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Permit Number: T07CM02433
Parcel: 135020260

6504 E 22ND ST

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: COMMERCIAL NEW

Permit Number - T07CM02433
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
06/25/2007 DAVE MANN FIRE REVIEW Approved
06/26/2007 HEATHER THRALL ZONING REVIEW Denied Once the site plan is approved, zoning can continue to review the building plans for this project. Please be sure to include a copy of the site plan that is under review - and once it is approved - with the building plans set at each review.
07/03/2007 ROBERT SHERRY MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Denied 1. Revise the font size used on the drawings to a minimum of 1/8-inch (all upper case). Reference Section 302.3, Uniform Administrative Code, 1997.
2. Show the size, routing, and termination of the condensate drains. Reference Section 307.2, IMC 2003 and Section 807.2, UPC 2003.
3. Recirculation of ventilation air from toilet rooms is prohibited. Reference Section 403.2.1 (3), IMC 2003.
4. Provide the listing information for the proposed Type I kitchen hoods to show that they have been factory-built and tested in accordance with UL 710 at the airflow rates shown. If the hoods are not listed for the proposed airflow rates, the minimum airflow rates shall conform to the requirements of Section 507.13, IMC 2003. Reference Section 507.1, IMC 2003.
5. Show that both of the roof top air-conditioning units are electrically interlocked to the exhaust fans to supply adequate make up air for the kitchen hoods. Reference Section 508.1, IMC 2003.
6. Provide the installed weights of the rooftop equipment and both Type I hoods. Reference Section 106.3.1, IMC 2003.
7. Provide structural calculations and details to show that the Type I hood, KH-2, is supported from the building structure in accordance with Section 507.6, IMC 2003.
8. Revise the installation of hood KH-2 to provide 18" of clearance between the hood and combustible construction (note that wood studs, even if covered by gypsum board and a sheet of stainless steel are considered combustible construction by the IMC). Reference Section 507.9, IMC 2003.
07/05/2007 ROBERT SHERRY PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Denied 1. Revise the font size used on the drawings to a minimum of 1/8-inch (all upper case). Reference Section 302.3, Uniform Administrative Code, 1997.
2. Specify the backflow preventer noted in detail 2/P1.1. Reference Section 103.2.3, UPC 2003.
3. The specified expansion tank (Taco model CX15) for the water heater is not listed for use in a potable water system. Reference Section 301.1.1, UPC 2003.
4. Provide an installation detail and clarify the intended uses for the 3- and 1-compartment sinks. Reference Sections 103.2.3 and 801.2, UPC 2003.
5. Provide water supply isometrics. Reference Section 103.2.3, UPC 2003.
6. Provide calculations to show how the water piping was sized. Reference Section 103.2.3, UPC 2003.
7. The design of the water heater piping, with a valve located between the water heater and the expansion tank, makes it impossible for the expansion tank to accommodate the thermal expansion of the water in the water heater, as intended by Section 608.3, UPC 2003. Reference Section 505.6, UPC 2003.
8. Provide the listing for the two-way cleanout fitting called out in detail 6/P2.1. Reference Sections 103.2.3 and 707.6, UPC 2003.
9. Provide upper terminal cleanouts on horizontal drainage pipes exceeding 5 feet in length (horizontal drain lines serving sinks and urinals require cleanouts regardless of length). Reference Section 707.4, UPC 2003.
10. Revise the protecting vent for the grease interceptor to comply with the requirements of Section 1002.2, UPC 2003.

PLEASE CALL AT 791-5550 X1106 OR EMAIL AT Linda.Buczynski@tucsonaz.gov

1. Revise the font size used on the drawings to a minimum of 1/8-inch (all upper case). Reference Section 302.3, Uniform Administrative Code, 1997.
2. Provide cut sheets for all exterior lighting fixtures.
3. Demonstrate compliance with the Tucson Lighting Code, http://www.tucsonaz.gov/dsd/Codes___Ordinances/Tucson_Lighting_Code.pdf. Please note that the information required by Section 8 shall be ON THE PLANS.
4. For all poles greater than 20' in height, provide details and calculations for the pole and foundation, prepared and sealed by s Registered Structural Engineer.
5. Branch circuits, feeders, service load not reviewed. Font size on panel schedules too small to do so.
6. Provide panel and circuit for Exterior Menu Board and Pre-Sale Board. Reference Sheet MPE.1.1.
7. Minimum size Grounding Electrode Conductor, Grounded Conductor and Main Bonding Jumper 3/0. Reference NEC 250.24 (B) (1), 250.28 (D), Table 250.66.
8. Provide fault calculations.
07/19/2007 LEERAY HANLY BUILDING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Denied 1. Revise the font size used on the drawings to a minimum of 1/8-inch (all upper case). Reference Section 302.3, Uniform Administrative Code, 1997.

2. Revise detail 12/AS.1 to show 7' to bottom of sign per local administrative code.

3. Revise AS.2 and 3/A1.5 to include vertical grab bar at water closet per Fig. 604.5.1 of 2003 ANSI 117.1.

4. Revise M-S2.1 shear wall plan to indicate 10d nail size per calculations and nominal 3x lumber at panel edges per table 2306.4.1 of 2003 IBC.

5. Detail how 2x4 blocking is attached to trusses ref 2/A1.3.

6. Please indicate on pp S3.1 that truss package is a deferred submittal, and that no deferred submittal items may be erected or installed without prior approval of development services.
07/19/2007 JOHN WILLIAMS COMMERCIAL IMPACT FEE COMMERCIAL IMPACT FEE PROCESSING Completed Impact Fee's have been waived due to credits on demo permits T07BU02582 & T07BU02550. Impact Fee's for future development will apply.
07/23/2007 GERRY KOZIOL WWM REVIEW Approved

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description