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Permit Number: T07OT01607
Parcel: 11615088L

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: FLOODPLAIN

Permit Number - T07OT01607
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
SUBJECT: 1601 West St Marys Rd,
LOCATION: T14S R13E Sec10, Ward 1
REVIEWER: Elizabeth Eberbach, PE
ACTIVITY: T07OT01607 (Floodplain Use Permit), T07CM01595

The Pharmacy Remodel TI building review plans were received and reviewed by Engineering Division. The valuation of the improvement was submitted separately over the counter without reference to activity number or address. On July 11, 2007, a revised location map was emailed from the consultant. On July 12, 2007 a floodplain use permit application T07OT01607 was submitted for processing the review. The subject property is entirely located within a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), Zone A as shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), Community- Panel No. 04019C-2210K, effective date February 8, 1999. A CLOMR was issued by FEMA for the levee project (Case#05-09-0988R, Jan 30 2006). Currently a community notification letter is being prepared and levee construction plans are out for corrections. Engineering Division of Development Services Department recommends approval of the TI plans and a Floodplain Use Permit will be issued. The following conditions apply to the floodplain use permit.

1) As stated in prior correspondence, any improvements to a structural building in the floodplain for this hospital campus project are considered a substantial improvement to an existing floodprone structure if the value of the new improvement is 50% or more than the value of the existing structure in present day value. If the project is determined to be a substantial improvement, and, if it is determined that the lowest floor elevation is below the regulatory floor elevation, a design submittal, and review and acceptance of the submittal for floodproofing will be required and shall conform to City of Tucson and FEMA floodplain development requirements.
2) Cumulative values shall be accounted for each building structure, so that tracking of the 50% status is current. Supply the cumulative costs for the main hospital structure since 2005 including the Pharmacy Remodel, with the value of the structure for archive/records prior to next improvement to the main hospital structure.
3) All future St Mary's building structures in 2007 shall be submitted with a Floodplain Use Permit application. It shall be the responsibility of Carondelet Health Network, or its authorized agent, to supply the following with future Floodplain Use Permit Applications:
a) Value of improvement.
b) Type of assessment used for valuation.
c) Cumulative value of the improvements for this building structure.
d) Building structure value.
e) A calculated percent of the substantial improvement.
f) Description of improvement.
g) Provide 8-1/2" x 11" map locating improvement on the St. Mary's campus.
h) Provide the project's related permit activity number(s).
4) Within 5 (five) days of issuance of this permit, and through completion of the project, notification must be posted and maintained in a conspicuous place on the job site stating "CONSTRUCTION PROCEEDING UNDER REQUIREMENTS OF CITY OF TUCSON FLOODPLAIN USE PERMIT # T07OT01607. FOR INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 837-4888."
5) This permit becomes invalid and is subject to additional floodplain review, if any required development permit changes the configuration of the improvement, or, if there is any further disturbance within the floodplain other than that outlined in this application. This floodplain use permit may be subject to conditions or restrictions designed to reduce or mitigate the potential damage or hazard to life or property resulting from development within the regulatory floodplain, floodway or erosion hazard areas as determined by the project engineer and accepted by the City of Tucson.
6) All work shall conform to the approved Pharmacy Remodel plans, sealed by Mark Bollard, RA (4/07), which is made part of this permit. See the associated activity T07CM01595.
7) This Floodplain Use Permit and plans shall be kept in a readily accessible location on site at all times.
8) Any additional future disturbance of the floodplain shall have separate floodplain use permit applications submitted to this office for review and approval.

I can be reached at 837-4934 if you have questions.

Elizabeth Eberbach, PE, CPM, CFM
Civil Engineer
Engineering Division
Development Services Department

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
08/10/2007 SUE REEVES APPROVAL SHELF Completed
08/10/2007 VFLORES1 OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed