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Permit Number: T06OT02696
Parcel: 119281350

2391 W 40TH ST

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: FLOODPLAIN

Permit Number - T06OT02696
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
10/24/2006 JASON GREEN ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied DATE: October 25, 2006
SUBJECT: 2391 W 40th Street- Replacement Manufactured Home
TO: Martin Gonzalez
LOCATION: T14S R13E Sec28, Ward 1
ACTIVITY: T06MH00056 (Site Plan) and T06OT02696 (Floodplain Use Permit)

SUMMARY: Engineering Division of Development Services Department has received and reviewed the Site Plan (T06MH00056) and Floodplain Use Permit (T06OT02696 for the manufactured home replacement for the above referenced property and does not recommend approval of the Site Plan or Floodplain Use Permit at this time.

The subject property is located within a mapped Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), Zone AH, as shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), Community-Panel No. 040073-04019C-2210K and 2220K, effective date February 8, 1999. The subject property is also located next to the Enchanted Hills Wash which falls under the Environmental Resource Zone (ERZ) Overlay regulations and Chapter 26 of the Tucson Code for Erosion Hazard Setback evaluation requirements. In order to help you permit the addition we will need the following information from you:

1) DS Sec.2-13.2.B: The proposed manufactured home replacement encroaches into the SFHA AH Zone and falls under the regulations of the ERZ overlay standards. Applicants proposing a project with encroachment into the 100-year floodplain are required to submit a mitigation plan in accordance with Sec. of the LUC and an Environmental Resource Report as defined in Sec.6.2.5 of the LUC. The Environmental Resource Report must also include an evaluation of items a-i under DS Sec.2-13.2.2.B.1 and the Mitigation Report must also include items a-d in DS Sec.2-13.2.2.B.2. Please contact CDRC or Patricia Gehlen at 791-5550 ext.1179 for an ERZ application packet or for additional information.

2) Tucson Code Chapter 26 Sec.26-7: The site plan submitted shows that the replacement manufactured home encroaches into a required erosion hazard setback (EHSB) zone of the Enchanted Hills Wash running through the southwest corner of the property. To reduce the setback requirements, an engineering analysis, which establishes safe limits needs to be performed by an Arizona Registered Professional Civil Engineer and be approved by the City of Tucson Engineering Division. Guidelines for such studies and for determining setbacks are found in the Standards Manual for Drainage Design and Floodplain Management in Tucson Arizona. Include a technical evaluation of the factors affecting the erosion potential of the proposed building sites. The submittal must include a sealed site plan drawn to scale showing the proposed building location(s) and the safe setback determined from the analysis.

3) Tucson Code Chapter 26 Sec.26-8.d.2: In areas where fill is to be used to raise the elevation of the building site, the building line shall be located not less than twenty-five (25) feet landward from any edge of the fill, unless a study prepared by a state-registered professional civil engineer and approved by the city engineer shows that a lesser distance is acceptable. No fill shall be placed where it diverts, retards or obstructs the flow of water to such an extent that it creates a danger or hazard to life or property in the area.

4) Tucson Code Chapter 26 Sec.26-5.2.9: Be advised that the final Floodplain Use Permit will be conditioned so that the bottom of the structural frame or the lowest point of any attached appliances, whichever is lower, is above the regulatory flood elevation (one foot higher than the calculated water surface elevation of the base flood). The manufactured home must be securely anchored. Certification by a state-registered professional civil engineer that the installation of the manufactured home meets all the requirements of Section 26-9 of the Ordinance is required. Certification of elevation must be prepared by a state registered land surveyor.


Please be advised that since the subject property is currently located within a mapped Special Flood Hazard Area then it will be required that an elevation certificate for the replacement manufactured home must be filled out by an Arizona Registered Land Surveyor showing that the bottom of the structural frame or the lowest point of any attached appliances, whichever is lower, is elevated to or above the RFE, and returned to our office.

Please provide a revised site plan, an Environmental Resource Report, a Mitigation Report, and an EHSB evaluation that address the comments provided above. Include a comprehensive response letter addressing in detail responses to all of the above comments.

If you have any questions, or to schedule a meeting, I can be reached at 791-5550, extension 1189.

Jason Green, CFM
Senior Engineer Associate
Engineering Division
Development Services

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
10/26/2006 DELMA ROBEY OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed