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Permit Number: T07CM00774
Parcel: 116300540

Review Status: Completed


Permit Number - T07CM00774
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
04/13/2007 GERRY KOZIOL WWM REVIEW Approved
04/16/2007 ANDREW CONNOR NPPO REVIEW Denied 1. Each lot within Wildcat Pass must submit a separate NPPO plan.

2. The NPPO shall include an inventory and analysis of all plants listed as Federal Endangered Species, all Saguaros, and all Ironwoods designated as Protected Native Plants according to Sec. 3.8.5. Preservation and mitigation requirements for these genus and species shall conform to Sec.

3. To protect the natural areas, a covenant must be provided with record interest in the natural area in favor of the City of Tucson per LUC Submit the required covenant or conservation easement and legal description for review

4. Include the location, size, color, and textural treatment of all retaining walls, riprapped slopes, or other constructed means of slope stabilization must be shown on one (1) of the plans submitted. Vegetation retention and re-vegetation should be used in conjunction with riprapping.

5. The site/grading and NPP plans shall indicate the 50-ft study area identical to the Wash Ordinance Mitigation Plan included with Case # S02-008. Include approved Wash Mitigation plan with re-submittal for reference.

FROM: Michael St.Paul, Planning Technician

T07CM00774 SFR
2061 South Little Dipper Drive
Wildcat Pall, Lot #54

TRANSMITTAL: May 8, 2007

COMMENTS: Please attach a response letter with the next submittal, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed.

1. This review is for a single-family residence (SFR) in the Wildcat Pass subdivision. This subdivision is a Residential Cluster Project (RCP) in Starr Pass (LUC Section 3.6.1). The zoning is R-1 RCP 4 (LUC Section This subdivision in three overlay zones. The overlay zones are the Hillside Development Zone (HDZ) (LUC Section 2.8.1) and the Environmental Resource Zone (ERZ) (LUC Section 2.8.6). The third overlay zone, Watercourse Amenities Safety and Habitat (WASH), shall be review by Engineering and Landscaping.

2. An individual grading plan is required for each lot within this subdivision. The grading plan must be approved before the plot plan can be approved.

3. A separate permit is required for all retaining walls. The permit for the retaining wall may be run concurrently with the grading plan and the plot plan.

4. The dimensions provided on the plot plan, for the elevations, are double those provided for the elevations on Sheet 5. Please revise the plan for consistency. It is not necessary to place duplicate elevations on the site plan, merely list the wall heights facing each property line on the plot plan.

5. Please remove the two Pima County requirements under "Site Plan Notes: City of Tucson" and the Pima County "Inclusive Home Design Ordinance" from this plot plan.

6. Please be aware that further comments may be necessary relative to additional information provided and changes made on the plans.
05/08/2007 BETH GRANT COMMERCIAL IMPACT FEE COMMERCIAL IMPACT FEE PROCESSING Completed Impact fee's do apply; 3,150 Square Feet; $8,450; West District; Single Family Residential Home
06/25/2007 LOREN MAKUS ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied June 28, 2007
Grading and Building review

The grading permit cannont be approved at this time. Address the following comments and resubmit the grading plan. Include a response letter that provides details for how each comment has been addressed. Since there are significant inconsistencies in the current plan there may be comments on new issues when the plan is submitted again.
Grading Plan Comments:
1. Provide cut and fill quantities on the grading plan. Ensure that the quantities are consistent with the proposed work as demonstrated by existing and proposed grades.
2. Provide a north arrow and scale near the site plan.
3. Provide a note indicating the area of proposed grading in square feet or acres.
4. Provide representative proposed spot elevations or proposed contours throughout the plan to establish the future grades. The provide spot elevations near the wall indicate that significant grading will occur below the grade of the house. Clearly identify the edges of the graded area and provide representative elevations.
5. Label all of the contours in or near the graded area with elevation data.
6. Provide cross sections at representative locations at the edge of the disturbance area to show how the finish grades will be achieved in relation to the undisturbed areas.
7. Revise the grading limits and the proposed grades to be consistent. The current plan shows revised contours extending beyond the grading limits.
8. Extend the grading limits to encompass the work to be performed within the right-of-way. Add a note indicating that all work in the right-of way requires a separate right-of-way permit.
9. Revise the slopes in the driveway area to limit the longitudinal slopes to 15 per cent or less at all location.
10. Show sufficient grade and slope information to demonstrate that ponding will not occur along the uphill side of the house and garage.
11. Provide a detail of the intersceptor swale. Provide sizing information for the rip rap and embedment depth information for the swale.
12. Clearly identify the 14 locations for the erosion control aprons as listed in the legend.
13. Clearly identify the areas specified in engineering notes 8 and 9.
14. Section A is called out in the plan view but doesn't appear in a detail. Detail B is shown but not called out on the plan. Revise the plan as necessary.

Building Comments:
15. The building plans cannot be approved until the grading plans have been approved. Please ensure that the building plans are consistent with the grading plan.

If you have any questions, I can be reached at520.837.4927 or at loren.makus@tucsonaz.gov

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
06/29/2007 THAUSER1 REJECT SHELF Completed