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Permit Number: T07CM03338
Parcel: 113061530

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: SITE

Permit Number - T07CM03338
Review Name: SITE
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
08/13/2007 DAVE MANN FIRE REVIEW Denied Please show location of existing fire hydrant(s) and dimensions to property lines. Per C.O.T. amendments to the 2006 IFC (Section 508), additional fire hydrant or fire sprinklers may be required.
08/14/2007 TERRY STEVENS ZONING REVIEW Denied TO: Development Services Department
Plans Coordination Office

FROM: Terry Stevens
Lead Planner

1937 E. Fort Lowell Rd.
Site Plan


COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along with redlines and a response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed.

1. For clarity purposes remove the dark line in front of the parking spaces along the east side of the property. It appears to be a property line.

2. DS 2- Provide dimensions for the footprint of the proposed structure on the site plan.

3. DS 2- Provide dimensions indicating the setbacks for the structure to property lines and back of future curb.

In note number 13 the indicated "minimum" setbacks are not complete nor correct. This is not a required note. Revise note to indicate the correct setbacks for all property lines or remove this portion of note 13.

4. DS 2- The 15.5' long parking spaces, along the east side of the property, will not meet the minimum 18' length required. The spaces will not be allowed to overhang into the required landscape border.

A landscape border is also required along the north property line. Therefore wheel stops are required in the parking spaces to prevent over hanging. Clearly indicate the location of the wheel stops as being 2'-6" from the front of the parking space.

Wheel stops are required for the parking spaces along the north side of the building. This is to prevent over hanging the side walk and limiting the pedestrian path to less than 4'.

A landscape border will be required along the street property line. It appears that the 10' required landscape border will interfere with parking space and trash enclosure. A redesign will be required.

The appears to be a drafting error on the details for the handicap parking spaces. The 18' dimension is in the wrong location. Revise.

Clearly indicate the maximum slope of the handicap parking spaces and access aisles per ANSI 117.1-2003 Sec. 502.5. Maximum slope is 1:48.

Provide a detail of the required handicap parking signage as well as location of the signage. FYI: minimum distance from grade to the bottom of the sign is 7'-0" per City of Tucson standards.

5. DS 2- The number of required bicycle parking spaces is 75% class one and 25% class two of the provided vehicle parking spaces. Provide the required one class two bicycle parking space. Revise note number 17 to indicate the correct number of required and provided bicycle parking spaces.

The bicycle parking calculations indicate 4 class one bicycle parking spaces being provided. The site plan indicates two lockers and based on location and the detail it appears that only two lockers have been provided.

Please provide a dimensioned detail for class 1 and class 2 bicycle parking spaces. Be aware that that development standard 2-09 has been revised. Once provided and reviewed further comments may result. The revised standards can be found at the DSD web site: http://www.tucsonaz.gov/dsd/Codes___Ordinances/DevStd209.pdf

Please provide a plan view detail of the proposed class 1 and class 2 bicycle parking spaces. Single rack spaces placed in a row will allow a minimum of seventy -two (72) inch length per bicycle parking space and a minimum of thirty (30) inches between outer spaces of racks. A five (5) foot wide access aisle measured from the front or rear of the seventy-two (72) inch long parking space will be provided beside each row. Lighting will be provided such that all facilities are thoroughly illuminated and visible from adjacent sidewalks, parking lots, or buildings, during working hours. The surface of the facility can be surfaced the same as for motor vehicle parking or with a minimum of one (1) inch thickness of one-fourth (1/4) inch aggregate material.
DS 2-09.5.1, DS2-09.5.2, DS 2-09.5.4, & DS 2-09.6.2

Bicycle parking provided on the site does not meet the requirements of revised DS (Development Standard) 2-09. Per DS 2-09.4.1 Class 2 bicycle parking facilities will be located no more than fifty (50) feet from the main building entrance(s) and will be along the front side of the building as well as along other sides of the building that has an entrance. Bicycle access through the development will be separate from the pedestrian ways. Vehicular access may be used as bicycle access. Bicycle access to a parking facility may cross a pedestrian way at a right angle (DS2-09.3.2)

6. DS 2- Provide location of the future sight visibility triangles. See engineering comments.

7. DS 2- Provide dimensions indicating how the back up spur located at the north west corner of the property meets DS 3-05.2.2.D. 3' radius and 3' clear area behind the curb

8. DS 2- See DS 2-08 for criteria for pedestrian circulation requirements.

DS 2-08.3.1 Within all development, a continuous pedestrian circulation path is required. This path must connect all public access areas of the development and the pedestrian circulation path located in any adjacent streets.

Within this pedestrian circulation path, an accessible route is also required. The accessible route must connect all areas of the development and the pedestrian circulation
path located in any adjacent streets.

Clearly indicate the width of all sidewalks. A minimum of 4' sidewalk is required for all pedestrian circulation. At the top of the indicated handicap ramps there does not appear to be 4' between the staircase and the ramp.

A handicap ramp will be required at the access aisle between the two handicap parking spaces. Pedestrian circulation cannot be behind a vehicle parking space.

Clearly indicate that the sidewalks are physically separated from the vehicular use area. See DS 2-08.4.1.

9. DS 2- If applicable, indicate the locations and types of proposed signs (wall, freestanding, pedestal) to assure there are no conflicts with other requirements and that minimal locational requirements can be met. Also indicate if there are existing billboards on site. Billboards will be required to meet all LUC requirements as stated in LUC Sec. If none exists please state so.

10. DS 2- Indicate the maneuvering in and out of the loading zone and trash enclosure. See engineering comments.

11. DS 2- Provide the dimensioned right of way and curb location (existing and future) for Ft. Lowell. Note: This property is affected by a intersection widening for a MS&R. Clearly indicate how this development will function once the widening occurs. See engineering comments.

12. DS 2- If applicable, all easements of record must be graphically shown on the plan together with recording docket and page reference.

13. DS 2- If applicable, provide existing and proposed lighting layout and type.

14. DS 2- Provide the zoning of the parcel located and adjacent to the north property line.

15. DS 2- The proposed use listed in note number 3 should read as follows: "Administrative and Professional Office "30". This use in an O-3 zone does not have any subject to: sections. Revise note.

16. Depending on responses to the above comments and changes to the site plan, further comments may be forth coming.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Terry Stevens, (520) 837-4961

TLS C:\zoning\siteplan\DSC\T07CM03338.doc
08/16/2007 TERRY STEVENS ZONING HC SITE REVIEW Denied see zoning comments
08/24/2007 ANDREW CONNOR LANDSCAPE REVIEW Denied 1. The street landscape border minimum width is 10 feet. It is to be located on site and measured from the street property line. On streets designated as Major Streets and Routes (MS&R), the street landscape border is measured from the MS&R right-of-way line. For information on the location of the MS&R right-of-way line, refer to LUC

2. There are situations where the LUC allows up to 5 feet of the required 10 feet of landscaping to be located within the right-of-way. The required landscaping may be located within the right-of-way only if there are no utilities within the same area, the required landscaping area is extended only to the back of sidewalk, and the City Engineer's Office approves such use in the right-of-way.

3. A 10' interior landscape border is required along site boundaries of the adjacent residential properties per LUC Table 3.7.2-I

4. One (1) canopy tree must be provided for every thirty-three (33) linear feet of landscape border per LUC Definition of a Canopy Tree, other than a palm tree, has a mature crown diameter of at least fifteen (15) feet and having a trunk that, at maturity, is kept clear of leaves and branches at least six (6) feet above grade. Palm trees cannot be used for canopy tree requirement for the vehicle use area or interior landscape borders.

5. The planting plan and layout calculations will include both the proper and common name of each type of plant material. Include the location, size, and name of existing vegetation to remain in place.

6. A 30" continuous screen along street frontages for vehicle use area must be provided per LUC Table 3.7.2-I. Identify screening element

7. A 5' wall is required to screen residential properties from vehicle use area per LUC Table 3.7.2-I.

8. If a new development is using an existing screen on an adjacent property to meet screening requirements, a Joint Use Agreement is required. Verify the screening is located on site or provide legal document.

9. A 6' wall is required to screen loading zone from Ft. Lowell Rd.

10. Within a vehicular use area, one (1) canopy tree is required for each 10 motor vehicle parking spaces and every parking space shall be located within forty (40) feet of the trunk of a canopy tree (as measured from the center of the tree trunk) per LUC

11. All landscape areas will be depressed to accept water flow from roofs, PAAL, and parking areas. Show by detail or spot elevations how landscape areas will accommodate water harvesting.

12. Additional comments may apply.
08/27/2007 ANDREW CONNOR NPPO REVIEW Denied 1. One (1) canopy tree must be provided for every thirty-three (33) linear feet of landscape border per LUC Additional tree is required for street landscape border.

2. Walls constructed in a single continuous line shall extend into a street landscape border no more than the actual width of the fence or wall. Where a fence or wall incorporates offsets or similar design features, a screen may extend a maximum of three (3) feet into the street landscape border. Screens along a street frontage must be located on the development side of the street landscape border so that they do not obstruct the view of the street landscape border from the street. Move screen walls to the back of landscape border.

3. Within a vehicular use area, one (1) canopy tree is required for each 10 motor vehicle parking spaces and every parking space shall be located within forty (40) feet of the trunk of a canopy tree (as measured from the center of the tree trunk) per LUC Verify that entire parking lot meets requirements, Additional tree may be needed to the north.

4. Ensure that all changes to the site plan are reflected on the landscape plan.

5. Additional comments may apply.
09/07/2007 ROBERT SHERRY PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Denied 1. Designing the site plumbing constitutes the practice of engineering. Provide plans sealed by an Arizona Registrant. Reference Arizona Revised Statutes 32-125, Board of Technical Registration Rules R4-30-304.
2. Clarify the size of the site water service; the site plan indicates a 4" PVC water service that terminates with a 6" fire service and fire hydrant.
3. Justify the use of an 8" building sewer for this activity. Reference Section 717.0, UPC 2006.
4. HCS connections greater than 4" require prior approval from Pima County Wastewater Engineering as to the location and the type of connection to the public sewer.
5. Provide cleanouts in the building sewer at intervals not exceeding 100 feet. Reference Section 719.1, UPC 2006.
09/11/2007 PATRICIA GILBERT ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied DATE: September 13, 2007
PROJECT NAME: Living Spaces
PROJECT ADDRESS: 1937 East Fort Lowell
PROJECT REVIEWER: Patricia Gilbert, Engineering Associate

The following items must be revised or added to the site plan. Please include a response letter with the next submittal that states how all comments have been addressed.


1. Remove the shading within the parking lot. The purpose is to assure that the plan is legible when reproduced or microfilmed for record keeping purposes.

2. Keynote 5 indicates future sight visibility triangles (SVT). However only one set of SVTs have been provided, there should be 2 sets of SVTs for the project; existing and future. Provide existing and future SVTs for the entrance/exit drive to Fort Lowell Road. DS 2-02.2.1.A.10. See DS 3-01.5. for requirements.

3. Dimension the back up spur located on the northwest side of the parking lot. It must be clear on the plan the back up spur has a 3' clearance with a 3' radius for the northwest corner of the spur. DS 2-02.2.1.A.11.

4. At least one (1) sidewalk will be provided to a project from each street on which the project has frontage. The sidewalk should be located to minimize any conflict with vehicular access to the project. Revise the plan to show sidewalks to Fort Lowell Road. DS 2-08.04.

5. Dimension the sidewalk on the north side of the building. DS 2-02.2.1.A.12.

6. A minimum width of a 4' sidewalk is required to be provided to Fort Lowell Road (See above comment 4). This requirement does not appear to be met on the south side of the staircase. Revise the plan accordingly. DS 2-02.2.1.A.12.

7. Callout and dimension the existing sidewalk located along Fort Lowell Road. DS 2-02.2.1.A.12.

8. Show the loading vehicle maneuverability for the required loading space. The minimum requirements for a 30' single unit vehicle is an outside radius of 42' and inside radius of 28'. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

9. A grading plan will be required for this project. To ensure a timely review, with the second submittal of the site plan, formally submit the grading plan with the grading application. DS 2-02.2.1.A.17.

10. Show general existing drainage patterns, include the symbol in the legend. DS 2-02.2.1.A.16.

11. Provide the book and page for Fort Lowell Road. DS 2-02.2.1.A.18.

12. Fort Lowell Road is designated as an arterial road with a Full future ROW dimension of 100' per the Major Street and Route Plan. Show on the plan view the future ½ ROW dimension for Fort Lowell Road with the future curb and sidewalk location. The front of future curb is to be located 11' for the MS&R ROW line. Revise the plan appropriately. DS 2-02.2.1.A.19.

13. All easements effecting the property must be graphically shown on the plan with recordation data and indication of public or private. DS 2-02.2.1.A.20.

14. Dimension from the street centerline of Fort Lowell Road to the existing curb and sidewalk location. DS 2-02.2.1.A.21.

15. Per the Transportation Access Management Guidelines 25' curb returns are required at the entrance/exit drive to Fort Lowell Road. Indicate on the plan view 25' curb returns in this location.

16. A 10' street landscape border is required for this project along the street frontage. The proposed location of the trash enclosure encroaches into the border. Revise. DS 2-02.2.1.A.32.

17. Indicate a refuse enclosure detail as per D.S. 6-01.4.2. The base shall be a concrete slab with an inside clear dimension of ten (10) feet by ten (10) feet by five (5) inches thick. Steel pipes are required between the container and the enclosure's rear and side walls to prevent the container from damaging the enclosure while being serviced. Enclosure gates have a minimum opening of ten (10) feet.

18. The maximum distance a solid waste collection vehicle can back up is 40'. A collection vehicle accessing the proposed location of the refuse enclosure will exceed this distance. Revise the location to meet the minimum requirements. Be advised aware refuse vehicles require 36' inside radius and 50' outside radius. DS 6-01.4.1.C.

19. Provide the existing and proposed onsite to offsite 100-year discharge that is calculated and discussed in the drainage report on the plan. Label appropriately. DS 2-02.2.1.A.16.

20. The drainage report shows the roof drainage directed to the south side of the building. The 10-year flow must be contained under the pedestrian circulation at all down spout locations. Provide scupper(s) in an appropriate location and a detail of the down spout(s) and scupper(s). DS 2-02.2.1.A.16.

21. Additional comments could be forthcoming depending on how each comment has been addressed.


1. The drainage report shows a 100-year discharge of 1.3 cfs from the roof that outlets on the south side of the structure. A sidewalk is within this location. The 10-year flow must be contained under the pedestrian circulation at all roof discharge points. Provide calculations and scupper details stating that the 10-year flow will be contained under the pedestrian circulation at all concentrated locations. DS 2-02.2.1.A.16

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description