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Permit Number: T06CM04979
Parcel: 141015560

Review Status: Completed


Permit Number - T06CM04979
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
Tucson Appl. No. T06-CM04979
Bureau Veritas Job No. 01006-161043
Mr. Steve Long
Acting Chief Building Official
Building Safety Department
201 N Stone Ave 1st Floor
Tucson, Arizona 85701
(520) 791-5550

Re: Plan Review: Bowman Residence
Address: 10593 E Kay Garttrell Pl

Dear Mr. Long:

Bureau Veritas North America has completed a review of the following documents on behalf of the Pinal County:

1. Plans: Two (2) copies of plans (19 sheets 1 thru S5.01), no date or seals.

2. Structural Calculations: Two (2) sets of calculations dated August 25, 2006 by J. Fraser Smith.

3. Wall Structural Calculations: Two (2) sets of calculations dated August 4, 2006 by Paul G Scott.

These documents were reviewed only for their conformance to the provisions of the State of Arizona and Pinal County amended 2003 IRC. Our comments follow on the attached list.

Zoning comments were addressed, but building safety comments were not. Please resubmit an itemized response letter and required number of revised documents with all revisions clouded. See comment letter dated September 26th, 2006 from Bureau Veritas North America.


Bureau Veritas North America

Shelley Knuffke
ICC Plans Examiner

Enclosures : S:\Tucson\01006-161043pc2.doc First comment letter dated September 26, 2006
Re: Stories: One
Occupancy R-3
Building Area Res. (sq. ft.): 1,490 (living area)
Garage Area (sq.ft.): 531
Casita ( sq.ft): 445

A. The following plan review comments are based on the City of Tucson Building Regulations and, unless otherwise noted, refer to the 2003 International Residential Code.

B. Please respond in writing to each comment by marking the attached comment list or creating a response letter. Indicate which detail, specification, or calculation shows the requested information. Your complete and clear responses will expedite the re-check and hopefully, approval of this project. Thank you for your assistance.

C. The following code comments reflect a review of building plans only. If site-related comments are applicable to this project, they will be generated by others (e.g., City Engineering, Public Works, Health, etc.).


Provide an accurate index to drawings on the first sheet of the set. Extra sheets included in plan set.


Locate and identify heights of all ceilings. Include hallways, utility rooms, garages and walk-in closets. IRC Section R304.3.

There shall be a floor or landing on each side of each exterior door. The width of the landing shall not be less than the door served with a minimum dimension of 36 inches measured in the direction of travel. IRC Section R312.

Note and specify that the shower area walls shall be finished with a nonabsorbent surface to a height of six feet above the floor. IRC Section 307.2.

Provide information on sola-tube w/installation requirements. IRC Section 106.

Provide a calculation to determine the percentage of glazing of the gross area of the exterior walls. Calculations to verify compliance with the 2000 International Energy Code will be required when the glazing area exceeds 15 percent of the gross area of the exterior walls. IRC Section N1101.2.

Openings between the garage and residence shall be equipped with solid wood doors not less than 1 3/8 inch thick, or shall be 20-minute fire rated doors and shall be maintained self-closing and self-latching. Amendment to IRC Section R309.1.

Every sleeping room and basement with habitable spaces shall have a least one window minimum net clear opening 5.7 square feet (minimum 5 square feet net clear opening at grade floor), minimum opening width of 20 inches, minimum opening height of 24 inches and the finished sill height shall not be more than 44 inches above the floor; or provide exterior door for emergency egress. IRC Section R310.1.


Indicate by drawing and/or notes, how insulation meets the requirements of IRC Section N1101.2.


Note and specify all roof slopes. IRC Chapter 9.

Detail, note and size all roof drains/scuppers. IRC Section R903.4.


Note and specify termite protection. IRC Section R324.

Note on the drawings the allowable soil bearing pressure used in the design of the footings.

Provide note: Footings shall be on undisturbed soil or approved fill. IRC Section R403.

All slabs and pads, including landings at all doors, shall be shown and their thickness specified. Indicate the slopes for exterior slabs.

Provide note: All plates (interior and exterior, load bearing and non-load bearing) shall be pressure treated or foundation grade redwood. IRC Section R403.1.6. All slabs and pads, including landings at all doors, shall be shown and their thickness specified. Indicate the slopes for exterior slabs.

Locate and specify all anchor bolt spacing and post anchors on the foundation plan.


Note on the plan all lumber shall bear an approved grading stamp.

Specify design criteria: floor and roof live and dead loads. IRC Section R301.

Provide manufacturer’s span charts for pre-manufactured steel lintels. IRC Sections R602.7 & R606.9.

Show required hold downs, as specified on lateral design or as required for all alternate braced wall panels, on the foundation plan.

Detail and specify anchorage for trusses.

Provide roofing system manufactures specs.


Provide a minimum 4 inch diameter moisture exhaust vent for clothes dryer, or as required by the clothes dryer’s listing and the manufactures installation instructions provided that is to be presented prior to construction. IRC Section M1501.1.

The clothes dryer exhaust duct shall be at least the diameter of the appliance outlet and shall terminate on the outside of the building. It shall not exceed 25 feet in length with reductions for bends. The duct shall terminate not less than 3 feet from a property line. IRC Sections M1501 and R302.2.

Show condensate line and secondary condensate line. IRC Section M1411.3 and M1411.3.1.


Provide a gas isometric with length of line (horizontal and vertical) to each appliance. BTU demand of each appliance, size of each branch, total demand and size of the meter.

Show all vents.


Where ceiling fans are shown on the plans, provide a note indicating that only approved outlet boxes shall be used. NEC Article 370-27©, IRC Section E3904.4, E3805.8 and E4001.6.

Indicate locations the electric panels, including any sub panels. Verify required clearances. IRC Section E3305.2.

Receptacles shall be installed so that no pint along the floor line in any wall space is more than 6 feet, measured horizontally, from an outlet in that space, including any wall space 2 feet or more in width. IRC Section E3801.2.1.

Provide a convenience receptacle outlet for the servicing of appliances (HVAC) within 25 feet of the appliance. IRC Section 3801.

If you have any questions regarding the above comments, please contact Shelley Knuffke at (520) 576-8400 between 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday.

FROM: Michael St.Paul, Planning Technician

10539 East Kay Gartrell Place
SFR Civano I Neighborhood Edge District

TRANSMITTAL: February 7, 2007

COMMENTS: Please attach a response letter with the next submittal, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed.

1. (The lot coverage calculation includes the footprint of all enclosed structures and all vehicle use areas. The footprint is not limited to livable space. Each item must be listed (such as main house [as with the elevations], casita, garage, driveway) and totaled. Then the ratio should be provided as a percentage.) The site calculations still identifies "main living". We are looking for the entire footprint of each building. "Living or livable" can subtract out walls and other areas that should be included in the footprint.

2. (Provide the following note on the plot plan: "The maximum height of all perimeter walls facing the pedestrian way within six feet (6'-0") of the property line is forty-two inches (42")." (See Civano Phase 1, pg. 30.) Also identify the Pedestrian Way on the plot plan.) This restriction on the walls or fences includes the walls along the side yard within six feet (6'-0"). The height of the all walls within the that six feet (6'-0") must not exceed forty-two inches (42"). Please revise the plan.

3. Please provide dimensions from each building to each property line from both the closest and farthest points of the buildings. "At least 50 percent of the building frontage must be set back a minimum of 12 feet" (Civano Phase 1, pg. 30) for the front (Pedestrian Way).

4. (The minimum rear yard (Street) setback is twelve (12) feet. At least 50 percent of the building facing the rear setback must be a minimum of twelve (12) feet from the property line (Civano Phase 1, pg. 30). It appears that all of the casita is within the setback. Please revise the plans for compliance.) Nothing has changed here. All of the casita is still within the twelve (12'-0") foot setback.

5. Remove all plus or minus symbols from the site plan.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
02/12/2007 SUE REEVES REJECT SHELF Completed