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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Permit Number - T06CM02676
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
05/11/2006 | GERRY KOZIOL | WWM | REVIEW | Denied | needs wastewater 8th floor credit evaluation |
06/12/2006 | KEN VAN KARSEN | BUILDING-RESIDENTIAL | REVIEW | Denied | PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS for Activity # T06CM02676 Plan review for the above referenced structure has been completed. This letter reflects comments to be addressed. In order to facilitate a shorter back check time, we request that you please provide revised plans and calculations, highlighting any changes, along with a written response to each of the noted items indicating action taken. SCOPE OF REVIEW: The scope of this plan review covers architectural, plumbing, mechanical, model energy and electrical. All code references are to the 2003 International Residential Code, 2003 International Energy Conservation Code, and Arizona State amendments to the 2003 Uniform Plumbing Code. All features were checked only to the extent allowed by the submittals provided. All portions of this project are assumed to meet or will meet other departmental requirements, conditions and concerns before permit approval. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: All corrections and revisions shall be made on original tracings or finished reproducible set. Return this set and a copy along with a set of the first submission. Pen or pencil corrections on final prints will not be acceptable. To avoid delays, ensure that all corrections have been made, are complete, and have been coordinated on all applicable detail and note sheets. All engineers and architects involved in the design of the structure are to seal the related sheets of plans, details and calculations in accordance with the rules of the State Board of Technical Registration. FOUNDATION PLANS: 1. Show the opening for the bedroom exterior door (#13) on the Foundation Plan, 1/A-3. 2. Locate and specify all anchor-bolt spacing on the foundation plan or detail 8/A-3. Minimum ½" diameter with 7" embedment into concrete or masonry. Maximum spacing 6' o/c and within 12" of each sill plate end, R403.1.6. 3. All foundation hold-downs and anchor-bolt spacing (at quarter points) for brace wall panels shall be specified and located, R403.1.6 & R602.10.3 or R602.10.6. FLOOR PLANS: 1. Show compliance with R310 providing egress from bedrooms to meet the following minimum specifications. Window #5 requires minimum net clear opening dimension of 24" height and 20" width. 2. Show fireplace location, hearth size and materials, R1003.10 or R1004.2. Provide fireplace cut sheets, make, model number and the approval number of the UL-127 testing agency (IE: ICBO #) for factory built (zero clearance) fireplaces, R1002, or note the requirement for deferred submittal to building inspector at installation. STRUCTURAL PLANS: 1. Specify design criteria on plans. Provide values for floor dead load and live load as well as roof dead load and live load. 2. Provide a detail for the wood beam (keynote 17/A-2) support (wall or truss). 3. Provide manufacturer's calculations and data for pre-fabricated trusses, or note the requirement for deferred submittal to building inspector at installation. SECTIONS - DETAILS - MISC. NOTES: 1. Show the ceiling gypsum board as either 5/8" or ½" sag resistant when applied to 24" o/c framing, IRC table R702.3.5 footnote d. Correct spelling on ceiling note at 6/A-4. 2. Calculate the attic ventilation area using the correct attic area in compliance with R806.2. Note only 80% of the required ventilating area may be provided by ridge or gable vents when applying the reduced area calculation. Show the amount of eave vents needed to comply. 3. Show a minimum 1" ventilation clearance between ceiling insulation and roof sheathing, at 4/A-4, if insulation is attached to truss bottom cords and eave venting is used, R806.3. This may be accomplished w/ baffles. PLUMBING PLANS: 1. The City of Tucson has adopted the 2003 Uniform Plumbing Code with state amendments (ARIZONA STATE PLUMBING CODE). Reference this code rather than 1994 UPC. 2. Provide the BTU demand of each appliance, size of each branch, total demand, and total developed length, UPC 1217.0 & Table 12-7. 3. Provide the total fixture unit demand per 2003 UPC Table 6-4, and determine the supply line diameter from Table 6-5 assuming 46 to 60 psi. MECHANICAL PLANS: 1. Note on plans: Mechanical shall comply with 2003 IRC chapters 12 - 24. 2. Provide return air duct and register sizes, M1602. 3. Show dryer vent size, M1501. ELECTRICAL PLANS: 1. Show a consistent feeder conductor size for Panel 'B'. The panel schedule notes #6 (undersized) for circuit A-6/8 and the single line diagram shows 4/0 cu (oversized). 2. Hallways of 10' or more in length require a receptacle, E3801.10. 3. Note that two or more 2O AMP small appliance circuits shall be provided to serve kitchen countertop receptacle outlets; they may also serve the breakfast room and dining room. Such circuits shall not serve other rooms, E3603.2 and E3801.3 through E3801.4.5. Bathroom receptacles shall be on a separate 20 AMP circuit with no other outlets, E3603.4. Circuits B-12, 14 & 21 may not be 15 AMP. 4. Show appropriate conductor sizes for circuit ampacity on the panel schedules. 5. The circuit numbers shown for the dryer on the plan are not the same as on the panel schedule. 6. Add a circuit for the smoke detectors, R313.1.1. 7. Show the A/C circuit A-2,4 and air handling equipment circuit A-10 on the electric load calculation. 8. Provide a note indicating only approved outlet boxes shall be used for ceiling fans, E4001.6. 9. An arc-fault circuit interrupter shall protect bedroom outlets including receptacles, lights and smoke detectors, E3802.11. 10. Provide equipment rated for 22,000 AIC short circuit protection, 2006 Edition of Electric Service Requirements TEP SR-510. OUTDOOR LIGHTING CODE 1. Full cut-off fixtures have no emittance above the nadir (no deco openings, semi-opaque panels or exposed lamps). Fixtures may be exempt from the total lumen budget if both of the full cut-off FCO style and located under overhangs, OLC 5.1.2. Provide cut sheets for all FCO fixtures with fixture wattage and lumen ratings. All other fixtures are assumed to be unshielded (non-FCO style). 2. Show compliance with City of Tucson Outdoor Lighting Code; the unshielded limit for area E3 is 12,000 lumens per acre. The proposed 4,600 lumens will exceed the limit unless FCO style fixtures are approved. Remove the note: (33,550 lumens are allowed). Review guidance: www.ci.tucson.az.us/dsd/Codes___Ordinances/Tucson_Lighting_Code.pdf If you have any questions, please contact your assigned plans examiner Ken Van Karsen at 791-5550, extension 1112. |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
06/14/2006 | AMERY KLAPPERT | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |
06/14/2006 | SUE REEVES | REJECT SHELF | Completed |