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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Permit Number - T07OT00493
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
05/09/2007 | ELIZABETH EBERBACH | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | TO: Guy Shoaf, Carondelet Health Network SUBJECT: 1601 West St Mary's Rd, Levee improvements for St Mary's Medical Center, T14S R13E Sec02, Ward 1 REVIEWER: Elizabeth Eberbach, PE, CPM, CFM ACTIVITY: T07OT00493 (Floodplain Use Permit) SUMMARY: The subject property is entirely located within a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), Zone A as shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), Community- Panel No. 04019C-2210K, effective date February 8, 1999. A CLOMR was issued by FEMA for the levee project (Case#05-09-0988R, Jan 30 2006). Currently a community notification letter is being prepared. Engineering Division of Development Services Department has received and reviewed the submittal package and provides the following floodplain use permit comments. FLOODPLAIN USE PERMIT COMMENTS: 1) Tucson Code Sec.26-11.2(b)(4): As stated in the Floodplain Ordinance, any grading or alteration (including excavation) of any watercourse regulated by this chapter shall be controlled to minimize the loss of soil through erosion from rainfall or stormwater flowage. Methods to control erosion and sedimentation must be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the city engineer prior to the granting of a floodplain use permit for any work in any floodplain. It is important that the proposed levee is designed (or modified) and adequately anchored to prevent flotation, collapse or lateral movement of the structure, and that it be constructed with materials resistant to flood and erosion damage. Specifically, address the following comments and show on the plans: a) Clarify location of the transition from grouted riprap and dumped rock for toedown (at station 2+25?). b) A grouted riprap toedown is indicated on plans. Explain in a drainage addendum and show on plans that the proposed levee is structurally stable during base flood when additional loading is imposed for potential impact of moving debris and scour during 100-year event. In response letter discuss scour and velocity, and explain how grouted rock is sufficiently stable during scour conditions and velocities of the 100-year event. Typically, reinforced concrete is an accepted type of toedown structure to accommodate for scour and future degradation. 2) Tucson Code Sec.26-11.2(f): Address the following comments for the levee improvement plans: a) Clarify grading limits on planviews. A construction fence is called out on the plan, label as existing or to be set. Dimension the distance between the levee and the fence and grading limits to clarify allowable disturbance area as stated in note 31. b) On all plan sheets, it is recommended that the word dike be renamed as "Levee" as Corps of Engineers prefers to use the term "levee" for flood protection projects, since dikes are also used in some parts of the world for coastal protection, and since the Corps also constructs pile dikes. The latter consists of timber piling extending out into a river which are built for river control and to reduce shoaling. c) A Levee Maintenance plan is provided in the report. In the report, address the following comments: i) In this section of the report, explain implementation and list the responsible party for maintenance performance. ii) Besides the acceptable and unacceptable conditions discussions provided, add action(s) to be taken for each item listed. d) In report, provide discussion to assure 4 feet freeboard is provided during settlement conditions. e) In report, provide sizing calculation for non-grouted section. f) Address the following general note comments on sheet 1: i) State whether general and grading note 10 is applicable. Provide a copy of the geotechnical report in next submittal. ii) Revise note 27 to remove: "… /certificate of occupancy, or the release of assurances…" and replace with: "for final inspection approval". iii) Add to note 11: This permit becomes invalid and is subject to additional floodplain review, if any required development permit changes the configuration of the improvement, or, if there is any further disturbance within the floodplain other than that outlined in this application. This floodplain use permit may be subject to conditions or restrictions designed to reduce or mitigate the potential damage or hazard to life or property resulting from development within the regulatory floodplain, floodway or erosion hazard areas as determined by the project engineer and accepted by the City of Tucson. iv) Add to note 28 the datum for the basis of elevation. v) Add the following as notes: (1) Within 5 (five) days of issuance of this permit, and through completion of the project, notification must be posted and maintained in a conspicuous place on the job site stating "CONSTRUCTION PROCEEDING UNDER REQUIREMENTS OF CITY OF TUCSON FLOODPLAIN USE PERMIT # T07OT00493. FOR INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 791-5550." (2) Except as approved by the City Engineer prior to the start of construction, development under this permit shall not obstruct, retard or divert the existing flow of floodwaters from or to adjacent properties. (3) All work shall conform to the approved improvement plans for St. Mary's Medical Center and the Design Brief Summary for Silvercroft Wash / St. Mary's Levee Improvements drainage report, sealed by Bruce Wilson, PE (3-29-05), which is made part of this permit. (4) Certification of elevation (to verify freeboard) must be prepared by a state registered land surveyor (RLS) and submitted to the Development Services Department Engineering Division, after the levee is constructed to verify minimum freeboard elevations. A copy of the partially filled out elevation certificate is on file at DSD until the completed elevation certificate is returned. (5) As-builts are required. Certification letters and as-builts must be submitted to the City of Tucson Development Services Department Engineering Division prior to final approval. (6) Contractor will need to call for final inspection of the levee once elevation certificate has been completed by RLS for inspections by Development Services Department Engineering Division Inspection Team (837-4888) after the installation of the levee and prior to final acceptance by DSD Inspector. (7) This Floodplain Use Permit and plans shall be kept in a readily accessible location on site at all times. (8) Any additional future disturbance of the floodplain shall have separate floodplain use permit applications submitted to this office for review and approval. (9) There shall be no stockpiling material, or storage of vehicles, other than that which is accepted by City of Tucson and as shown on the approved plans within the easement for this project. g) DS Sec.10- Provide a copy of the letter of acceptance from property owner(s) for this drainage improvement. h) DS Sec.10-02.1.5: A maintenance easement must be obtained for the levee structure and access to the levee structure. Dimension easement on planview and label docket and page for the levee maintenance easement on plan view. i) For approval of drawings, remove preliminary not for construction text and provide sealed drawings. 2) Show local benchmark location on a planview sheet. 3) Check spelling on sheet 2. 4) Submit 4 copies of the revised plans, a copy of the CLOMR drainage report or provide a drainage addendum, a response letter, a copy of LMT geotechnical report, acceptance documentation from owner, and other supporting documents. 5) I can be reached at 837-4934 if you have questions. Elizabeth Eberbach, PE, CPM, CFM Civil Engineer Engineering Division Development Services Department |