 5 (five) days of issuance of this permit, and through completion of the project, notification must be posted and maintained in a conspicuous place on the job site stating "CONSTRUCTION PROCEEDING UNDER REQUIREMENTS OF CITY OF TUCSON FLOODPLAIN USE PERMIT # T07OT02518 FOR INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 791-5550." 4) This Floodplain Use Permit and plans shall be kept in a readily accessible location on site at all times. 5) Any additional future disturbance of the floodplain shall have separate floodplain use permit applications submitted to this office for review and approval. 6) See the associated activity T07CM04278. This Floodplain Use Permit will be automatically revoked and becomes invalid for non-compliance to conditions set forth in this permit. Also, this permit will expire one year from its date of issue. Renewal of this permit will require a new application, review and approval of that application by the City of Tucson, Development Services Department, Engineering Division. (EXPIRATION DATE) Month: 11 Day: 02 Year: 2008 APPLICANT/CONTRACTOR: Better Way Services, Inc. ADDRESS: 2021 E 14th Street, Tucson, Arizona 85719 PHONE: (520) 623-3305 ext. 26 OWNER: Emma Nido ADDRESS: 4803 S Calle Miura, Tucson, Arizona 85714 PHONE: (520) SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE The applicant is authorized by the City Engineer to receive a floodplain use permit subject to the above referenced conditions and restrictions. |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
11/06/2007 | THAUSER1 | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |