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Permit Number: T06CM03548
Parcel: 117060940

44 N 5TH AV

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: SITE

Permit Number - T06CM03548
Review Name: SITE
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
07/03/2006 PETER MCLAUGHLIN LANDSCAPE REVIEW Denied 1) Add the address of the project site to the landscape plan and site plan.
DS 2-07.2.1.B.1
DS 2-02.2.1.A.3

2) The project is within the Rio Nuevo and Downtown Zone. Compliance with the provisions of DS 9-05.0 and LUC 2.8.10 is required. Revise all plans to demonstrate compliance with the provisions of these sections and as may be suggested by
the DRB. TCC 23A-32
Cross-reference the DRB case number on the landscape plan in the lower right hand corner of all sheets.
DS 2-07.2.1.B.g
TCC 23A-32

3) Indicate in the plant tables the size of the trees and shrubs proposed for planting by box size and gallons of containers respectively.
DS 2-07.2.2.A.1.b

4) A minimum two (2) inch layer of organic or inorganic material (i.e., decomposed granite, rock mulch, or other material) will be used as ground cover under and around the vegetation in landscaped areas to help cool soil areas, reduce evaporation, and retard weed growth per DS 2-06.5.2.C

5) Provide calculations for oasis area landscaping.
LUC, DS 2-06.3.2

6) Approval from the City Engineer and TDOT Landscape Architect for the landscape and irrigation improvements in public right-of-way areas is required. Contact Gary Wittwer, DOT Landscape Architect for specific requirements.

7) Clarify on the landscape plan how the project meets the screening requirements of LUC 3.7 & DS 9-05.4.3. Label clearly all screening elements on sheet L 1.1. The trash dumpster requires screening. Provide details of required screens on the plan. In addition, all new parking shall be designed so that vehicles are not visible from the adjoining street level, through incorporation of pedestrian arcades, occupied space, or display space per DS 9-05.4.3.C.2.b.1. Identify on the landscape plan all walls, structures, or other features that make the parking not visible from the adjoining street level.

8) There should be five (5) percent of the gross floor area of the new construction provided in public plazas or courtyards for every new development per DS 9-05.4.4.A. Add calculations to demonstrate compliance with the 5% standard for public courtyards.

9) Shade shall be provided for at least fifty (50) percent of all sidewalks and pedestrian pathways as measured at 2:00 p.m. on June 21 when the sun is 82° above the horizon (based on 32°N Latitude). Shade may be provided by arcades, canopies, or shade structures, provided they respect the historic and design context of the street and the architectural integrity of the building. Deciduous trees, as proposed in the Downtown Comprehensive Street Tree Plan, are encouraged to supplement existing evergreen trees. The use of plantings and shade structures in the City right-of-way is permitted to meet this standard. The shade provided by a building may serve to meet this guideline. DS 9-05.4.3.B,
LUC 2.8.10.K.5. Provide calculations and label any materials or structures approved by the DRB on the landscape plan.
07/03/2006 PETER MCLAUGHLIN NPPO REVIEW Denied Submit NPP plan or Application for Exception; If submitting an Application for an NPP Exception, include acceptable documentation, which clearly indicates that the project will not impact Protected Native Plants. Such documentation includes photographs of the site taken from all sides of the property. Photographs of the site are necessary for NPPO approval per DS 2-15.2.0.C
PROJECT ADDRESS: 44 North 5th Avenue
PROJECT REVIEWER: Patricia Gilbert, Engineering Associate

The following items must be revised or added to the site plan. Please include a response letter with the next submittal that states how all comments have been addressed.



1. Provide the length for the sight visibility triangle (SVT) (keynote one) for the entrance/exit drive off of Toole Avenue. For a collector street the near side length is 265' and the far side length is 110'. Revise appropriately. DS 2-02.2.1.A.10.

2. Provide a near side SVT for the entrance/exit drive for 5th Street. The length for a drive off of a local street is 185'. Revise the site plan. DS 2-02.2.1.A.10.

3. Provide a dimension on the plan view for the entrance/exit drives off of Toole Avenue and 5th Avenue. DS 2-02.2.1.A.11.

4. Continuous pedestrian circulation must be provided when a structure is adjacent to a PAAL.
A minimum setback distance of 5' feet for a pedestrian refuge area must be maintained with a 4' sidewalk. The solid waste enclosure blocks continuous pedestrian circulation. Provide a sidewalk between the solid waste enclosure and the structure. DS 3-05.2.2.B.1., Figure 1 and DS 2-08.4.1.B.

5. In addition to the above comment the proposed class II bicycle parking on the south side of the building blocks continuous pedestrian circulation and the sidewalk. Revise the site plan to show continuous pedestrian circulation without obstructions.

6. Handicap curb access ramps are required to be constructed with truncated domes, per recent a Federal ADA requirement. Show on detail 1 sheet C1.3 or add a general note to the site plan indicating all public and private handicap curb access ramps will have truncated domes.

7. Provide drainage patterns and finish grades or provide a note on the site plan referencing sheet C1.2 the paving and grading plan for all drainage, vertical data and finish grades. DS 2-02.2.1.A.16.

8. This development is subject t the Excavation and Grading Development Standard and will require a grading permit. Please submit a grading permit application card (the green card) with the second submittal. DS 11-01

9. A stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) is required with the grading permit when there is an acre or more of disturbance. It is acknowledged only 0.97 acres has been indicated on the site plan application card (yellow card). Because this project has multiple phases this project falls under the "part of a larger common plan" rule. The Arizona Pollulant Discharge Elimination System General Permit for Discharge from Construction Activities describes any construction activity that will disturb less than one (1) acre of total land area but is part of a larger common plan of development or sale that will ultimately disturb equal to or greater than one (1) acre and less than five (5) acres is subject to the requirements of the AzPDES. Submit a SWPPP with the grading permit application with the second submittal.

10. Provide the recordation data (Book and Page) for Toole Avenue and 5th Avenue. DS 2-02.2.1.A.18.

11. Dimension the ½ ROW width from street centerline for 5th Avenue and Toole Avenue. DS 2-02.2.1.A.19.

12. Dimension from the street centerline of 5th Avenue and Toole Avenue to the existing and/or proposed curb, sidewalk and utility locations. DS 2-02.2.1.A.21.

13. Provide a refuse enclosure detail. The base shall be a concrete slab with an inside clear dimension of ten (10) feet by ten (10) feet by five (5) inches thick. Steel pipes are required between the container and the enclosure's rear and side walls to prevent the container from damaging the enclosure while being serviced. Enclosure gates have a minimum opening of ten (10) feet. D.S. 6-01.4.2.
07/27/2006 MARTY DUPONT ADA REVIEW Denied This project has been reviewed by the City of Tucson Office of Equal Opportunity Programs for compliance with the Department of Justice 28 CFR Part 36 ADA Standards for Accessible Design Revised July 1, 1994.

1) Sheet C1.0 - Revise H.C. parking calculation to identify that 1 of the 2 provided spaces is "VAN ACCESSIBLE" and call out its location on the plan. The "VAN ACCESSIBLE" stall shall be served by an 8' wide access aisle and the standard stall shall be served by a 5' wide access aisle §4.6

2) Sheet C1.0 - New parking lot curb ramp is not noted. The curb ramp shall comply with the requirements of §4.7, figures 11 & 12. A flat landing 5' x the width of the ramp is required at top & bottom §4.8.4.

3) Sheet C1.2 - Demonstrate that the slope across the H.C. stalls & aisles does not exceed 2% in any direction §4.6.3.

4) Sheet C1.2 - Demonstrate that along the accessible route the sidewalk cross slope does not exceed 2% §4.3.7.

5) Sheet C1.3 - Detail #1 (refer to comment #1)

6) Sheet C1.3 - Detail #3 change the 5' dimension to 7' from bottom of sign to finish grade §4.6.4. 7' dimension is newly adopted COT standard. Show the "VAN ACCESSIBLE" sign below the standard sign and reference the plan for it's location.

FROM: Steve Shields
Lead Planner

PROJECT: Depot Plaza
Site Plan (1st Review)

TRANSMITTAL DATE: August 14, 2006

COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along with redlines and a response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed.

1. Provide project address on site plan. D.S.2-02.1.3

2. It does not appear that the building setbacks meet the M.S.R. setback requirements. L.U.C. Revised and provide dimensions of all required setbacks. D.S. 2-02.1.7

3. Provide a fully dimensioned off-street parking layout. The provided parking details on sheet C1.3 do not match the dimensions on the plan. D.S. 2-02.1.8

4. Provide all required information in regards to off street bicycle parking per D.S.2-02.1.9

5. Provide Site visibility triangles for the intersection of Toole Avenue & 5th Avenue. D.S.2-02.1.10

6. Provide widths of all driveways & parking area access lanes. D.S.2-02.1.11

7. Clearly identify vehicular, bicycle, pedestrian, and handicapped circulation clearly on plan. D.S.2-02.1.12. It appears that the Class 2 bicycle spaces located near the southeast corner of the building encroach into the required pedestrian circulation please clarify. The pedestrian circulation is not clearly shown at the trash enclosure area. A sidewalk is required adjacent and parallel to any PAAL on the side where buildings are located. D.S. 2-08.4.1.B. All handicapped access ramps will require truncated domes.

8. A back-up spur is required at both the east and west end of the parking garage. D.S.

9. Provide location, type, size and height of existing and proposed signage. D.S. 2-02.1.13

10. Loading spaces are required to be located on the proposed site of use per L.U.C. Revise plan and provide dimensioned loading space and maneuvering area. D.S. 2-02.1.14

11. Provide dimensioned for all adjacent right-of-ways, including MS&R. D.S. 2-02.1.19

12. All easements of record must be shown graphically on plan with recording docket and page. D.S. 2-02.1.20

13. Dimension existing and proposed curb from street monument lines. D.S. 2-02.1.21

14. Provide existing and proposed lighting layout and type. D.S. 2-02.1.21

15. Provide documentation showing that 10th Street has been abandoned on the south side of the project. Also as this one-way access appears to be located on the parcel to the south provide a copy of the recorded cross access agreement.

16. Due to changes to the site plan an additional review is required by DRB. D.S. 2-02.1.38

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Steve Shields,
(520) 791-5608 ext. 1180.


RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Revised site plan and additional requested documents
08/14/2006 STEVE SHIELDS ZONING HC SITE REVIEW Denied See zoning comments

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
08/18/2006 SUE REEVES REJECT SHELF Completed