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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Permit Number - T07CM01474
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
08/06/2007 | ANDREW CONNOR | LANDSCAPE | REVIEW | Approved | |
08/17/2007 | ROBERT SHERRY | PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | 1. Third request. Clarify the nature of and the need for the specified 2-way cleanouts shown on drawing SI-11 (i.e. provide a listing for the specified 2-way cleanout). Reference Sections 103.2.3 and 707.6, UPC 2003. 2. Revise the size of the building sewers per Section 703, UPC 2003. 3. Provide cleanouts sized per Table 7-6, UPC 2003. Reference Section 719.3, UPC 2003. |
08/22/2007 | PATRICIA GILBERT | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | DATE: August 27, 2007 ACTIVITY NUMBER: T07CM01474 PROJECT NAME: Veterans Plaza PROJECT ADDRESS: 3502 South 6th Avenue PROJECT REVIEWER: Patricia Gilbert, Engineering Associate The following items must be revised or added to the site plan. Include a response letter with the next submittal that states how all comments have been addressed. RESUBMITTAL REQUIRED: SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL REQUIRED: DRAINAGE REPORT 1. Provide future sight visibility triangles for the entrance/exit drive to 6th Avenue. The stem side is drawn from the future curb location. DS 2-02.2.1.A.10. 2. Provide existing drainage patterns on sheet SI-2. Include symbol in the legend. DS 2-02.2.1.A.16. The above comment is from the previous review. Indicate in the legend if the drainage patterns are existing or proposed. Be advised the drainage arrows do not match the contours found on the TDOT mapping site. A revision could be required. 3. Provide finish grades on sheet SI-2. DS 2-02.2.1.A.16. 4. Provide estimated cut and fill quantities. DS 2-02.2.1.A.17. 2nd request. 5. Per the Major Street and Route Plan 6th Avenue is designated for a future ROW width of 120'. Provide the 60' future ½ ROW dimension. Show the future curb and sidewalk location. For a ROW width of 120' a 9' sidewalk area is required. Revise appropriately. See zoning's comment. The above comment is from the previous review and it appears it has not been addressed. The plans show a 40' existing and future ROW dimension. The future ½ ROW width is 60'. The ROW information on the plan is not correct. Revise accordingly. See Zoning's comment. 6. If applicable show all easements of record with recordation data on the site plan. DS 2-02.2.1.A.20. The above comment is from the previous review and it is not clear if this comment has been addressed since a response letter was not submitted. If this comment is not applicable please indicate so in the response letter. 7. Revise the label for the existing ROW dimensions (see comment 5). It appears 6th Avenue is not built out to the future ROW width. There for the label should only read "existing." DS 2-02.2.1.A.21. 2nd request. 8. The plans indicate a 6' sidewalk within the ROW, however when reviewing the paving plan there is 10' sidewalk area with 10' of stamped concrete (brick pattern). Clarify and revise the plan accordingly. 9. Provide existing contours and/or spot elevations for the site. Include the Bench Mark based on the City of Tucson datum, include field book and page. DS 2-02.2.1.A.23. 2nd request. 10. This property lies within the boundaries of a "Balanced Drainage Basin," which requires a detention basin facility that ensures a reduction in the existing 2, 10 and 100 year peak discharge from the site. Provide a drainage report addressing the detention requirements for a project within a balanced basin. 2nd request. |
08/23/2007 | PETER MCLAUGHLIN | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | The MS&R plan shows 6th Avenue as a designated major street with a future right-of-way width of 120 feet. Revise the dimension of MS&R right-of-way on all site plan sheets and landscape plan sheets as necessary and provide a site plan and landscape plan showing how the site will meet code in the future when 6th Avenue widening takes place. Note that additional comments may be necessary once right-of-way dimensions are corrected and the future plans are submitted. DS 2-02.2.1.A.19, LUC |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
09/06/2007 | DELMA ROBEY | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |
09/06/2007 | SUE REEVES | REJECT SHELF | Completed |