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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: SITE
Permit Number - T06CM06303
Review Name: SITE
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
01/02/2007 | ANDREW CONNOR | LANDSCAPE | REVIEW | Denied | 1. A street landscape border, per Sec. of the LUC, is a landscape area with a minimum width of ten (10) feet, running the full length of the street property line(s) bounding the site except for points of ingress-egress. On streets designated as Major Streets and Routes (MS&R), the street landscape border is measured from the MS&R right-of-way line as determined by LUC Street landscape borders are required along Speedway and Caiman Seco 2. Fifty (50) percent or more of the street landscape border area must have shrubs and vegetative ground cover per LUC Loading zone cannot be located within street landscape border. 3. Indicate square footage of all landscaped areas and calculation of the percentage of vegetative coverage per DS 2- 4. One (1) canopy tree must be provided for every thirty-three (33) linear feet of landscape border per LUC 5. A 6' wall to screen loading zone from street frontages is required per LUC 3.7.2-I. 6. A 30" continuous screen along street frontages for vehicle use area must be provided per LUC Table 3.7.2-I 7. All disturbed areas including adjacent right of ways shall be treated with ground cover such as decomposed granite to help reduce dust pollution per LUC Indicate treatment for landscaped areas. 8. Within vehicular use areas, one (1) canopy tree is required for each 10 motor vehicle parking spaces and every parking space shall be located within forty (40) feet of the trunk of a canopy tree (as measured from the center of the tree trunk) per LUC Verify entire site meets canopy tree requirement. 9. Trees are to be planted an appropriate distance from refuse dumpster locations and loading spaces so that the tree canopy, at maturity, does not obstruct service per DS 2-06.3.5.H. Relocate tree within dumpster area. 10. Submit NPPO plan or Application for Exception; include acceptable documentation, which clearly indicates that the project will not impact Protected Native Plants. 11. Landscape plan shall include irrigation specification design and layout per DS 2-06.5.4.A & DS 2-06.5.4.B including source of irrigation, sleeves for driveways and sidewalks, locations of valves, low-flow bubblers or drip irrigation. 12. Indicate by detail or spot elevations how landscape areas will be depressed to accept water flow from roofs, PAAL, and parking areas. 13. Additional comments may apply. |
01/02/2007 | ANDREW CONNOR | NPPO | REVIEW | Denied | Submit NPPO plan or Application for Exception; include acceptable documentation, which clearly indicates that the project will not impact Protected Native Plants. |
01/17/2007 | PATRICIA GILBERT | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | DATE: February 13, 2007 ACTIVITY NUMBER: T06CM06303 PROJECT NAME: Saguaro Shops SWC PROJECT ADDRESS: 8650 East Speedway Blvd. PROJECT REVIEWER: Patricia Gilbert, Engineering Associate The following items must be revised or added to the site plan. Please include a response letter with the next submittal that states how all comments have been addressed. RESUBMITTAL REQUIRED: SITE PLAN 1. Provide a location map which meets the minimum requirements of D.S. 2-05.2.1.D, show the subject property approximately centered in the one (1) square mile area, identify conditions within the square mile area, in addition to the major streets, watercourse identification, section, township and range, north arrow with scale. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.4. 2. It is not clear if the channel is within the property limits or the Right of Way (ROW). A label for additional ROW is located /depicted just south of the south east corner of the property. It is acknowledged that stabilizing the west bank and floor of the channel is part of the development however if the channel is entirely in the ROW, it is not necessary to include this area within the properties boundaries. Provide discussion in the response letter to clarify. In effort to distinguish between the property and ROW boundaries revise the plan to show clearly show the boundaries of the property. DS 2-02.2.1.A.5. 3. Revise the far side sight visibility triangle (SVT) for the entrance/exit drive to Speedway Blvd to be a pedestrian SVT, which has a length of 30'. DS 3-01.2.1.A.10., DS 3-01.5.1.B.1. 4. Provide future sight visibility triangles (SVT) for the entrance/exit drive to Speedway Blvd. The 20' "Line of Sight Matrix," also called the stem side is measured at the future face of curb. Revise appropriately. DS 3-01.2.1.A.10., DS 3-01.5.1.B.1. 5. Dimension the required 5' pedestrian refuge area between the building and the PAAL along the west side of the structure. A 4' sidewalk is required within the pedestrian refuge. Show, label and dimension the 4' sidewalk within the pedestrian refuge and dimension the 5' pedestrian refuge. DS 2-08.4.1.B.1.B. 6. Handicap curb access ramps are required to be constructed with truncated domes, per recent a Federal ADA requirement. Show a detail and add a general note to the site plan indicating all public and private handicap curb access ramps will have truncated domes. 7. Show on the plan maneuverability for the loading space. Provide the inside and outside radius of a single unit truck accessing the loading space on the plan view. For a 30' single unit truck the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials require a 28' inside radius and a 42' outside radius. DS 2-02.2.1.A14. 8. At minimum the existing and proposed 100-year floodplain limits for Camino Seco Wash must be provided on the site plan. Include the 100-yr peak discharge for Camino Seco Wash found in the drainage report. Be advised that if the proposed flood limits extend into the property water surface elevations (WSE) will be required. If the 100-year floodplain limits are entirely contained within the channel it must be labeled as such on the site plan or in a general note which states the same. Revise the plan to show the requested information. SMDDFM 5.2.3.DS 2-02.2.1.A.15., SMDDFM 5.2.5. 9. In addition to the above comment, if the 100-year floodplain limits for Camino Seco Wash extend into the project boundaries, provide a general note stating, "This project is subject to the requirements of the City of Tucson Code, Chapter 26. Floodplain and Erosion Hazard." 10. Be advised a floodplain use permit will be required for the work in the channel and for the construction of the project if the floodplain limits extend into the project boundaries. 11. Show and label the erosion hazard setback line for Camino Seco Wash on the site plan. Indicate the line weight in a legend. SMDDFM 12. Dimension and show the width of the existing drainage easement. DS 2-02.2.1.A.20. 13. Show the general direction of drainage for the site. Drainage patterns must be readily definable in all areas. Provide some finish grades to verify drainage direction. DS 2-02.2.1.A.16. 14. Show the direction of roof drainage on the structure. DS 2-02.2.1.A.16. 15. Show the locations of the scuppers discussed in the drainage report. It is acknowledged the grading plan shows the locations of the scuppers however this information must also be provided on the site plan. DS 2-02.2.1.A.16. 16. Sidewalks must be flood free for up to the 10-yr. event. Add a note on the plan, "All roof down spouts on all structures must be routed under any adjacent sidewalk." DS 2-08.4.1.E. 17. Show on the site plan the offsite and onsite locations and quantities of the existing and proposed 100-year concentration points found in the drainage statement. SMDDFM, 18. Show on the site plan the v-ditch that shown on the grading plan, include the direction of drainage either by arrows or finish grades. DS 2-02.2.1.A.16. 19. A minimum of 20' for access and maintenance is required along a wash. The purpose of this is to allow for a vehicle drive along the wash for maintenance, safety, etc. Dimension, label and show the location on the site plan. Revise appropriately. 20. Include on the site plan estimated cut and fill quantities. If cut and fill quantities equal zero, please note on the plan. DS 2-02.2.1.A.17. 21. This project is subject to intersection widening per the MS & R Map. For specific requirements, refer to the diagram located on the lower left hand corner of the MS & R Map found on the following web page, http://www.ci.tucson.az.us/planning/maps/city/msr.pdf. In general, when a subject parcel is within 600' of the centerline of two intersecting arterial roads, the future width of the of road changes. For Speedway Blvd. the future ROW width is 120', however due to intersection widening the future ROW width is 150' for this property. Per the MS & R diagram the future width for Camino Seco does not change. The site plan must show, label and dimension from street centerline the future ½ ROW width, future curb and sidewalk location for both Speedway Blvd and Camino Seco Road. DS 2-02.2.1.A.19. 22. Dimension from the street centerline of Speedway Blvd. and Camino Seco Road the existing pavement width, curb and sidewalk location. DS 2-02.2.1.A.21. 23. Dimension and label the width of the existing sidewalk for both Speedway Blvd. and Camino Seco Road. DS 2-02.2.1.A.21. 24. If applicable provide on the site plan all easements of record graphically on the plan with recording docket and page reference. DS 2-02.2.1.A.20. 25. Provide topographic contours at intervals not exceeding 2 feet and/or spot elevations and Bench Mark based on the City of Tucson datum, include the City of Tucson field book and page number. DS 2-02.2.1.A.23. 26. The refuse enclosure detail as per D.S. 6-01.4.2. requires an inside clear dimension of ten (10) feet by ten (10) feet between the steel pipes. Revise detail 2 to show a clear dimension of ten (10) feet by ten (10) feet between the steel pipes. 27. Grading, hydrology, landscape islands and borders are to be integrated in effort to make maximum use of stormwater runoff for supplemental irrigation purposes. Landscape islands and borders must provide water harvesting from the vehicle use area and the rooftops. Small curb opening must be provided to accept the surface stormwater. Revise the site plan to meet this criteria. LUC 28. It must be clear on the site plan the long-term maintenance responsibility rests with the owner of this facility for all drainage structures supporting the development; include the name, address and telephone number of the person responsible. Revise appropriately. SMDDFM 29. Please note that subsequent comments may be necessary upon resubmittal, depending on the nature and extent of revisions that occur to the plans. DRAINAGE STATEMENT COMMENTS 1. Be advised a more comprehensive drainage report will need to be submitted that follows the criteria found in the Standards Manual of Drainage Design and Floodplain Management SMDDFM 2.3.1. Refer to comments below. 2. Provide the submittal number on the cover sheet. SMDDFM 3. Provide the activity number, T06CM06303, on the cover sheet. 4. Provide a location map that shows the subject property approximately centered in the one (1) square mile area, identify conditions within the square mile area, in addition to the major streets, watercourse identification, section, township and range, north arrow with scale. SMDDFM 5. In an addendum provide the site/grading plan and drainage report that is cited on page 2, section B Off Site Drainage. When information is utilized from a previous study the data must be provided. Provide the data, narrative, drainage map and site/grading plan that shows, supports and quantifies the drainage that resides north of the development within the ROW on the south side of Speedway Blvd. SMDDFM 6. Show on the existing drainage map the existing floodplain limits and the proposed floodplain limits on the proposed drainage map. Include on the proposed drainage map the erosion hazard setback limits. SMDDFM 7. Provide pre and post water surface elevations (WSE) in the report. Provide the datum with the WSE. SMDDFM 8. Provide appropriate data and discussion in the narrative the culvert capacity can support the hydraulic change in the channel design. SMDDFM 9. A maintenance checklist and schedule shall be provided in the drainage report in effort to clearly communicate the responsibilities involved by the owner for proper maintenance of drainage structures. Provide a detailed Maintenance Checklist and Schedule for all the drainage structures provided on the site. SMDDRM, 10. The report must also clearly outline the long-term maintenance responsibility for this project rests with the owner of this facility. Include the name, address and telephone number of the person responsible for the long-term maintenance for all drainage structures. Revise appropriately. SMDDFM 11. A minimum of 20' for access and maintenance is required along a wash. The purpose of this is to allow for a vehicle drive along the wash for maintenance, safety, etc. Provide discussion in the narrative on how the channel will be maintained and show the location on the proposed drainage map. Revise appropriately. Tucson Code Section 26-.7.2. 12. Please note that subsequent comments may be necessary upon resubmittal, depending on the nature and extent of revisions that occur to the report. |
12/19/2006 | MARTIN BROWN | FIRE | REVIEW | Denied | All parts of building must be within 300 feet of hose lay to a fire hydrant. See IFC 508 as amended. |
12/19/2006 | TERRY STEVENS | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | CDRC TRANSMITTAL TO: Development Services Department Plans Coordination Office FROM: Terry Stevens Lead Planner PROJECT: T06CM06303 850 E. Speedway Blvd. Retail Site Plan TRANSMITTAL: 12/21/06 COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along with redlines and a response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed. 1. DS 2- A small, project-location map shall be drawn on the first sheet of the site plan, preferably in the upper right corner. The map should cover approximately one (1) square mile, be drawn at a minimum scale of 3" = 1 mile, and provide the following information. a. Identify conditions within the square mile area, such as major streets and watercourses. b. Section, township, and range; section corners; north arrow; and the scale will be labeled. 2. DS 2- The square footage for the proposed structure listed in the code review section on page SP-1 (4540 sq. ft.) does not appear to be correct. The correct square footage appears to be 4600 sq. ft. Revise notes. Provide dimensions clearly indicating the proposed setbacks for the building from property lines or future curb locations. The maximum allowed height of the proposed building is 30'. Clearly indicate the height of the structure on the site plan. (+ or - 30' is not clear enough) FYI: The measurement is taken from the adjacent grade to the roof line if a flat roof or mid-point of a gable roof. 3. DS 2- Provide a dimension from the face of curbs to property lines for all vehicular use areas (parking spaces and loading zone) along property lines. This measurement is required in order to meet the requirements of DS 3-05.2.3.C.1 (minimum 2'-6") in order not to over hang property lines. The parking spaces located along Speedway Blvd. cannot overhang into a required landscape border. See later comment on required landscape border. Per DS 3-05.2.1.C.2.c The minimum number of stacking spaces required for a one lane drive-through is 6 including the space at the window. Revise plan and note. 4. DS 2- If no class one bicycle parking are being provided revise the notes to clearly indicate all bicycle parking is class two type spaces. If a class one space is being provided clearly indicate location (with clearance dimensions) and provide a detail of the class one type enclosure. The ribbon type of bicycle rack indicated in detail 5 is not an acceptable type of class two rack. See DS 2-09 figure 3 for the acceptable type of rack. (minimum two point support) 5. DS 2- Provide location of future sight visibility triangles. See engineering comments. 6. DS 2- Dimension the clearance between the drive through lane and the south property line. See DS 3-05.2.2.B.3. (minimum 2') Provide a dimension between the drive-through lane and the building. Clearly indicate if there are any entrances to the building on the south and east sides of the structure. If there are entrances sidewalks and pedestrian refuge area will be required. 7. DS 2- Clearly dimension and provide the required minimum 5' pedestrian refuge between a building and a PAAL along the west side of the proposed structure. See DS 3-05.2.2.B.1. A minimum 4'sidewalk is required between a building and a PAAL Missing along the west and southwest side of the proposed structure. See DS 2-08.4.1.B Clearly indicate the location and widths of all sidewalks along the north and west sides of the proposed building. Clearly indicate that a handicap ramp is being provided at the north end of the crosswalk from the handicap access aisle. Clearly indicate that the crosswalk will be striped. Access ramps at crosswalks connecting to sidewalks must be provided. In addition Truncated Dome (early warning systems) must be added to all access ramps where transitioning from the pedestrian area to the vehicular use area or at HC access aisles transitioning to the sidewalk area. Enlarge the detail for the handicap parking sign to a legible size. I have attached a copy of the requirements for the verbiage of the sign to the site plan. Per City of Tucson standards the minimum required distance from grade to the bottom of the handicap sign is seven (7) feet. Revise detail. 8. DS 2- Indicate maneuvering area for loading zone. See engineering comments. A screen wall for the loading zone may be required as well as screening for the parking spaces. A 10' landscape border located on the property may be required along Speedway and Camino Seco. See landscape reviewer's comments. 9. DS 2- Indicate the location of the future right of way and future curb location for Speedway and Camino Seco. See engineering comments. 10. DS 2- If applicable, provide the proposed lighting layout and type. 11. DS 2- The proposed use for this project should be listed as "General Merchandise Sales "28" subject to:". Revise Code Review note. The development designator for this project is "28" not 30 as indicated in the code review notes. Revise. 12. DS 2-02.2.2.A.3 The lot coverage percentage provided is not required. Provide the allowed and proposed Floor Area Ratio (FAR). Revise notes. 13. Depending on changes to this plan and responses to the above comments, additional comments may be forth coming. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Terry Stevens, (520) 791-5550 ext. 2000. TLS C:\planning\cdrc\DSC\T06CM06303.doc RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Revised site, Landscape and NPPO Plans and any additional requested documents |
12/21/2006 | TSTEVEN1 | ADA | REVIEW | Passed | |
12/21/2006 | TERRY STEVENS | ZONING HC SITE | REVIEW | Denied | see zoning comments |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
02/22/2007 | DELMA ROBEY | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |
02/22/2007 | SUE REEVES | REJECT SHELF | Completed |