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Permit Number: T07CM02522
Parcel: 135074540

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: RESUBMITTAL

Permit Number - T07CM02522
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
08/13/2007 CHRIS KIEL (WILDAN) BUILDING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Denied 1) Please revise the font size to a minimum of 1/8" and all capital letters in accordance with the submittal requirements for the City of Tucson per section 106.1.1 of the 2003 IBC. COMMENT REMAINS: The current sumbittal still has lettering that is less than 1/8" and not all capital letters (see sheets A7 adn A8 for examples). Please revise accordingly.

2) Please provide additional information regarding the lavatories, water closets, grab bars and toilet paper dispensers in order to verify compliance with the requirements of chapter 6 of ANSI 117.1-2003. COMMENT REMAINS: The current submittal of sheet A0 still fails to provide the mimimum information in order to verify compliance with chapter 6 of ANSI 117.1-2003 such as the horizontal placement of the toilet paper dispenser, the height of the water closet, the height and knee and toe clearances at the lavatories, etc. Please provide accordingly.

3) Please provide a hard, nonabsorbent surface on the walls surrounding the water closet in accordance with section 1210.2 of the 2003 IBC. COMMENT REMAINS: The current submittal still has not addressed this issue. The City of Tucson does not consider epoxy paint to meet the requirements of section 1210.2. Please revise accordingly (i.e. FRP, tile, etc.).

4) Please provide structural verification that the existing structural components can support the new mechanical units in accordance with section 106.1.1 of the 2003 IBC. While the reference shell plans indicate a blocked out area for the evaporative coolers, it doesn't appear to address the loads for the coolers nor the air conditioning unit. COMMENT REMAINS: Please coordinate the structural calculations with the weight of the units denoted on the mechanical plans per section 106.1.1 of the 2003 IBC and revise the calculations accordingly (evap coolers - 800#, heat pumps - 600#, etc.).

5) Please ensure that two accessible means of egress have been provided from the building in accordance with section 1007.1 of the 2003 IBC. The shell plans appear to indicate a site wall around the rear exit preventing egress to the public way. COMMENT REMAINS: Section 1014.1 of the 2003 IBC specifies that only one exit is requried if all three requirements have been met, one of which is compliance with section 1013.3. If the rear exit is not required, then the common path of egress would exceed 100'. Therefore, two exits are required from both the fabrication/storage area and the building. Please provide additional information on the plans regarding the opening in the existing site wall, the door and hardware information and accessibility in order to verify compliance with chapter 10 and 11 of the 2003 IBC.

6) Please provide additional information regarding door hardware set #1 in order to verify compliance with section 1008.1.8 of the 2003 IBC. The current submittal appears to indicate that two operations may be required to open the door. Please revise accordingly. COMMENT REMAINS: The door schedules on sheet A6 all indicate hardware set 1 which appear to have two operations. Section 1008.1.8 only allows this with the appropriate signage at the main door and therefore is ok for doors 101 and 501, but not for doors 105, 106, 107, 108, 505, 506, 507 and 508. Please revise accordingly,

7) Please provide emergency power for the egress illumination in accordance with section 1006.3 of the 2003 IBC. Please ensure that emergency power is provided for the lights at the egress discharge side of the exit doors. The current submittal of the reflective ceiling plans indicate emergency lights, but the electrical lighting plans do not. Please coordinate accordingly. COMMENT REMAINS: As noted previously, two exits are required based upon the the common path of egress travel distance exceeding 100' (see section 1014.1 #2 and section 1013.3 exception #1). Therefore, please provide exit signage on the fabrication/storage side of the door between the fabrication/storage and the office area per section 1011 and provide emergency power for the egress illumination per section 1006.3 of the 2003 IBC. Please be sure to include emergency power for the egress illumination on the exit discharge side of the exit doors accordingly.

8) Please specify the area associated with the different uses listed within the code analysis per section 106.1.1 and calculate the occupant load per table 1004.1.2 of the 2003 IBC. Graphically represent these areas on the floor plan per section 106.1.1 of the 2003 IBC. COMMENT REMAINS: The comment response letter indicates that the fabrication/storage is to be considered factory. Therefore, the occupant load would be 61 for each building in accordance with table 1004 .1.2 of the 2003 IBC (100 sf/person for both industrial and business uses). Please revise the code analysis in coordination with the information provided in the comment response letter (i.e. allowable building area, type of use, occupant load, etc.) per section 106.1.1 of the 2003 IBC. Please be aware that if the occupant load of the fabrication/storage area is 50 or more that the swing of the door between the fabrication/storage area will have to be modified per section 1008.1.2 of the 2003 IBC. In addition, if the occupant load is 61 that the number of plumbing facilities may be required to be increased per 2902 of the 2003 IBC.

9) Please provide an addditional exit sign for the second exit from the storage/factory area per section 1011.1 of the 2003 IBC. COMMENT REMAINS: As noted previously, two exits are required and therefore the exit signage is also requried (occupant load over 50 and a common path of egress travel exceeds 100'). Please revise accordingly.

10) Please provide additional information regarding the materials to be stored/or materials to be fabricated in order to verify compliance with chapters 3 and 4 of the 2003 IBC. COMMENT REMAINS: The current submittal still doesn't specify the volume of hazardous materials in order to verify compliance with tables 307.7(1) and 307.7(2) of the 2003 IBC. In addition, the information provided appears to indicate that the use should be F-1 vs. F-2 based upon the materials. Please provide additional information in order to verify compliance with the requirements of chapters 3 and 4 of the 2003 IBC and coordinate this information throughout the plan submittal.

11) NEW COMMENT: Please incorporate all revised plan sheets within the full plan set when resubmitting for review in accordance with the submittal requirements for the City of Tucson.
08/24/2007 ROBERT SHERRY MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Denied Provide details and calculations to show that the installation of the rooftop HVAC equipment complies with Section 302.1, IMC 2003.
08/24/2007 ROBERT SHERRY PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Denied 1. Revise the font size used on the drawings to a minimum of 1/8-inch (all upper case). Reference Section 302.3, Uniform Administrative Code, 1997.
2. Provide the minimum plumbing facilities required by Table 2902.1, IBC 2003, for business occupancy.
3. Show how the temperature of the hot water supply to the public lavatories is controlled. Reference Section 414.1, UPC 2003 and Section 804.3, IECC 2003. See also: http://www.ci.tucson.az.us/tucsonwater/clearwater?output=allTabular
4. Include all fixtures, the water requirements of the HVAC equipment, and the developed length of the complete water supply system supplied by the same water meter when calculating the total demand and determining pipe sizes. Reference Section 610.1, UPC 2003.
5. Revise the size of the vent through the roof to comply with the requirements of Section 904.1, UPC 2003.
08/29/2007 GERRY KOZIOL WWM REVIEW Approved

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description