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Permit Number: T06EL00321
Parcel: 117021250

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: OTHER

Permit Number - T06EL00321
Review Name: OTHER
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
11/26/2007 LBUCZYN1 ELECTRICAL-RESIDENTIAL REVIEW Denied T06EL00321 11/26/07

1. Provide panel and circuit number for new exterior lighting.
2. Specify conduit and conductor size and type.
3. If the only new equipment on this revision is the new lights, this shall be indicated on the plans.
4. Provide cut sheets for the new lights.
5. Demonstrate compliance with the Tucson Lighting Code.
6. Provide panel schedule with load tabulation.
7. Provide line diagram.
8. Provide service load calculations.
9. Provide available fault current.