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Permit Number: T06CM02886
Parcel: 116273870

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: RESUBMITTAL

Permit Number - T06CM02886
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments

Plan review for the above referenced structure has been completed. This letter reflects comments to be addressed. In order to facilitate a shorter back check time, we request that you please provide revised plans and calculations, highlighting any changes, along with a written response to each of the noted items indicating action taken.


The scope of this plan review covers architectural, plumbing, mechanical, model energy and electrical. All code references are to the 2003 International Residential Code, 2003 International Energy Conservation Code, and Arizona State amendments to the 2003 Uniform Plumbing Code. All features were checked only to the extent allowed by the submittals provided. All portions of this project are assumed to meet or will meet other departmental requirements, conditions and concerns before permit approval.


All corrections and revisions shall be made on original tracings or finished reproducible set. Return this set and a copy along with a set of the first submission. Pen or pencil corrections on final prints will not be acceptable. To avoid delays, ensure that all corrections have been made, are complete, and have been coordinated on all applicable detail and note sheets.

All engineers and architects involved in the design of the structure are to seal the related sheets of plans, details and calculations in accordance with the rules of the State Board of Technical Registration.


1. Add a foundation detail for interior braced wall line anchoring complying with R403.1.6.
2. Provide the sheer wall schedule referenced at detail #3 & 4, sheet 6.


1. Locate and identify brace wall types and locations, R602.10.4 (include interior wall lines, R602.10.1.1) along with the appropriate tie-downs and nailing schedule, R602.10.8.


1. Continuous structural panel sheathing shall comply with Table R602.10.5 that is limited to 10' wall heights, R602.10.5. All parallel interior wall lines shall be braced at intervals not exceeding 35' from exterior wall lines, R602.10.1.1. This building requires a structural design by a registered engineer in the state of Arizona, R602.10.10.


1. Provide the correct total fixture unit demand for the water supply using 2003 UPC Table 6-4.
Water closet: 2.5 water supply fixture units each.
Lav: 1
Tub/shower: 4
Kitchen sink w/ dishwasher: 1.5
Bar sink: 1
Laundry sink: 1.5
Clothes washer: 4
Hose bibb: 2.5 first fixture plus 1 for each additional.
2. Show a cleanout at the Master Bath water closet (1-½" for drains up to 2" and 2-½" for drains up to 3") as required by Table 7-6. The water closet VTR may be used as the cleanout if increased to 2-½".


1. Show the correct breaker protection and feeder size for the 150 AMP sub-panel on the Riser Diagram. Perhaps an additional 30 AMP sub-panel is also intended.
2. Also, show equipment rated for 22,000 AIC short circuit protection rather than 10,000 (two places) on the Riser Diagram.


1. Full cut-off fixtures have no emittance above the nadir (no deco openings, semi-opaque panels or exposed lamps). The cut-sheet for fixture B is not considered FCO style, therefore it should be calculated as unshielded. Fixture C may be considered FCO if notation is included for setting the adjustment aiming angle no higher than 45 degrees to the horizontal.
2. The City of Tucson Outdoor Lighting Code requires compliance for both total lumen output (E3: 55,000 lumens per acre) and the unshielded component (E3: 12,000 lumens per acre).
3. Incandescent lamp cut-sheets may also be provided showing average lumen ratings, or the values of 60 watts = 850 lumens, 100 watts = 1700 lumens and 150 watts = 2850 lumens may be assumed. Select values for the maximum fixture rating. Show compliance for both total lumen output and the unshielded component fixture types.

If you have any questions, please contact your assigned plans examiner Ken Van Karsen at 791-5550, extension 1112.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
09/13/2006 JMORALE1 OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed
09/13/2006 SUE REEVES REJECT SHELF Completed