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Permit Number: T06CM05978
Parcel: 140411200


Review Status: Completed


Permit Number - T06CM05978
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
02/13/2007 DAVE MANN FIRE REVIEW Approved

FROM: Steve Shields
Lead Planner

PROJECT: Airport Run
Tucson Commerce Center
Site "A" Lots 117, 118, 119, 120 - 33,442 Sq. Ft.
T06CM05952, T06CM05978, T06CM05979 & T06CM05980
Site Plan (2nd Review)


COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along with redlines and a response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed.

1. This site plan was reviewed for full code compliance with the City of Tucson Development Standards (D.S.) and Land Use Code (LUC).

2. This comment has not been fully addressed. Based on the current D.S. 2-09.2.3 the proposed "BOLLLARD" style bicycle rack does not meet the requirements. Per D.S. 2-09.4.1 & 4.4 the proposed location does meet requirements. Per D.S. 2-09.5 the provided detail does not show the required layout dimensions. D.S. 2-02.A.2.1.9 & D.S. 2-09.0 Provide off-street bicycle parking; including materials for lighting, paving, and security; fully dimensioned layout; location; specific type of rack and the number of bicycles it supports; and the location and type of directional signage if required. See comment 18.

3. Zoning acknowledges that a DSMR has been applied for. Provide the DSMR number, date of approval and any conditions on the plan. Zoning cannot approve the site plan until the DSMR is approved. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.12 Provide a five (5) foot pedestrian refuge between the west side of the building and the PAAL. D.S. 2-08.3.1 Extend the proposed sidewalk which runs along the north side of the building to the pedestrian refuge.

4. Ensure that all changes to the site plan are reflected on the landscape & grading plan.

5. Zoning will provide an over the counter review once the above comments have been addressed. Call or email for an appointment.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact me at Steve.Shields@tucsonaz.gov or (520) 791-5608 ext. 1180.


RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Revised site plan and additional requested documents
03/13/2007 ANDREW CONNOR LANDSCAPE REVIEW Denied 1. The required landscaping may be located within the right-of-way only if there are no utilities within the same area, and the City Engineer's Office approves such use in the right-of-way. Provide approval documentation for landscaping within ROW.

2. All improvements and site information, such as parking, loading zones, and pedestrian access shown on the landscape plan will be identical site plan per DS 2-07.2.1.A. Boldly delineate all improvements on the landscape plan.

3. Revise the landscape plan to include slope ratios for retention and detention basins. Basin slopes in most instances are required to have slopes no steeper than 4:1 where depths exceed three feet, 3:1 for unprotected slopes and 2: 1 for protected slopes for depths less than three feet per DS 10-01.4

4. Provide NPP aerial photograph which clearly shows the locations of all Protected Native Plants within the boundaries per DS 2-15.3.1.A.3. Include darker image of aerial photo for clarification.

5. Include with re-submittal DSMR approval documentation. Indicate on the lower right hand corner of the site plan, the case number, date of approval, and any conditions imposed.

6. Additional comments may apply
03/22/2007 JASON GREEN ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied DATE: March 22, 2007
SUBJECT: Site "A" Lots 117, 118, 119, & 120- 3160-3260 E Elvira Rd- 2nd Engineering Review of site plan
LOCATION: T15S R14E Sec16, Ward 5
ACTIVITY: T06CM05952, T06CM05978, T06CM05979 and T06CM05980

SUMMARY: Engineering Division of Development Services Department has received and reviewed the revised site plan, revised Drainage Report (prepared by DOWL Engineers dated January 30, 2007), 3-Flood Plain Use Permits (FUPs), and the Geotechnical Engineering Report with addendum's (prepared by Terracon dated from November 30, 2007 to January 16, 2007) for the above referenced property. Engineering Division does not recommend approval of the site plan or FUPs at this time. The following items need to be addressed:


1) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.8: Provide a back-up spur at the end of the row of parking located adjacent to the handicap parking and pedestrian circulation with a minimum of 3 feet in depth, 3-foot radii, and a wheel barrier to prevent encroachment onto any unsurfaced area. Label all dimensions for proposed back-up spurs. Vehicles can not back up over a pedestrian circulation (crosswalk) for safety issues.

2) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.16: Be advised that 2 elevation certificates will be required for the construction of Lots 118, 119 and 120. The first elevation certificate will be required prior to the 1010/1015 inspection and the second elevation certificate will be required prior to the Certificate of Occupancy. Elevation Certificates for Lots 118-120 will be prepared and issued at the final site plan approval.

3) DS Sec.11-01.9: Provide on the site plan (Sheet A1.1 or A1.2) the required cross section at property boundaries to ensure that the required 2-feet setback from all property boundaries to the proposed limits of grading, fill slopes, water harvesting areas, and associated erosion protection have been met. The submitted sheet with cross section reference could not be located on the site plan. The cross sections provided must be site specific and can not be represented by a "typical detention/retention basin cross section."

4) DS Sec.11-01.8.1: Clarify on the site plan the 4-foot elevation difference in finished grade and finished floor elevation from Lot 107 to Lot 108. If a retaining wall is proposed show a detail and cross section verifying conformance with the grading requirements.

5) DS Sec.3-05.2.3.C: Provide 6-inch vertical curb, wheel stop barriers or bollards for the vehicular use area adjacent to the detention/retention basin and along the west side of the proposed loading zone. Vertical curb, wheel stop barriers or bollards are required at this location to prevent vehicles from encroaching into the proposed basin and landscape areas.


6) DS Sec.11-01.2.1: A separate grading permit will be required for each individual lot as per the drainage report. Grading Plan(s) and a grading permit application(s) will not be approved until all comments associated with the site plan review have been addressed.

7) Please ensure that any future grading plan will be consistent with the site plan, geotechnical report, drainage report, and all addenda. Grading standards may be accessed at:


8) Arizona Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (AZPDES) requirements are applicable to this project. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) and text addressing stormwater controls for all areas affected by construction activities related to this development will be required with each grading plan submittal. For further information, visit www.adeq.state.az.us/environ/water/permits/stormwater.html.


Please provide a revised site plan that address the comments provided above. For expedite purposes the site plan can be reviewed over the counter for stamp approval, as long as all of the items have been addressed.

Further comments may be generated upon resubmittal of the site plan. Please enclose "redlines" with the resubmittal package for reference.

If you have any questions, or to schedule an appointment, I can be reached at 791-5550, extension 1189.

Jason Green, CFM
Senior Engineer Associate
Engineering Division
Development Services

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
03/30/2007 DELMA ROBEY OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed
03/30/2007 SUE REEVES REJECT SHELF Completed