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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Active
Review Details: COMMERCIAL TI
Permit Number - T07CM01696
Review Status: Active
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
04/30/2007 | DAVE MANN | FIRE | REVIEW | Denied | Rated corridors are required per IFC Section 1016. |
04/30/2007 | ROBERT SHERRY | WATER | REVIEW | Approved | |
04/30/2007 | ROBERT SHERRY | PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | 1. The mechanical plans show 6 new gas-fired roof top units being installed. Provide a natural gas piping design, including the piping layout on a floor plan and showing the sizes, loads and developed lengths of the piping. Reference Section 103.2.3, UPC 2003. 2. This project appears to have a flush valve system (38 fixture units equates to a demand of 46 GPM). Provide a 1-1/2" water meter and revise the water calculations appropriately. 3. The plumbing plan for the 1st floor (P1.2) shows a floor sink (P-7) located adjacent to P-4 but no other plans show such a configuration. Please clarify. Reference Section 103.2.3, UPC 2003. 4. If the specified water heater is not supplied with integral heat traps, provide 0.5" of insulation with a maximum conductivity of 0.27 btu per inch/h °F on the first 8 feet of supply and discharge piping. Reference Section 804.5, IECC 2003. 5. Show size, route and termination of T&P relief piping for WH-1. Reference Section 608.5, UPC 2003. 6. The specified backflow prevention device for the espresso machine (P-9) does not comply with the requirements of Section 603.2.4, UPC 2003. 7. Provide calculations to show that the scupper geometry is adequate to hydraulically accommodate the design rainfall without exceeding a 2" depth of flow. Revise the scupper design or provide structural calculations to show that the roof is capable of supporting the additional rain load. Reference Sections 1101.11.1,1101.11.2, 1101.1.2.3, 1101.11.2.4, and 1106.4, UPC 2003, and Section 1611.1, IBC 2003. 8. Explain how the roof drainage to the area west of room 116 will be accommodated. Reference Sections 103.2.3 and 1101.1, UPC 2003. |
05/01/2007 | ROBERT SHERRY | MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | 1. Provide updated energy code compliance calculations for the new building area. Reference Section 101.4, International Energy Conservation Code 2003. 2. Clarify the application of FC-2. It appears to be installed in the basement stairway lobby but is called out as being for the elevator equipment room and its thermostat is located in a telephone closet. Reference Section 106.3.1, IMC 2003. 3. Revise the structural calculations to verify that the existing roof is capable of supporting the additional dead load due to the installation of the roof top units AC- and AC2 and the condensing units CU-1 and CU-2 (They weigh much more than the 13.5 pounds shown in the schedule). Reference Section 302.1, IMC 2003. 4. Justify the use of a hotel lobby description for calculating the ventilation requirements of a coffee bar area. Reference Section 403.3, IMC 2003. 5. Provide calculations to show that the common ventilation system for AC-4 is sized in accordance with Section 403.3.2, IMC 2003. 6. Revise keynote 11, sheet P1.1; condensate cannot "Terminate at mop sink…" if there is no mop sink. Reference Section 106.3.1, IMC 2003. |
05/07/2007 | LEERAY HANLY | BUILDING-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | 1) MAIN ENTRANCE ON EAST SIDE IS A REQUIRED ACCESSIBLE ENTRANCE AND MUST COMPLY WITH ICC/ANSI 117.1 SECTION 405.9 (STAIRS MAY NOT LEAD OFF AN ACCESSIBLE RAMP LANDING) 2) AT LEAST 2 OF THE 3 ENTRANCES MUST BE ACCESSIBLE (IBC 1105.1). ANY NON-ACCESSIBLE ENTRANCES REQUIRE SIGNAGE (IBC 1110.1.5). PLEASE CLARIFY. 3) PLEASE CLARIFY/ DETAIL HOW BREAKROOM SINK MEETS ICC/ANSI 117.1 SECTION 606.3. 4) PLEASE PROVIDE FRAMING DETAILS FOR PLUMBING WALLS IN RESTROOMS AND FOR LIGHTING COVE 2/A1.3. 5) PLEASE PROVIDE FRAMING DETAILS FOR HARD LIDS AND LIGHT COVE ATTACHEMENTS AT ELEVATOR LOBBY, STAIRS AND RESTROOMS. 6) CLARIFY ROOF LADDER SUPPORTS. YOU APPEAR TO BE ANCHORING TO A NON EXISTANT PARTITION. JUSTIFY 3/8" ANCHOR INTO LIGHT GAUGE STEEL FRAMING. 7) REF PP S1.2: B15 (B7 IN STRUCT CALCS) SHOULD BE W12X26 PER CALCULATIONS. 8) REF PP S2.1: B3 NOTED IN SCHEDULE AS W10X19 IS LISTED AS A 6X10 IN CALCULATIONS (B9 IN CALCS) 9) REF PP S2.1: B8 (B10 IN STRUCT CALCS) IS SCHEDULED AS 5.125 X 15; CALCULATIONS SHOW SMALLER 5.125 X 12...IS IT YOUR INTENT TO GO LARGER? 10) REF PP S2.1: BEAMS 2, 8 AND 12 ARE NOT IN STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS. PLEASE CLARIFY THEIR PURPOSE AND PROVIDE ANY LOADING CALCULATIONS NECESSARY. 11) 1) 1997 Uniform Administrative Code - section 302.5 Inspection and Observation Program. When special inspection is required by Section 306, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program which shall be submitted to the building official for approval prior to issuance of the building permit. The inspection program shall designate the portions of the work to have special inspection, the name or names of the individuals or firms who are to perform the special inspections and indicate the duties of the special inspectors. The special inspector shall be employed by the owner , the engineer or architect of record, or an agent of the owner, but not the contractor or any other person responsible for the work. When structural observation is required by Section 307, the inspection program shall name the individuals or firms who are to perform structural observation and describe the stages of construction at which structural observation is to occur. The inspection program shall include samples of inspection reports and provide time limits for submission of reports. |
05/11/2007 | LINDA BUCZYNSKI | ELECTRICAL-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | TRANSMIT ORIGINAL DRAWINGS WITH NEXT SUBMITTAL. PLEASE CALL AT 791-5550 X1106 OR EMAIL AT Linda.Buczynski@tucsonaz.gov IF YOU CARE TO DISCUSS. 1. Provide power for WH-2. 2. CP-1, as specified by the Mechanical Engineer, is available in a 115V rating with a 6' power cord. This is not consistent with the 208V hard wired power provided on the electrical plans. Please coordinate with Plumbing Sheets and clarify. 3. Please submit a cut sheet for Lighting Fixture L. 4. Please put the following note on the plans: "Special inspection needed for outdoor lighting fixtures." Reference Tucson Lighting Code Section 16. 5. Demonstrate compliance with the 2003 IECC. |
05/17/2007 | JOHN WILLIAMS | COMMERCIAL IMPACT FEE | COMMERCIAL IMPACT FEE PROCESSING | Passed | Impact Fee's Do Apply; Office; Central District; 1,900 Square Feet; $3,505.61 |
05/25/2007 | PATRICIA GILBERT | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | It is not clear to this office where the 1900 square footage addition is located. The addition must be clearly shown on the plan. A site plan review may be required, which a separate review from the building review. Please refer to Zoning's comments. |
05/31/2007 | HEATHER THRALL | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | Requires an approved site plan prior to any further review. |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
04/26/2007 | ANY | REJECT SHELF | RECEIVED |