Microfiche records prior to 2006 have not been completely digitized and may not be available yet on PRO. If you can not find what you are looking for please submit a records request.

Permit Number: T06SA00279
Parcel: 13303283E

Address: Unknown

Review Status: Completed


Permit Number - T06SA00279
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
01/04/2007 PAUL MACHADO ENGINEERING REVIEW Approv-Cond To: Patricia Gehlen DATE: January 4, 2007
CDRC/Zoning Manager

SUBJECT: Wootton Property, Houghton Rd-Tanque Verde Rd
Overlay Zone Review T06SA00279 (First Review)
T14S, R15E, Section 02


Overlay Zone Map:

1. Please include a response letter to the comments along with the corrected copies of the OLM.
2. Map must be updated to show the corrected FEMA floodplain elevations and limits.

If you have any questions, I can be reached at 791-5550 x1193 or Paul.Machado@ci.tucsonaz.govs
Paul P. Machado
Senior Engineering Associate
City of Tucson/Development Services Department
201 N. Stone Avenue
P.O. Box 27210
Tucson, Arizona 85726-7210
(520) 791-5550 x1193 office
(520) 879-8010 fax
C:/Houghton Rd-Tanque Verde Rd overlay review

January 5, 2007

Jessie Byrd
Novak Environmental, Inc.
4574 North 1st Avenue, Suite 100
Tucson, Arizona 85718

Subject: T06SA00279 Scenic Corridor and Environmental Resource Overlay Zones for Wootton Property Tentative Plat (S06-235)

Dear Jessie:

Your submittal of November 9, 2006 for the above project has been reviewed by the Community Design Review Committee and the comments reflect the outstanding requirements which need to be addressed before approval is granted. Please review the comments carefully. Once you have addressed all of the comments, please submit the following revised documents and a DETAILED cover letter for each agency explaining how each outstanding requirement has been addressed:


5 Copies Revised Overlay zone submittal package as detailed in the on line comments (Landscape, Zoning, Engineering, OCSD, DSD).

The public comment period will be opened within the next two weeks.

Should you have any questions, please call me at 791-5608, ext. 1179.


Patricia Y. Gehlen
CDRC Manager

All comments for this case are available on our website at http://www.ci.tucson.az.us/dsd/

Via fax: 882-3006

TO: Development Services Department Plans Coordination Office

FROM: Karol Aragonez

La Mariposa Subdivision
Overlay Zone Review (SCZ & ERZ)

TRANSMITTAL DATE: November 30, 2006

DUE DATE: December 11, 2006

COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along a response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed.

Scenic Corridor Zone (SCZ)

1. The Overlay Zone case number must be noted in the lower right corner of each sheet of the tentative plat, landscape, and NPPO plans. All required elements of the SCZ (i.e. 30 foot buffer, view corridors, approved colors, etc.) and ERZ as shown on the approved Overlay Zone plan must be added to the tentative plat, along with date of approval and any conditions placed on that approval. The tentative plat may not be approved prior to Overlay Zone application approval. (LUC 2.8.2) (LUC 2.8.1) (D.S. 2-12) (D.S. 9-04)

2. Please include a thirty (30) foot buffer on the tentative plat. Label the buffer "30 foot undisturbed natural buffer to be preserved and maintained in it's natural state".

3. Please add the four hundred (400) foot SCZ corridor boundary to plat. The tentative plat currently shows this as two hundred (200) feet. Correct SCZ note 2 to read four hundred (400) feet instead of two hundred (200) feet. Please correct.

4. Please add the view corridor calculations to the plan. Any development which has at least two hundred (200) feet of frontage along a scenic route will have view corridors, with a combined width of at least twenty (20) percent of that frontage, which allow vision from a least one point into and through that portion of the project.

5. Please add the appropriate following notes to the tentative, development, or site plan plat.

a) Individual SCZ case not required for each lot, but site plans, elevations, and colors must be submitted for each lot for review of compliance to Scenic Corridor Zone case number (please add SCZ case number) for height, colors, and setbacks. This development is subject to the review and approval of the special application for the Scenic Corridor Overlay. The Special application case number is (add case number).The special application has been reviewed and approved, approval date (add date), without conditions.
b) Maximum height of structures will be 1/3 the distance of the structure from the future right-of-way of Houghton Road, not to exceed 24 feet.
c) No grading beyond that is necessary for siting of buildings, drives, private yards, and structural improvements. All viable vegetation with a caliper of 4 inches or greater and all saguaro cacti will be preserved or relocated on the site per the Native Plant and Preservation Ordinance.
d) Drainageways are to be maintained in their natural state.
e) All new utilities for development on private property or public right-of-way along Houghton Road will be underground. Trenching is permitted for the placement of utilities lines, if area is revegetated in accordance with Land Use Code Sec.
f) Building or structure surfaces, which are visible from Houghton Road will have natural earth tone colors, which are, predominate within the surrounding landscape. (Please note when using this note a color matrix is not required. It is suggested that specific color designations be removed from the tentative plat and overlay review plan.)
g) Fencing and freestanding walls facing Houghton Road will meet material restrictions in Land Use Code Sec. 3.7.3, Screening Requirements.
h) All areas between the MS & R right-of-way line and the existing street right-of-way that are disturbed by development shall be revegetated with native vegetation.
i) All disturbed areas on the site that are visible from Houghton Road and are not covered by permanent improvements shall be revegetated with native plants, plants from the Drought Tolerant Plant List, or a combination of both.
j) Exposed cut and fill slopes shall be no greater than 1-foot rise or fall over a 3-foot length.

6. Regulations for signs are stipulated in Sec. 3-32, Scenic Route District, of Chapter 3, Advertising and Outdoor Signs, of the Tucson Code, and further supplemented by the following:
a) On any conflicts in requirements between the LUC and Sec. 3-32, the more strict of the two prevails.
b) Signs are to use colors, which are predominant within the surrounding landscape, such as desert and earth tones.
c) No commercial advertising sign, except a sign pertaining to a use conducted on the premises or a sign advertising the sale or lease of the property upon which the sign is located, and no billboard shall be erected within four hundred (400) feet of the right-of-way line on any street or route designated "scenic".
Environmental Resource Zone (ERZ)

1. Development in the ERZ has two options available for development.
a) The ERZ does not apply when there is no encroachment of the 100-year floodplain. Temporary fencing is required between the project site and the floodplain area.
b) If encroachment occurs requiring an Environmental Resource Report and a mitigation plan to be reviewed by Stormwater Advisory Committee (SAC), who then makes recommendations to the DSD Director.

2. Residential development of four (4) or more dwelling units is allowed only as a Residential Cluster Project (RCP), except as provided in Sec. Please review this section and provide the required information for compliance. Be aware requirements of this section may result in a redesign of the project site.

3. Please add note that states "No grubbing, grading, or construction will occur on site which includes areas designated to be retained in a natural state, until those designated areas are temporarily fenced. All temporary fencing will be field inspected before construction on the site begins. Fencing will be removed only upon completion of construction".

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Karol Aragonez, (520) 791-5550, ext. 1197.

KAA S:\zoning review\karol\planning\cdrc\developmentplan\T06SA00279oz.doc

RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Revised tentative plat and additional requested documents.
12/07/2006 JOE LINVILLE LANDSCAPE REVIEW Denied The Landscape Section does not recommend approval of the application at this time. Revisions to the plans are necessary in order to document Land Use Code compliance.


1) Submit an Environmental Resource Report per DS 2-13.0

2) A written explanation as to why the development is necessary in the Protected Riparian Area is required.
DS 2-13.2.5.B.2
SCZ regulations require that the drainageway remain in a natural state, except in unusual circumstances where the City Engineer requires modifications. LUC

3) The Protected Riparian Area is to be delineated on the tentative plat per DS 2-13.2.6.B and critical riparian habitat DS 2-12.2.5.B.1.s.

4) Reference the Environmental Resource Zone and note that the plat is designed to comply with the overlay zone criteria. DS 2-03.2.2.B.7

5) The project is subject to the development restrictions of DS 2-13.2.5.B.2. Revise as necessary.

6) The mitigation plans are to include landscape plans with a summary of the preservation and mitigation requirements. DS 2-13.2.5.B.3.b

7) The mitigation standards of DS 2-13.2.5.B.3.a.1 apply where necessary development is allowed. If necessary revise the mitigation plan to comply. The areas where encroachment is allowed are to be inventoried and documented per DS 2-13.2.5.B.1.r.

8) Additional information may be requested pending review of the ERR.

9) For lots greater than 24,00 square feet, a note is required on the tentative and final plat stating that each purchaser shall sign a disclosure form acknowledging the prohibition of development in the Protected Riparian Area and the prohibition of walls or fences within the Protected Riparian Areas. Refer to DS 2-13.2.6 for requirements for lots less than 24,000 square feet if changes are necessary.
DS 2-13.2.6.C

10) Existing fences which impede wildlife movement through designated critical riparian habitat areas in critical riparian habitat areas are not allowed. LUC
Revise the tentative plat as necessary.

11) Add the following note to the tentative plat: Exterior Lighting. Lighting sources will be confined to wall-mounted fixtures or standards a maximum of forty-two (42) inches in height, spaced to create pools of light rather than a saturated condition. Neither high-pressure sodium nor mercury vapor lighting will be used. All lighting sources will be shielded to reduce dispersed light.


1) Add the following notes to the landscape plan, clarify that landscape note 2 on sheet 4 applies, except as required by the SCZ regulations.

A) Within the 30' scenic route buffer area, indigenous plant material is to remain. If any disturbance occurs during construction or prior to permit application, the buffer
area is to be revegetated with native plants indigenous to the site and the area reconstructed to look as natural as possible. DS 2-06.7.1.B

B. Within the Scenic Route buffer area and the MS&R right-of-way, all areas between the MS&R right-of-way line and the existing street right-of-way that are disturbed by development shall be revegetated with native vegetation.

C. Within the SCZ, excluding the Scenic Routes buffer area, all disturbed areas on the site that are visible from the Scenic Route and are not covered by permanent improvements shall be revegetated with native plants, plants from the Drought Tolerant Plant List, or a combination of both.

2) Within the SCZ drainageways are to be maintained in their natural states where possible. LUC
Revise the project to exclude development from the 100- yr. floodplain of the Agua Caliente Wash.

3) The notes regarding approximate grading limits on the landscape submittal should be revised. Per LUC, the standard for siting of improvements and grading is as follows: "Siting of structures will be such that existing natural topography and vegetation is minimally disturbed. No grading beyond that necessary for siting of buildings, parking, private yards, and structural improvements will be allowed."
Grading limits shown on the documents should be the maximum proposed.