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Plan Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: PIA SUBMITTAL
Plan Number - T06PI00006
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
02/22/2006 | GARY WITTWER | DOT LANDSCAPE | REVIEW | Denied | 1. Identify all plant materials to be impacted in the median island. What will be preserved in place? What will be replaced? 2. There is existing irrigation in the median that will need to be preserved. Identify the lines, place them in a PVC Sch. 40 sleeve under new paving. 3. Provide a landscape plan to restore median. |
02/23/2006 | Blanca Espino | DOT ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | PIA Plan 1. Please include a response letter with the next submittal that states how all comments have been addressed. Include plans/redlines from previous plan submittal. 2. Refer to first submittal red lines for graphical location of corrections. 3. Sheet 1, Title blocks are to meet COT/DOT standard detail. Correct and revise. See attached. 4. Sheet 1, Add Plan Number I-2006-008 to all plan sheets. 5. Sheet 1, Maps and Plats, Book and Page should be noted on cover sheet of street improvement plans. Plat must be recorded before submittal of mylars for final review and approval. Correct and revise. 6. Sheet 1, Indicate Administrative address for project on cover sheet of plans. Correct and revise. 7. Sheet 1, Indicate proposed and existing Survey Monument (s) and or Bench Mark (s) information in referencing COT field Book and Page. Survey monuments must be provided at all intersections and at the beginning and end of curves if applicable. Correct and revise. 8. Sheet 1, Remove line and text that reads "Pima County Development Services, Date". Correct and revise. 9. Sheet 1, Add note to General or Paving Notes: Signage and striping should be coordinated with Traffic Engineering and installed at no expense to the public. Call Traffic Engineering at 791-4259 prior to the installation or removal of striping and signage. 10. Sheet 1, Add note to General or Paving Notes: Engineer of Record must provide written documentation that all utilities within the right of way have been cleared for construction. 11. Sheet 1, Add note to General or Paving Notes: All changes to these plans must be approved by the Tucson City Engineer's Permits and Codes Unit, prior to construction. 12. Sheet 1, Add note to General or Paving Notes: The City shall not be held liable for any errors and/or omissions on these plans. Items not meeting City Standards shall be repaired/replaced at no cost to the City. 13. Sheet 1, Add note to General or Paving Notes: All Drainage infrastructures, indicated on the plans, are in accordance to the approved Drainage Report approved by Development Services Department. 14. Sheet 1, Add note to General or Paving Notes: The Engineer of Record shall submit to the City for acceptance any changes to the approved plans prior to construction. Additionally, the Engineer of Record shall certify all changes meeting all applicable standards, codes, and ordinances. 15. Sheet 1, Add note to General or Paving Notes: An excavation permit shall be obtained from the City of Tucson Transportation Department prior to any work within the Public right-of-way. 16. Sheet 1, Add note to General or Paving Notes: A pre-construction field meeting shall be conducted with the City of Tucson Transportation inspector prior to any work within the public right-of-way. 17. Sheet 1, Add note to General or Paving Notes: The extent and type of surface treatments/repairs indicated on the plans may not be all inclusive of the work that is needed. Additional repairs, paving, or replacement may be needed depending on field conditions. 18. Sheet 1, Add note to General or Paving Notes: The contractor shall contact and/or coordinate any work with COT Streets & Traffic Maintenance Division, Median Island Maintenance Section (791-5279, ext. 234) prior to disturbing any COT/DOT landscaping or irrigation systems. Additionally, the contractor shall repair or replace any disturbed COT/DOT landscaping or irrigation systems, including replacement of any damaged plants. 19. Sheet 1, Add note to General or Paving Notes: The Engineer of Record shall field verify that the "saw cut" line is located within competent pavement. Adjustments to the plan shall be documented and As-built; a one foot minimum shall be provided." 20. Drainage Report, Page 4, Hydraulic Improvements and Hydraulic Structures, indicates a depressed curb and a small riprap apron to eliminate sediment. Indicate graphically on plan and all drainage structures to be built in the right of way including dimensioned details of each structure. 21. A profile plan is required for pavement widening projects including Deceleration and Acceleration lanes. Correct and revise. 22. Sheet 2, Indicate south curb-return radius, existing or proposed. Correct and revise. 23. Sheet 2, Indicate and label Existing and Future right of way. 24. Sheet 2, Indicate and label survey control line (s). 25. Sheet 2, Indicate and label existing and proposed sidewalk widths. 26. Sheet 2, Indicate and label existing and proposed utility systems. 27. Sheet 2, Indicate and label PAAL entrance width. 28. Sheet 2, Sidewalk is not depicted correctly along ramps. Correct and revise. 29. Sheet 2, Proposed sidewalk width for Houghton Road is 6 feet for any MS&R roadway. 30. Sheet 2, Terminal curb sections/sidewalk at end of curbs and concrete header at end of pavement are required. Indicate a dimensioned detail. 31. Sheet 2, Pavement thickness and surface treatment should matched after saw cutting at a minimum of 1 foot into existing pavement. New asphalt connections/additions to arterial or collector streets should match the surface treatments (if any) of the existing street to the curb line/pavement edge of street being joined. 32. Sheet 2, Identify and label black rectangle in deceleration lane. 33. Sheet 2, Indicate Standard Detail to be used for street median. Also indicate dimensions as noted on Sheet 2, redlines. 34. Sheet 2, Sidewalk adjoining vertical curb is allowed when a bike lane is provided. If no bike lane is to be proposed then a 2-foot minimum area from back of 6-inch vertical curb to 6-foot sidewalk is required. Correct and revise. 35. When new curb is installed along existing pavement, pavement should be saw-cut at least 1-foot away to allow proper forming of curb face. 36. Pavement terminal section is required for any pavement widening. 37. Indicate dimensioned details of the following: Existing and proposed pavement structural, cross-sections, thickened edge, median islands (indicate Standard Detail number (s)), drainage structures. Differing structural pavement sections on plan should be specific to affected street. Correct and revise. 38. A dimensioned detail for each type of curb access ramp to be built as part of the project must be shown on each plan set. Truncated Domes are required. Correct and revise. 39. Utility Clearance Letters (DSD PIA coordinator to track and collect letters from EOR) must be submitted prior to PIA Plan approval. See attached. 40. If applicable, existing pedestrian and utility easements should be shown on plan view with labels as to being public or private with docket/page or plat book/page. If plan includes details of structures being built on private property, they should be shown on the grading permit plan for on-site grading. If shown on the P.I.A plan, have them "x-ed" out with bold lines and marked NOT PART OF P.I.A. |
02/24/2006 | LANCE PETERSON | DOT STREET MAINTENANCE | REVIEW | Denied | We have reviewed these plans and have the following comments: 1. Sheet 1 - Please provide a Streets and Traffic Maintenance Signature Block. 2. Sheet 2 - The plans show sidewalk. Is this new or existing? If new what is the planned width? 3. Sheet 2 - There are numerous curb acess ramps shown on the plans with no call outs. Are these new, or existing ramps? 4. Sheet 2 - It appears that there is vertcal curb at the back of the full sized curb acess ramps, but it is not called out on the plans. 5. Sheet 2 - The plans show new pavement, but do not give the proposed pavement section. No further comments. 2/24/06 |
03/01/2006 | THAUSER1 | PIA COORDINATOR | CUSTOMER CALLED | Completed | |
03/01/2006 | DALE KELCH | DOT TRAFFIC | REVIEW | Denied | Traffic Engineering REJECTS this PIA submittal: 1. Marking note 3, sheet 1/3 makes reference to a frontage road. Ensure data is appropriate for Houghton Road. 2. Replace sign #105 with a new R5-1. 3. Add R3-2 to go back-to-back with sign #104. D. Dale Kelch, PE Senior Engineering Associate Traffic Engineering Division (520)791-4259x305 (520)791-5526 (fax) dale.kelch@tucsonaz.gov |
03/01/2006 | THAUSER1 | PIA COORDINATOR | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |