Microfiche records prior to 2006 have not been completely digitized and may not be available yet on PRO. If you can not find what you are looking for please submit a records request.

Plan Number: T06PI00049
Parcel: Unknown


Review Status: Completed


Plan Number - T06PI00049
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
04/05/2007 ASHOFFS1 UTILITY CLEARANCES COT STREETS DIVISION Denied Please submit Utility Clearance Letters
04/05/2007 ASHOFFS1 UTILITY CLEARANCES COT WATER NEW DEVELOPMENT Denied Please submit Utility Clearance Letters
04/05/2007 ASHOFFS1 UTILITY CLEARANCES PC WASTEWATER MGMT Denied Please submit Utility Clearance Letters
04/05/2007 ASHOFFS1 UTILITY CLEARANCES QUEST COMMUNICATION Denied Please submit Utility Clearance Letters
04/05/2007 ASHOFFS1 UTILITY CLEARANCES TUCSON ELECTRIC POWER CO Denied Please submit Utility Clearance Letters
04/05/2007 ASHOFFS1 UTILITY CLEARANCES COX COMMUNICATION Denied Please submit Utility Clearance Letters
04/05/2007 ASHOFFS1 UTILITY CLEARANCES SOUTHWEST GAS CORP Denied Please submit Utility Clearance Letters
04/05/2007 ASHOFFS1 UTILITY CLEARANCES EL PASO NATURAL GAS Denied Please submit Utility Clearance Letters
04/05/2007 ASHOFFS1 UTILITY CLEARANCES KINDER MORGAN ENERGY Denied Please submit Utility Clearance Letters
04/17/2007 GARY WITTWER DOT LANDSCAPE REVIEW Denied 1. I can not read the half size NPPO plans. Please submit the full size sheets that cover both main entry roads. If these areas were not covered in the original NPPO, please provide an inventory/mitigation plan.
2. You can not place private irrigation lines unded public roadways. You will need to redesign your irrigation system and resubmit.
05/02/2007 LANCE PETERSON DOT STREET MAINTENANCE REVIEW Denied We have reviewed these plans and have the following comments:

1. See Gary Wittwer's comment regarding private irriagtion lines ubder public roadways.
2. All work in the right of way needs to be coordinated with Paul Rosenboom at 791-3154 ext 234 to prevent conflicts with existing landscaping and irriagtion.

No further comments. 5/2/07
05/04/2007 JOSE ORTIZ DOT TRAFFIC REVIEW Denied May 4, 2007
PROJECT NAME: Irvington Place
PROJECT ADDRESS: 2252 E Benson Hwy
PROJECT REVIEWER: Jose E. Ortiz PE, Traffic Engineer

Resubmittal Required: Traffic Engineering does not recommend approval of the PIA Plan; therefore a revised PIA Plan is required for re-submittal. Please resubmit Traffic Engineering's redlines generated during this review.

The following items must be revised or added to the plan.

1. Include a response letter with the next submittal that states how all comments have been addressed.

2. Address various redline comments shown on sheet 6 of 6. If preferred a PDF drawing can be sent prior to the next submittal of the PIA to confirm Traffic Engineering's acceptance of the signing and striping of the median improvements along Kino Parkway.

If you have any questions, I can be reached at 791-4259 x305 or Jose.Ortiz@tucsonaz.gov
05/04/2007 RICHARD LEIGH DOT ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied September 21, 2006

SUBJECT: Irvington Place, PIA Plan T06PI0043

PROJECT REVIEWER: Richard Leigh, Senior Engineering Associate Permits and Codes Section

RESUBMITTAL REQUIRED: Permits and Codes Section has reviewed the PIA Plan and does not recommend approval of the PIA Plan at this time. The following comments need to be addressed in the next submittal.

1. Indicate book and page on cover sheet.

2. Plans must contain all the information necessary to build project as a "stand alone" project and not rely on references to other plans.

3. If a flood plain use permit was issued for this project please include the following general note. "Floodplain Use Permit No._______, has been issued by Development Services Department for work impacting City and/or FEMA Floodplains."

4. Submit a copy of the geotectecnical report supporting proposed pavement structural sections and slope protection recommendations.

5. Setbacks from cut and fill slopes must comply with Development standard 11-01.9.0. Note required setbacks from property boundary in cross sections and plan views. Additionally, barricade railing must be provided along any slope steeper than 4:1 and deeper than two (2) feet.

6. Slope easements must be provided for all cut and fill slopes adjacent to the roadway. Additionally indicate the proposed slope stabilization per the geotechnical report for this project.

7. Provide complete details pertaining to the construction of the proposed drainage structures. Provide stationing, stormdrain pipe skew, pipe separation, class of pipe, wingwall details, cutoff wall details, footer details, pipe connection/extension details, box culvert extension connection details and Etc.

8. Proposed curb must match adjoining existing curb (type & reveal height).

9. The minimum sidewalk width on roadways depicted on the City of Tucson major Streets and Routes Plan is six (6) feet wide.

10. Include a note requiring the contractor to coordinate the relocation of any street lights with the City of Tucson, Electric Shop. Contact Ernie Encinas, 529-791-3154 for any requirements.

11. Sheet 1: Include "Julian Crossing Way" in title.

12. Sheet 1, General note 6: Indicate the percentage of effective air voids for the asphaltic concrete per Standard Specifications for Public Improvements Section 406.

13. Sheet 2, Curb Transition detail: Provide a 10' curb transition.

14. Sheet 2, Curb Access Ramp detail: Indicate the maximum allowable slope per ADA requirements on detail.

15. Sheet 2, pavement structural sections: Indicate thickness of leveling and surfacing courses and mix designations on details. Pavement structural sections must match existing.

16. Sheet 3: Provide complete right and left roadway profiles.

17. Sheet3: Depict slopes of roadway embankment on the plan view and indicate slopes proposed slope stabilization.

1. Sheet 3: A drainage easement will be required for the proposed storm drain (Basin 1 outlet). Depict easement on plans and provide recordation information. Additionally, the maintenance this storm drain must be the responsibility of the homeowners association and addressed in the Covenant, Condition and Restrictions document. Indicate on the paving plan set that the homeowners association is responsible for the storm drain maintenance

18. Sheet 3, Provide a hydraulic analysis for the proposed storm drain across Julian Crossing Way at Sta. +/- 20+40 and associated catch basin.

19. Sheet 4: Provide an opening with truncated domes in the median island on Julian Park Way. A unobstructed pedestrian circulation path must be provided.

20. Provide additional information for the cross slope transition in the right turn lane for Julian Park Way

21. Refer to redline plans for additional comments and comment details.

If you have any questions, I can be reached at 836-6647 or Richard.Leigh@tucsoz.gov