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Plan Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Plan Number - T06PI00046
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
06/21/2007 | ASHOFFS1 | UTILITY CLEARANCES | COT STREETS DIVISION | Denied | Please submit Utility Clearance Letters - Kinder Morgan, DOT Streets. |
06/21/2007 | ASHOFFS1 | UTILITY CLEARANCES | KINDER MORGAN ENERGY | Denied | Please submit Utility Clearance Letters - Kinder Morgan, DOT Streets. |
07/13/2007 | LANCE PETERSON | DOT STREET MAINTENANCE | REVIEW | Approv-Cond | We have reviewed this plan and have the following comment: 1. Sheet 1 - This sheet shows the road name as "Dales Canyon Drive" and sheet 5 and 6 show it as "Dale Crossing Drive". Please correct. No further comments.7/13/07 |
07/23/2007 | RICHARD LEIGH | DOT ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | July 20, 2007 SUBJECT: Silverbell Crossing, PIA Plan T06PI0046 PROJECT REVIEWER: Richard Leigh, COT, TDOT, Permits and Codes Section RESUBMITTAL REQUIRED: Permits and Codes Section has reviewed the PIA Plan and does not recommend approval of the PIA Plan at this time. The following comments need to be addressed in the next submittal. 1. Provide a geotechnical engineering report supporting the proposed 1:1 grouted rip rap slope stabilization along Baby Bruno Way. The City of Tucson SMDD 8.5.11 does not recommend rip rap slopes steeper than 3:1 and FHWA, HEC No. 11 dose not recommend grouted rip rap slopes steeper than 1:1.5. 2. Setbacks from cut and fill slopes must comply with Development standard 11-01.9.0. Note required setbacks from property boundary in cross sections and plan views. 3. Slope easements must be provided for all cut and fill slopes adjacent to the roadway. Depict and label all required easements (drainage & slope) in plan views and applicable cross sections, Additionally, include recordation information. 4. Sheet 2: Provide a Public drainage easement for the section of storm drain north of the cul-du-sac on Kellen Canyon Court. 5. Sheet 2: Provide a manhole for the storm drain within the cul-du-sac on Kellen Canyon Court. 6. Provide a hydraulic analysis for the proposed storm drain systems on Kellen Canyon court and Dales crossing Drive. 7. Provide a complete detail of the proposed median islands on Kellen Canyon Court and Kippy Trail. 8. Provide a cross section of the proposed slope stabilization treatment adjacent to Dales crossing Drive include end treatments (toe, head and flank) details. Has the proposed rip rap blanket been designed for the hydrological and soil conditions. Provide supporting calculations for the design of the proposed rip rap. 9. Provide a temporary turnaround at the south end of Dales Crossing Drive. A public access easement will be required if turnaround encroaches onto private property. A turnaround will have to be provided until the southern half of the Dales Crossing Drive is completed. The subdivision south of your project is being built in two phase. The tentative plat has not been approved for the adjoining phase has not been approved yet. 10. The proposed curb knuckle on Baby Bruno Way is not designed to DS 3-01.6.2.C.F. The inside curb radii is too small. 11. Provide additional details of the intersections of Kellen Canyon Court and Silverbell Road and Kippy Trail and Silverbell Road. Include the geometry of the roadside channel. What is the peak discharge on the roadside channel? 12. Sheet 3: Provide a driveway apron per Std. Dtl. 206 for the sewer maintenance roads and provide removable post barricades to restrict vehicular traffic. 13. Provide a flowage easement for the storm drain between lots 97 and 98. 14. Sheet 9, Detail 3: The headwall (B-11.11) proposed for the box culvert is for a pipe culvert. Provide an appropriate headwall with wing walls. 15. Sheet 9, Detail 7: The detail is inaccurately depicted for the number of grates proposed. Additionally, reference a standard detail or provide structural details. 16. Sheet 9 Detail 8: Indicate right-of-way line. 17. Sheet 11, detail 1: The pavement widening pavement structural section must match existing or use recommended section per the projects geotechnical engineering report. 18. Sheet 11, detail 1: Indicate graded shoulder grade. 19. Refer to redline plans for additional comments and comment details. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 791-3115 ext.448 or Richard.Leigh@tucsoz.gov |
07/23/2007 | JOSE ORTIZ | DOT TRAFFIC | REVIEW | Denied | July 23, 2007 ACTIVITY NUMBER: T06PI00046 PROJECT NAME: Silverbell Crossing PROJECT ADDRESS: 3200 N Silverbell Rd PROJECT REVIEWER: Jose E. Ortiz PE, Traffic Engineer Resubmittal Required: Traffic Engineering does not recommend approval of the PIA Plan; therefore a revised PIA Plan is required for re-submittal. The following items must be revised or added to the plan. 1. Include a response letter with the next submittal that states how all comments have been addressed. 2. See redlines on the submitted drawings (sheets 13 and 14) and address the additional redline comments. During the next submittal please re-submit the roll of redlines for back checking purposes. 3. Place the City of Tucson PIA Case number T06PI00046 on the cover sheet. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 791-4259 x76730 or Jose.Ortiz@tucsonaz.gov |
07/25/2007 | LHENDRI1 | PIA COORDINATOR | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |