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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Active
Review Details: SITE
Permit Number - T07CM00088
Review Name: SITE
Review Status: Active
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
01/10/2007 | DAVE MANN | FIRE | REVIEW | Denied | Please indicate fire department access lanes. Proposed new buildings are too far from existing fire hydrants. Please show existing fire hydrants with dimensions to buildings. Fire sprinklers required. Indicate tie-in locations. |
01/10/2007 | JOE LINVILLE | NPPO | REVIEW | Approved | exception, per aerial photo. |
01/10/2007 | JOE LINVILLE | LANDSCAPE | REVIEW | Denied | 1) Submit copies or previous site plans that document zoning compliance for the site. LUC 2) Submit previously approved landscape plans. LUC 3) Provide calculations for expansions in land area, floor area, lot coverage, or vehicular use area since February 15, 1991. LUC 4) Submit a landscape plan in compliance with DS 2-07, show existing and proposed landscaping. 5) If the expansion is twenty-five (25) percent or greater or if expansions as of February 15, 1991, cumulatively result in a twenty-five (25) percent or greater expansion in land area, floor area, lot coverage, or vehicular use area, the requirements of LUC 3.7 apply to the entire site. Provide revised plans as necessary. LUC |
01/31/2007 | HEATHER THRALL | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | TO: Development Services Department Plans Coordination Office FROM: Heather Thrall Senior Planner PROJECT: T07CM00088 3566 E. Speedway Blvd. Commercial Site Plan, 1st review TRANSMITTAL DATE: February 20, 2007 COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along with redlines and a response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed. 1. This plan was reviewed for compliance with the Land Use Code (LUC), American National Standard Institute (ANSI), Development Standard (DS) and International building Code 2003 (IBC). Given the last approved site plan had a cumulative expansion calculation just under 25% for gross floor area, the new building addition proposed with this project constitutes a full code compliance review. The principal use of the site, as staff understands the history of it, is for auto sales. The secondary use is automotive repair - strictly for the services of the vehicles that enter Quebedeaux for maintenance - and auto body is incidental. The notes on the submitted site plan indicate the principal uses to be auto service and collision center (auto body). If the use of the site has changed to a principal use of auto repair, the parking calculations for this project will vary greatly. In addition, auto body is not a principal permitted - or secondary permitted - use in the C-2 zone. Please declare the principal, secondary and incidental uses of the site. 2. Per DS 2-, please provide a legal description for the current Quebedeaux lot, adding in the two smaller lots off Palo Verde- that are used for parking (125-10-025D, 125-10-0290, and 125-10-0300. A lot combination and lot combination covenant is required for these lots, as they function as one site. Please also provide a legal description for the lots across the street which are affiliated with this property. 3. Please enlarge all type to 12 point to proper microfilming of information. 4. Per DS 2-, with regards to the buildings: A) please dimension the footprints of all buildings B) show all roof overhangs dimensioned with vertical clearance for pedestrians, C) show building heights D) please clearly declare what each building is used for E) show all depts in buildings and their square footages (i.e. parts, offices, lobby, etc). F) show all vehicle entrances G) show all pedestrian entrances H) show all canopies/ramadas 5. Per DS 2-, please show building setbacks: A) for all structures to adjacent property lines B) to the nearest travel lane on Palo Verde, C) nearest travel lane on Richey D) from future back of curb of Speedway - the distance of 21' or the height of the exterior building wall measured from the above described points. E) Label these above described measuring points as well. F) Provide copies of the LDO for setbacks that was previously done G) Provide permit for entry shade canopy near sales, note it appears to not meet setbacks 6. Per DS 2-, With regards to parking: A) provide parking calculations on principal use - is principal use not auto sales? B) Provide typical detail drawing for parking spaces, dimensioned C) Provide angle of parking and dimensions for angled parking near service area D) Provide location of handicapped parking with dimensions, signage E) Declare what area is display and what area is for actual employee or customer parking F) Identify employee parking G) Identify customer parking H) Show back up spurs with radius' as needed I) Provide wheel stop barriers where applicable (to prevent vehicle overhang in landscape or pedestrian areas J) Further parking comments may be forthcoming K) per zoning administrator, parking for the auto sales can be based upon the GFA of the auto sales, office and cashier areas at a ratio of 1:250 GFA, PLUS 1 parking space for every 10,000 square feet of lot area (include lot area across Richey). Declare all these areas on the interior and list square feet. 7. Per DS 2- regards to bicycle parking: A) please provide a typical detail drawing for class 1 and class 2 bike spaces B) please call out location of bike parking C) please review DS 2-09 for bike parking requirements D) further comments may be forthcoming 8. Per DS 2-, add sight visibility triangles where needed throughout the site. 9. Per DS 2-, please dimension all PAALs and entries where customer/employee vehicles circulate - display areas do not have to be dimensioned. Dimension and declare all vehicle entry areas, including garage entries for points of access. 10. Per DS 2-, with regards to vehicle, pedestrian and handicapped access: A) clearly call out all sidewalks, dimension widths B) clearly call out all ramps, provide typical details drawing, show slope, dimension C) provide a note and show on typical detail that truncated domes shall be provided D) see ANSI 705.5 for information on truncated domes E) provide crosswalks where applicable, dimension F) provide sidewalks from all streets and connect all buildings, parking etc. 11. Per DS 2-, please declare any existing/proposed free-standing signage or lighting and or billboards, with location, width of pole base and height (for vehicle clearance). Note that lighting is subject to LUC B with regards to location, angle, time allowed, etc. and such a note shall be required on the site plan. 12. Per DS 2-, with regards to loading areas: A) show all loading zones, dimensioned and striped, with maneuvering clarified B) per Zoning Administrator, number of loading zones required will be based upon the GFA of the parts department where deliveries occur on a regular basis. Clarify where the parts department is and provide the square footage. 13. Per DS 2-, with regards to streets - A) show that Palo Verde is to be abandoned and show recordation data B) show configuration of new property lines and cul de sac for Palo Verde as this will affect the entrance to the parking lot off Palo Verde/south of auto body shop C) provide a copy of the Palo Verde reconfiguration map from real estate division 14. Per DS 2-, with regards to rights of way: A) dimension all streets, calling out and dimensioning the curb/future curb, sidewalks, travel lanes, parking lanes and centerlines. 15. Per DS 2-, with regards to easements: please be sure all easements are demonstrated graphically and show their type and recordation data. 16. Per DS 2-, please show the proposed curb location for Speedway Blvd. 17. Per DS 2-, please show the zoning of this site and all adjacent parcels. 18. Per DS 2-, please show the trash pick up location. 19. Per DS 2-, please include the prior Lot Development Option Case for this site - setbacks, and any other special applications that have gone through. 20. Per DS 2-02.2.2.A, please declare if there are 2nd floors and ensure they are put in with the square footage and FAR calcs. In addition, please revise the max FAR allowance to read .90 FAR (rather than 75%). 21. Per DS 2-02.2.2.B, please provide a cumulative history of lot AND building expansions (separately listed) for this site. 22. Please declare whether this site project shall be phased. 23. Please note that staff understands the following: A) this site is only a portion of a proposal to develop possibly 13 lots total for an enlarged Quebedeaux auto dealership. B) A copy of that future overall plan is to be included with the resubmittal of this plan C) Some of these lots are required to be rezoned for use in the proposal D) and that overall development project is proceeding separately. E) any lot that does not have an approved site or development plan for current use cannot legally be used until Development Services issues permits to use them. F) In a rezoning, a development plan would be required for the overall project area G) this subject site would have to be brought up to the code standards of that time frame H) conditions of rezoning may require extensive changes to this site. 24. Please note that further review comments may be forthcoming, depending upon the responses provided. 25. Please contact Heather.Thrall@tucsonaz.gov or at 520-791-4541x1156 should you have any questions on this review. I request a follow up meeting with applicant to review documentation prior to the resubmittal of this project. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call (520) 791-5608. HCT C:\planning\site\DSD\T07CM00088 3566 e speedway quebedeaux.doc RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Revised site plan and additional requested documents |
02/23/2007 | SUZANNE BOHNET | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | DATE: February 27, 2007 FROM: Suzanne Bohnet, CFM Engineering Division SUBJECT: 3566 E. Speedway Blvd. Collision Center, Paint Booth and Service Building Additions Site Plan T07CM00088 (First Review) RESUBMITTAL REQUIRED: Site Plan. The Site Plan cannot be approved as submitted. Please include a response letter to the comments below along with the corrected copies of the Site Plan with your next submittal. Site Plan: 1. Provide the area of disturbance involved in the demolition and construction plans to verify whether a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is required. 2. Provide the sight visibility triangles (SVTs) for all drives and right-of-way (ROW) intersections. Label the SVTs as Existing, Future or Existing/Future (DS 2-02.2.1.A.10). 3. Label all points of egress and ingress including locations and widths of driveways and parking area access lanes (PAALs) (DS 2- 4. Show existing drainage patterns (DS 2- 5. Provide the estimated cut and fill quantities, listed separately in measurements of cubic yards, even if the quantity is zero (D.S. 2- 6. Label Speedway Blvd. as an MS&R and label the dimensions of the ROW as Existing, Future or Existing/Future (DS 2- 7. Show the new dimensions of Palo Verde Blvd. to reflect the altered ROW and note the recordation data for the abandonment (DS 2- 8. Provide the dimensions from the street monument lines to existing and proposed curbs and sidewalks (DS 2- 9. All ROW dimensions, curbs and sidewalks need to be labeled or identified as Existing, Proposed, Future or Existing/Future. 10. Note the refuse container location, size and access thereto fully dimensioned (DS 2- Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Thank you, Suzanne Bohnet, CFM Engineering Associate (520) 791-5550 x1188 office Suzanne.Bohnet@tucsonaz.gov |
02/23/2007 | HEATHER THRALL | ZONING HC SITE | REVIEW | Denied | Please see zoning review comments. |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |