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Permit Number: T07OT00493
Parcel: 11615088L

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: FLOODPLAIN

Permit Number - T07OT00493
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
09/26/2007 ELIZABETH EBERBACH ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied TO: Bruce Wilson, PE, Guy Shoaf, Carondelet Health Network
LOCATION: 1601 West St Mary's Rd, Ward
SUBJECT: Revision of the Levee improvements for St Mary's Medical Center, T14S R13E Sec02, Ward 1
REVIEWER: Elizabeth Eberbach, PE, CPM, CFM
ACTIVITY: T07OT00493 (Floodplain Use Permit)

A resubmittal for this project was submitted for review. The subject property is entirely located within a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), Zone A as shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), Community- Panel No. 04019C-2210K, effective date February 8, 1999. A CLOMR was issued by FEMA for the levee project (Case#05-09-0988R, Jan 30 2006). Currently a community notification letter is being prepared and the City of Tucson attorney's office is reviewing the project for proposed easement/access and maintenance agreement. Further comments are forthcoming due to comments from the City Attorney and FEMA/State floodplain representatives. Engineering Division of Development Services Department has received and reviewed the resubmittal package and provides the following floodplain use permit comments per Floodplain, Stormwater, and Erosion Hazard Management Ordinance Sec.26-11.2.b and other sections of the Tucson Code and drainage standards.

1) Tucson Code Sec.26-11.2(b)(4): Address the remaining comments and show on the plans:
a) On sheet 2 label on profile section where the location of the transition from grouted riprap and dumped rock for toedown is located.
b) NFIP Section 65.10(b)(3): Provide detail how the concrete toedown will be connected to the wire-tied rip rap to provide reduction of any potential seepage path.
a) NFIP Section 65.10(b)(1): The wire-tied rip rap structure is expected to have substantial settling. Explain how an estimated settlement is incorporated into the design to assure the minimum levee elevation of the 500-year WSEL, and, the 100-year WSEL with freeboard. The levee shall be designed to provide a specific level of protection for the downstream hospital, which is considered a special structure. Provide discussion in a report how the proposed levee structure design meets the 500-year condition.
2) Tucson Code Sec.26-11.2(f): Address the remaining comments for the levee improvement plans:
a) Clarify grading limits on planviews. A construction (existing) fence is called out on the plan as grading limits yet extends beyond the proposed easement limits. Clarify limits such that any disturbance is located within the limits of the construction easement. Update/clarify allowable disturbance area as stated in note 31.
b) The levee is expected to be designed to provide a specific level of flood and erosion protection and will require regular maintenance as a result of flood events. Annual levee inspections, levee maintenance, and levee upgrades will be necessary to assure that the levee provides and maintains the accepted level of protection. The Levee Maintenance Plan has the following comments:
i) The list of inspection condition items appears comprehensive, however, address the following:
(1) For the list of inspection condition items, add freeboard (survey may be required), vegetative growth (removal of weeds), interior drainage (look for ponding or settlement), watershed (overall watershed flow direction and other watershed conditions), joint material (intact), utility disturbance (existing utility lines), compaction (geotechnical assessment may be needed), blockage (debris or trash), vandalism, and enclosure structures (functional security gates/fencing). Clarify which item will address seepage. Check the county sample document for additional levee maintenance plan format and criteria.
(2) For each of the inspection condition items, provide specific maintenance guideline / requirement that outlines an acceptable solution path.
(3) Add that any significant maintenance or failure issue that is found shall be immediately brought to the attention of the City of Tucson Engineer.
(4) For each of the inspection condition items, provide a time frame / guideline for the expected time period to complete the correction.
(5) Add clarification that a subsequent report shall be submitted detailing the completion of any repair, restoration, reconstruction, or other action taken to address any deficiencies found from inspections,
(6) Provide a checklist / inspection guide table within the report for maintenance inspection use.
ii) For section 1 of the Levee Maintenance Plan Report, add that there will be required repair, restoration, reconstruction, or other action taken to address any deficiencies found from inspections, and state a time frame to complete actions. There may be further clarification needed to specify the agreement and responsibilities of the levee maintenance. Further comments forthcoming after further discussion with the City of Tucson Attorney.
iii) For section 2 of the Levee Maintenance Plan, clarify whether the levee owner or operator will be responsible for the Levee Maintenance.
iv) For section 4 of the Levee Maintenance Plan, add that the levee operator will also keep on file the copies of the inspection records.
v) Provide the following sections tot he report:
(1) A section for the general inspection instructions.
(2) A section stating the location of the construction documents. One location shall be at the City of Tucson Development Services Department Records Office.
(3) A location map and a copy of the maintenance easement in the Levee Maintenance Plan Report.
(4) A section for Levee Owner's operational procedures.
(5) A section in the report that states the responsible Party and contact person and information.
(6) Copies of the routine annual statement sheets within the Levee Maintenance Report for certifying that the inspection has been completed and all maintenance items have been addressed.
(7) A section on emergency procedures, which may include the FEMA, ADEQ, USACE, and/or local jurisdiction contact information if a breach or significant failure were to occur. Include the statement that ADEQ shall be contacted for any noncompliance which may endanger human health or the environment: Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, 1110 W. Washington, 5th floor (5515B-1), Phoenix, AZ 85007, Office: 602-771-4466; Fax 602-771-4505.
c) The LMT Geotechnical Engineering Report states that the settlement potential is low and there are safety factor recommendations for embankment stability. Show in plans and describe in response letter how geotechnical factors of safety have been incorporated into the levee design.
d) DS Sec.10- Once authorization has been obtained, provide a copy of the letter of acceptance from property owner(s) for this drainage improvement.
e) Tucson Code Sec. 26-7.2, DS Sec.10-02.1.5: On riprap sections on sheet 6, label and delineate the access and maintenance easement from top of levee structure to clarify construction area, maintenance, and any setback for future structures. Add docket/page for the levee maintenance easement on plan view once the maintenance easement is obtained for the levee structure and access to the levee structure. Dimensions shall be shown with distances and bearings to clarify extents of the access and maintenance area.
3) If any changes are proposed for the location / design of the concrete toe-down scour protection, the construction of the structure shall be clarified in the plans to adequately dimension construction area.
4) Submit 3 copies of the revised plans, a hard copy of the CLOMR, a copy of correspondence from USACE regarding any requirements within 404 area, a copy of the revised drainage report or provide a drainage addendum, a response letter, copy of LMT geotechnical report, any acceptance documentation from owner, and other supporting documents.

I can be reached at 837-4934 if you have questions.

Elizabeth Eberbach, PE, CPM, CFM
Civil Engineer
Engineering Division
Development Services Department

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
01/02/2008 DELMA ROBEY OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed