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Permit Number: T07CM03033
Parcel: 117060940

45 N 5TH AV

Review Status: Completed


Permit Number - T07CM03033
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
10/12/2007 MARTIN BROWN FIRE REVIEW Approved
10/12/2007 TERRY STEVENS ZONING REVIEW Denied TO: Development Services Department
Plans Coordination Office

FROM: Terry Stevens
Lead Planner

44 N. 5th Ave.
Site Plan


COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along with redlines and a response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed.

1. Provide a detail and location of the required handicap parking signage. The minimum height above grade per City of Tucson Standards is seven (7) feet to the bottom of the main sign.

2. Provide a dimensioned detail of a standard parking space and the two types of handicap parking spaces.

3. The following comments apply to both levels of the parking garage.

The handicap parking space located north of elevators #3 and #4 require a clear and unobstructed five (5) foot wide access aisle. The column interrupts the access aisle. Revise.

The angled parking spaces located along the south side of the parking garage appear to be at a 70 degree angle. Indicate on the plan the correct angle. Per LUC Sec. and Table 3.3.7-I dimension "C" for a angled parking space is required to be 19'-8". Provide this dimension on the plan. As indicated it does not appear that the parking spaces indicated meet this requirement.

Provide the width of the PAAL behind the angled parking spaces.

Clearly indicate the width of all PAALs. If using a typical width, indicate such.

Per DS 3-05.2.1.B.3 when a parking spaces abuts any vertical barrier over 6" in height, the required width of the parking space is ten (10) feet. This will be required at the parking space located adjacent to the mechanical chase at the north east corner of the garage. The 8'-6" width of the parking space can be maintained if the distance from the edge of the parking space to the wall of the mechanical chase is a minimum of two (2) feet. Provide the minimum 2' dimension. This same comment will apply to the parking space adjacent to the telephone room on the lower level of the parking garage.

4. Bicycle parking is not a requirement of this use but since bicycle parking is being provided it must meet DS 2-09. Provide a detail of the proposed bicycle rack and a detail of the layout indicating spacing, access aisle, clearances as per DS 2-09.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Terry Stevens, (520) 837-4961

TLS C:\zoning\siteplan\DSC\T07CM03033-2.doc
10/17/2007 TERRY STEVENS ZONING HC SITE REVIEW Denied see zoning comments
10/18/2007 ANDREW CONNOR LANDSCAPE REVIEW Denied Verify how the site meets the following requirements and/or guidelines per DS 9-10.4.3.B

1. Shade shall be provided for at least fifty (50) percent of all sidewalks and pedestrian pathways as measured at 2:00 p.m. on June 21 when the sun is 82° above the horizon (based on 32°N Latitude). Shade may be provided by arcades, canopies, or shade structures, provided they respect the historic and design context of the street and the architectural integrity of the building. Deciduous trees, as proposed in the Downtown Comprehensive Street Tree Plan, are encouraged to supplement existing evergreen trees. The use of plantings and shade structures in the City right-of-way is permitted to meet this standard. The shade provided by building may
serve to meet this guideline.

2. Along pedestrian pathways that lead to the Rio Nuevo South Cultural Plaza and in areas planned for retail and entertainment uses and high pedestrian traffic, shade devices should be provided at pedestrian waiting areas and street intersections.

§ The plan layout will include name of existing vegetation to remain in place. Include the both the proper and common name of each type of plant material indicated in Keynote 21 on Sheet C1.1.

§ Include with re-submittal approval documentation. Indicate on the lower right hand corner of the site plan, the variance case number, date of approval, and any conditions imposed.

§ Additional comments may apply
11/02/2007 PATRICIA GILBERT ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied DATE: November 6, 2007
PROJECT NAME: MLK Apartments Depot Plaza
PROJECT ADDRESS: 44 North 5th Avenue
PROJECT REVIEWER: Patricia Gilbert, Engineering Associate

The following items must be revised or added to the site plan. Please include a response letter with the next submittal that states how all comments have been addressed.



1. On sheets A2.00a and A2.00b dimension all points of the parking area access lanes (PAALs). It must be clear on the site plan the minimum requirements for PAAL widths are met. DS 2-02.2.1.A.11.

2. Provide the book and page for all streets shown on the site plan. Second request. DS 2-02.2.1.A.18.

3. Seek written approval from Andy Vera from the Environmental Services Department for the proposed location of the temporary solid waste enclosure. Even though the enclosure is temporary it must be in an acceptable location to accommodate the solid waste vehicle.

4. Provide on the site plan the adjacent off site 100-year quantities that surround the project that are discussed in the drainage statement in section 2.1.

5. Be advised a grading permit will be required. It is recommended to formally submit the grading plan for review with the next site plan review.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
11/08/2007 DELMA ROBEY OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed
11/08/2007 DELMA ROBEY REJECT SHELF Completed