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Permit Number: T07CM01474
Parcel: 11917013D

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: RESUBMITTAL - SITE

Permit Number - T07CM01474
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
04/01/2008 PETER MCLAUGHLIN ZONING REVIEW Denied The MS&R plan indicates that 6th Avenue is a designated major street with a future right-of-way width of 120 feet. Revise the dimension of MS&R right-of-way on all site plan sheets and landscape plan sheets as necessary and provide a site plan and landscape plan showing how the site will meet code in the future when 6th Avenue widening takes place. Note that additional comments may be necessary once right-of-way dimensions are corrected and the future plans are submitted. DS 2-02.2.1.A.19, LUC
Note: If a letter has been obtained from City Transportation stating otherwise please include a copy with the next submittal.
05/15/2008 LOREN MAKUS ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied A grading plan and grading permit application and approval is required.

Revise SI-6 Landscape plan detail 8 to remove the mortar bed from the water harvesting area. The landscape plan shows plantings in these areas so the area must be permeable to stormwater.