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Permit Number: T07CM00471
Parcel: 11516024C


Review Status: Completed

Review Details: SITE

Permit Number - T07CM00471
Review Name: SITE
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
02/08/2007 DAVE MANN FIRE REVIEW Denied The covered parking is too close to the proprty line. See IBC Table 602.
02/23/2007 HEATHER THRALL ZONING REVIEW Denied TO: Development Services Department Plans Coordination Office

FROM: Heather Thrall
Senior Planner

2201 N. Forbes Blvd., new warehouse & Office uses
Commercial Site Plan, 1st Review

TRANSMITTAL DATE: February 23, 2007

COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along with redlines and a response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed.

1. This project was reviewed for requirements of the Land Use Code (LUC), Development Standard (DS), International Building Code 2003 (IBC) and American National Standard Institute (ANSI). This plan was reviewed for content in DS 2-02. (I did not make any zoning redlines for this project)

This project appears to have calculations in several places for two principal uses - commercial storage and office uses - yet the declared principal use on the plan is commercial storage. (Both commercial storage and office uses have the same development designator criteria.) It appears the parking and bicycle parking are proposed at the amount required for both uses. If that is the case, then staff has to ensure that other design criteria, ie. Loading zones - are provided for BOTH uses. If the site is only commercial storage use with related/associated office uses, then please just show those calculations and "over park" the site with bicycle and office parking.

2. Per DS 2-, the site has been assigned the address 2201 N. Forbes Blvd. Please provide this note on the cover sheet and on all pages of the site plan, near the title bar.

3. Per DS 2-, provide a document stating the city approved the 1977 & 80 lot splits per the Assessor's. Check DS records, contact me if you need further advisement.

4. Per DS 2-, with regards to the building:
A) please dimension the proposed building footprint (for records and issuing permits)
B) please advise of any roof overhangs and their vertical clearance (for pedestrian needs)
C) please declare the roof height (I see the parapet height, thank you)
D) please show the second story "footprint" - it appears much smaller than 1st floor footprint - is the rest of the area a mezzanine or is the 1st floor "vaulted" in portions?
E) Please clarify if the office areas are for the same business (don't want to assume wrong) or should be calculated out separately as two primary uses.

5. Per DS 2-, the setbacks for the structure meet code, as proposed. For records and inspections, please provide the actual proposed setbacks - from property lines.

6. Per DS 2-, with regards to parking:
A) parking is based upon the principal use declared - please just clarify if the office area is separate use from the storage area business use and should be calculated separately. Parking is exceeded with both uses accounted for, thank you.
B) Please add wheel stop barriers to both van accessible handicapped parking spaces ( a physical separation is needed between a sidewalk and a parking space, and there is a note that advises the asphalt will be rising to meet the elevation of the sidewalk here).
C) Please provide a dimension between the edge of the top of the parking space and the security fence at the rear of the site (SW) - a vehicle overhang of 2'6" is needed at the top of the parking space to protect this fence. Add wheel stop barrier if needed.
D) Provide a note on typical detail drawing for handicapped accessible sign that the fine for illegally parking in one is $518.00.
E) where are the proposed carports going to be erected?

7. Per DS 2- and DS 2-09, with regards to bicycle parking:
A) please show the entrance to the building and measure that all class 2 is within 50' of the entrance to the building
B) show 5' clear pedestrian area around bike parking
C) show surfacing material under bike parking
D) show class I bike parking typical detail drawing to meet DS 2-09
E) show signage for class I bike parking - directing employees bike parking inside
F) further comments on bike parking may be forthcoming

8. Per DS 2-, with regards to handicapped circulation:
A) a pedestrian access route is needed from Forbes to the building. Suggest linking the route by adding a crosswalk from the handicapped parking access aisle closest to Forbes to the handicapped parking access aisle closest to the building to complete the route.
B) Provide truncated domes (early warning devices) where transitioning from pedestrian to vehicular use areas - even if no handicapped ramp is involved.
C) Is the sidewalk that leads from Forbes in flush with the asphalt level or is a handicapped ramp needed - clarify with note. If a handicapped ramp is needed, please provide a typical detail drawing.
D) In the pedestrian refuge area along the NW side of the building and along the area leading to the loading zones - I do not see a sidewalk. Per DS 2-08, a sidewalk is to be included in the pedestrian refuge area between a PAAL and a building. Please clarify.

9. Per DS 2-, please clarify if there are any existing or proposed free-standing lighting, signs or billboards with their specifications.

10. Per DS 2-, with regards to loading:
A) loading calculations are based upon the principal use - and a loading zone is required for each principal use - at the square footage criteria in section 3.4.5. It appears the plan accounts for two principal uses - given separate bicycle and vehicular parking calculations. If the principal use is commercial storage - then an additional loading zone of 12x55 is needed per LUC (taking the square footage of the entire building). If there are two separate uses, then an additional loading zone is needed on the site for the office principal use - at 12x35 per LUC (looking at the office square footage).
Clarify if the loading areas are in loading docks (walls, stairs, etc all called out)

10. Per DS 2-, please ensure any/all easements applicable to this site are shown on the plan, with type and recordation data.

11. Per DS 2-, please see Engineering comments on refuse containers/location.

12. Please note, depending upon response provided, further review comments may be forthcoming. Should you have any questions, please contact me at Heather.Thrall@tucsonaz.gov or at 791-4541x1156.

HCT C:\planning\site\DSD\T07CM00471 2201 n forbes.doc

RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Revised site plan and additional requested documents
02/27/2007 HEATHER THRALL ZONING HC SITE REVIEW Denied Please see zoning comments.
02/27/2007 HTHRALL1 ADA REVIEW Passed
03/02/2007 ANDREW CONNOR LANDSCAPE REVIEW Denied 1. Landscaping is required along retention basin side slopes, bottom and periphery. Plant materials used in basins shall withstand periodic inundation. A minimum of 20 trees per acre must be provided, 33% of tress shall be 24" box or larger. A minimum of 2 shrubs for each tree is required per DS 10.01. Revise landscape plan to include basin(s) treatment.

2. A minimum of 4' in width must be provided for each canopy tree per DS 2-06.3.3.C. One of the Prosopis velutina within the vehicle use area appears to have less than a 4'planter width.

3. Landscape border along parking lot where plants are susceptible to injury by vehicular traffic must be protected by appropriate means, such as curbs, bollards, or low walls per LUC Provide protection for aforementioned tree.

4. The site plan and landscape plan must show identical site layout to avoid conflict between the two plans. Include any changes to site to the landscape plan as well.
03/05/2007 ROBERT SHERRY PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Denied Provide underground facility tracer wires per ARS 40-360.22.
03/19/2007 SUZANNE BOHNET ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied DATE: March 20, 2007
FROM: Suzanne Bohnet, CFM
Engineering Division

SUBJECT: 2201 N. Forbes Blvd.
New Warehouse
Site Plan T07CM00471 and Grading Plan T07BU00292 (First Review)

RESUBMITTAL REQUIRED: Site Plan, Grading Plan, and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan.

The Site Plan, Grading Plan Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan cannot be approved as submitted. Please include a response letter to the comments below along with the corrected copies of the respective plans with your next submittal.

The following comments can either be clarified and/or provided on either the sheet titled "Site Plan" or "Grading Plan".

Site Plan and/or Grading Plan:
1. Provide the on-site refuse storage, collection and pickup area(s) (DS 6-01.4.1.A).
2. Call out water harvesting in the landscape areas or add a note stating that all landscape areas will be depressed 6" for water harvesting.
3. Curb access ramps are required for the sidewalk at the driveway and at the handicapped parking space(s). Truncated domes, instead of grooves, are required on all sidewalk ramps where the interface of the pavement or vehicle use area and the pedestrian area do not have a vertical separation per Federal ADA requirements. The area where the truncated domes are required is 6 inches back from the interface, a minimum 2 feet deep and extending the width of the interface.
4. Provide a curb access ramp for the sidewalk on the north side of the drive.
5. Detail 8/C4 does not show the wheel stops that appear to be shown on the Site Plan (the easternmost parking spaces). Correct the detail by adding a wheel stop or provide curbing.
6. The sidewalk next to the building on the east side appears to have curbing from finished spot elevations and Detail 7A/C4 however it is not clearly shown on the Site Plan that the sidewalk has vertical separation from the parking area. Clarify the curbing on the plan(s).
7. List the address for the lot on the plans.
8. Provide general dimensions of the basins and provide a cross-section detail.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP):
The washout area is shown on the SWPPP plan in the northwest retention basin. Per the Arizona Administrative Code, under Part B, Type 1 GENERAL PERMITS:
R18-9-B301. Type 1 General Permit L. A 1.12 General Permit allows the discharge of wastewater resulting from washing concrete from trucks, pumps, and ancillary equipment to an impoundment if the following conditions are met:

5. The impoundment is located at least 50 feet from any storm drain inlet, open drainage facility, or watercourse and 100 feet from any water supply well;

Relocate the washout area to be in compliance with the Arizona Administrative Code.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Thank you,
Suzanne Bohnet, CFM
Engineering Associate
(520) 791-5550 x1188 office

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
03/20/2007 DELMA ROBEY OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed
03/20/2007 SUE REEVES REJECT SHELF Completed