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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: SITE
Permit Number - T06CM02391
Review Name: SITE
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
11/02/2006 | DAVE MANN | FIRE | REVIEW | Denied | 1. Revise Code reference information to reflect use of 2003 IBC and IFC 2. Indicate designated fire lanes for existing building and construction of new building 3. Indicate location (with dimensions to property lines) to existing fire hydrants 4. Fire Department lock box required for sliding gates. Indicate location on plan 5. Separate plan and permit will be required for fuel tank installation. Provide MSD sheets for coolant material. |
11/02/2006 | TERRY STEVENS | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | CDRC TRANSMITTAL TO: Development Services Department Plans Coordination Office FROM: Terry Stevens Lead Planner PROJECT: T06CM02391 1375 W. Glenn St. Site Plan TRANSMITTAL: 11/09/06 COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along with redlines and a response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed. 1. DS 2- Provide the legal description of the property on the site plan. 2. DS 2- A small, project-location map shall be drawn on the first sheet of the site plan, preferably in the upper right corner. The map should cover approximately one (1) square mile, be drawn at a minimum scale of 3" = 1 mile, and provide the following information. 1. Show the subject property approximately centered within the one (1) square mile area. 2. Identify conditions within the square mile area, such as major streets and watercourses. 3. Section, township, and range; section corners; north arrow; and the scale will be labeled. General note number 5 has the wrong township indicated, should read T13S. 3. DS 2- A search of the County Assessors records indicates there has been a lot combination done recently. Provide documentation of the lot combination as well as documentation for the required lot combination covenant. Provide on the site plan the docket and page information for the lot combination covenant. The indicated property line which runs through the proposed building is not applicable to this site based on the lot combination. Remove or show in a lighter line weight. 4. DS 2- All existing and proposed buildings and structures, including location, size, height, overhangs, canopies, and use. Provide dimensions for existing building foot print. The dimensions provided for the proposed structure appear to total to 20681 sq. ft. for the foot print not 19900 sq. ft. as indicated. Clarify. Provide floor plans for both the existing and the proposed structures which indicate the location of all exterior doors including bay doors This is used to determine the location of the required pedestrian circulation path as well as floor area for the FAR calculations.. There appears to be a second floor or mezzanine in the proposed structure. The square footage of the mezzanine is required to be included in the floor area ratio (FAR) calculations. Provide the height of all existing and proposed structures including what appears to be a canopy at the front of the proposed structure. Label the "canopy" and provide dimensions. 5. DS 2- Indicate all required zoning setbacks and distances between buildings with dimensions. Street perimeter yard setbacks along a MS&R are based on the location of the future curb. The requirements are 21' or the height of the structure from back of future curb, which ever is greater. See later comment regarding MS&Rs. 6. DS 2- Off-street parking, including fully dimensioned layout, location, parking spaces' size and number, and typical parking space details for both handicapped and standard spaces, together with access thereto. The required number of handicap parking spaces per the IBC Sec. 1106 when 189 parking spaces are provided is 6. Revise plan and notes.. Per IBC Sec.11106.5 for every six (6) or fraction of six (6)accessible parking spaces, at least one shall be van accessible. Revise plan and notes. The accessible parking spaces must be provided in close proximity to the buildings which they serve. Relocate a portion of the handicap parking spaces closer to the existing structure. Provide a dimensioned detail of a standard parking space, handicap parking space and van accessible parking space. Provide a detail and location of the required handicap parking signage. FYI: The minimum distance from grade to the bottom of the sign is 7' as per City of Tucson standards. I have attached a copy of the required sign with dimensions and verbiage to the site plan. The cross walks providing access to the indicated handicap parking spaces cannot cross behind the parking space as indicated. Revise. See later comments regarding pedestrian circulation. Per DS 3-05.2.3.C Wheel stops or barriers must be provided at any parking spaces to prevent extending beyond property lines, damaging adjacent landscaping, walls, or buildings; or overhanging adjacent sidewalk areas. If wheel stop curbing is used clearly indicate on the detail for parking spaces that the curb is located two and one-half (21/2) feet from the front of the parking space. 7. DS 2- Indicate existing and future sight visibility triangles at all vehicular entrances to the property. See engineering comments. 8. DS 2- Points of egress and ingress including locations and width of driveways and parking area access lanes (PAALs). There appears to be fences and gates which separate the vehicular use areas. Provide a note and location of signage which states that gates will remain open during business hours. This is required in order to provide access to the required parking spaces. Clearly indicate widths of all PAALs including existing conditions. A minimum 24' PAAL width is required behind the 90 degree parking spaces located north of the existing structure. The gate area at the west side of the existing building must be a minimum PAAL width of 24'. The space between the bollards and the parking spaces near the dynamometer is required to be a minimum 24' in width. Clearly indicate width of the north west entrance from Glenn St. Per DS 3-05.2.2.B.2 A minimum distance of one (1) foot must be maintained between any open structure and a PAAL. The distance from "canopy" located at the north side of the proposed structure and the parking spaces to the north must be a total of 25'. Twenty-four (24) feet for the PAAL and one (1) foot for clearance. Provide a dimension for this area. The same condition appears to apply at the south corner of the proposed structure with over hang indicated and the parking spaces located along the south property line. Provide dimensions. See DS 3-05.2.2.D and Figure 2 for the specifications for the backup spur located near the southeast corner of the property. 3' curb radius, 3' depth, 3' clear area behind the backup spur, etc. It appears curbing or barriers are missing in this area to prevent driving onto unimproved portions of the site. 9. DS 2- Vehicular, pedestrian, and handicapped circulation clearly identified. See DS 2-08 for criteria regarding pedestrian access. DS 2-08.3.1 Pedestrian Circulation Paths Required. Within all development, a continuous pedestrian circulation path is required. This path must connect all public access areas of the development and the pedestrian circulation path located in any adjacent streets. The areas within the development which must be connected include, but are not limited to, all buildings, all bicycle and vehicle parking areas, all recreation areas, all dumpster areas, and all other common use areas. Areas within the development which are not required to be connected to the pedestrian circulation path are those which will be used only for maintenance or for nonpublic truck use, such as truck loading spaces. Portions of certain Land Use Classes which by their nature will not be used for public pedestrian access, such as industrial uses, commercial storage uses, wholesale uses, contractor's yards, or similar uses, are not required to have sidewalks constructed in conformance with this Standard, as long as adequate pedestrian refuge areas are provided. Within this pedestrian circulation path, an accessible route is also required. The accessible route must connect all areas of the development and the pedestrian circulation path located in any adjacent streets. This accessible route may be identical to the pedestrian circulation path. The areas within the development which must be connected include, but are not limited to, all places of public accommodation, all buildings, all parking spaces designated for use by the physically disabled, all recreation areas, all dumpster areas adjacent to accessible buildings, and all other common use areas. Areas within the development which are not required to be connected to the pedestrian circulation path, as listed above, are also not required to provide an accessible route in those areas as long as at least one (1) accessible route is provided from at least one (1) street fronting on the development to the main entrance of the development on the site. DS 2-08.4.1Sidewalks. Sidewalks within a project must be physically separated from any vehicular travel lane by means of curbing, grade separation, barriers, railings, or other means, except at crosswalks, and must meet the following locational requirements. A. At least one (1) sidewalk will be provided to a project from each street on which the project has frontage, unless there is no vehicular access from a street because of a physical barrier, such as a drainageway or an unbroken security barrier (e.g., a wall or fence). The sidewalk should be located to minimize any conflict with vehicular access to the project. B. A sidewalk will be provided adjacent and parallel to any PAAL on the side where buildings are located. (See Figure 1.) C. A sidewalk will be provided adjacent to any parking space accessed by a PAAL where the space is located on the same side of the PAAL as any building and no other parking spaces or PAALs intervene. (See Figure 2.) D. Sidewalks must connect all areas of the development and must also connect to the pedestrian circulation path located in any adjacent street. E. Sidewalks shall be flood free for all storm discharges of up to a ten (10) year flood event. F. Sidewalks or pedestrian refuge areas may not be located between any motor vehicle parking space and the PAAL providing access to that space. DS 3-05.2.2.B.1 A minimum setback distance of five (5) feet for a pedestrian refuge area must be maintained between any enclosed structure and a PAAL. The refuge area may have a roof for shade, provided it contains a sidewalk and pedestrian access which is unobstructed and is set back one (1) foot from the PAAL. (See Figure 1.) Per the above sections of Development Standards sidewalks are required between the buildings and the parking spaces located on the south side of the existing structure, the northwest corner of the proposed structure, along both buildings adjacent to a PAAL, pedestrian refuge areas with 4' sidewalk where a PAAL is adjacent to a building, in areas such as bay doors a striped 5' pedestrian walk is ok. Pedestrian circulation is required from Glenn St. and Flowing Wells Rd. connecting to all structures as per above referenced code. Handicap ramps and crosswalks must be clearly indicated on the site plan. Provide a detail of the handicap ramp. Access ramps at crosswalks connecting to sidewalks must be provided. In addition Truncated Dome (early warning systems) must be added to all access ramps where transitioning from the pedestrian area to the vehicular use area or at HC access aisles transitioning to the sidewalk area. 10. DS 2- If applicable, provide location, type, size and height of existing and proposed signage including billboards. 11. DS 2- Provide fully dimensioned required loading spaces and maneuvering areas as per LUC Sec.3.4.5. The indicated loading areas and notes indicate 2 loading zones provided which is incorrect. As per LUC Sec. the existing structure at 16,551 GFA requires 2 loading zones and the proposed structure at "19900" GFA will require 2 loading zones. Loading zones must be in close proximity to the structures which they serve. Revise plan to show dimensioned loading zones and locations as well as calculations for required and provided loading zones. 12. DS 2- This property fronts along Flowing Wells and Glenn St. which are on the Major Street and Route overlay. Provide the location of future and existing curb and the width of the future right of way. See engineering comments 13. DS 2- If applicable, provide on the plan all easements of record together with recording docket and page information. 14. DS 2- If applicable, provide existing and proposed site lighting layout and type. 15. DS 2- Provide on the site plan the existing zoning of the parcel and adjacent parcels. It is noted that this information is provided in the notes but is required also on the site plan itself. 16. DS 2- List as the existing and proposed use as: "Trade Service and Repair - Major DD "34" : subject to: Sec." 17. DS 2- Provide location of the refuse container. See engineering comments. 18. DS 2-02.2.2.A.1 List the gross area of the site in square footage as well as acreage. 19. DS 2-02.2.2.A.2 The floor area in the calculations appears to be incorrect. See previous comment. Revise calculations. 20. DS 2-02.2.2.A.3 The floor area ratio calculation will need to be revised based on the corrected floor area. 21. Depending on changes to this plan and responses to the above comments additional comments may be forth coming. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Terry Stevens, (520) 791-5550 ext. 2000. TLS C:\planning\cdrc\DSC\T06CM02391.doc RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Revised site, Landscape and NPPO Plans and any additional requested documents |
11/06/2006 | SREEVES1 | ADA | REVIEW | Passed | not a cot job |
11/15/2006 | SUZANNE BOHNET | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | DATE: November 21, 2006 FROM: Suzanne Bohnet, CFM Engineering Division SUBJECT: 1375 W. Glenn St. W.W. Williams Co. Site Plan T06CM02391 / Floodplain Use Permit T06OT02833 (First Review) RESUBMITTAL REQUIRED: Site Plan. The Site Plan and Floodplain Use Permit cannot be approved as submitted. Please include a response letter to the comments below along with the corrected copies of the Site Plan and complete Drainage Report with your next submittal. Site Plan: 1. Please provide the estimated cut and fill quantities, listed separately in measurements of cubic yards, even if the quantity is zero (D.S. 2- Please note that if the total fill quantity equals or exceeds 50 cubic yards, a separate Grading Permit and Grading Plan are required (see below for Grading Plan requirements, if needed). 2. Please provide the dimensions of the rights-of-way, including any applicable Major Streets and Routes (MS&R) Plan right-of-way (D.S. 2- The MS&R that affects this property is Flowing Wells with a future ROW width of 76'. 3. All streets are required to have curbing (D.S. 3-01.3.2.A) and sidewalk (D.S. 3-01.3.3.A). If curbing and sidewalk do not exist, please provide this on the Site Plan, using the following criteria: 3.1. Vertical curbing is required for all collector streets (Flowing Wells is considered to be a collector street with an average daily traffic (ADT) of 1000 or more). 3.2. Minimum curb return radius for the drive is 25 feet (D.S. 3-01.3.2.C Figure 6). 3.3. Minimum sidewalk width in the right-of-way is 5 feet (D.S. 3-01.4.1.A.1.a), located a minimum 2 feet from the back of the curb (D.S. 3-01.3.3.B.1). The minimum future sidewalk width on a MS&R right-of-way is 6 feet with a sidewalk area of 9 feet, located a minimum 2 feet from the back of the future curb (Active Practice Guidelines dated 1/8/01). 3.4. Curb access ramps are required at all points where a sidewalk intersects a curb (D.S. 3-01.3.3.C). Truncated domes are required on all curb access ramps where the interface of the pavement or vehicle use area and the pedestrian area do not have a vertical separation. The area where the truncated domes are required is 6 inches back from the interface, a minimum 2 feet deep and extending the width of the interface. 3.5. Please provide the dimensions from the street monument lines to existing and proposed curbs, sidewalks, driveways, and utility lines (D.S. 2- 3.6. Please include the future curb and sidewalk, dimensioned with the future ROW dimensions. 4. Please provide existing and future sight visibility triangles (SVT) for all existing and future ingress/egress locations on the property (D.S. 2- The stem of the SVT is 20 feet, the near-side edge of the triangle for a collector street is 265 feet and the far-side edge of the triangle is 110 feet. The near- and far-side edge along a street with a horizontal curve is measured along a chord, as opposed to along the arc (Figure 18 of D.S. No. 3-01 - see attached enclosure). Lines of sight will not be obscured between 30 inches and six feet through the measured SVT by any object, including vegetation, walls, signs or buildings. 5. Please provide the refuse container location, size and access thereto fully dimensioned, as described below (D.S. 2- 5.1. Access to the refuse storage and collection area must have a minimum vertical clearance of 25 feet (D.S. 6-01.4.1.B). 5.2. Each service area is required to have a clear approach of 14 feet by 40 feet for the collection vehicle. The maximum backup distance for the collection vehicle is 40 feet (D.S. 6-01.4.1.C). 5.3. Show maneuverability for the collection vehicle to ensure proper location placement on-site (D.S. 6-01.4.1.L). See Figure 1 of the Development Standard No. 6-01 (D.S. 6-01). 5.4. Containers are to be placed so that the collection vehicle does not have to back into moving traffic, on or off the premises (D.S. 6-01.4.1.I). 5.5. Container enclosures are to have suitable hatches, doors, gates and covers to prevent material from overflowing, spilling or scattering onto surrounding premises (D.S. 6-01.4.2.B). 5.6. The base of the container enclosure shall be a concrete slab with an inside clear dimension of 10 feet by 10 feet by 5 inches thick (D.S. 6-01.4.2.C.1). 5.7. Steel pipes are required between the container and the enclosure's rear and side walls (D.S. 6-01.4.2.C.2). See attached for enclosure details. 6. Per D.S. 2-, please provide the limits of the 100-year flood plain and the water surface elevation, if applicable (see Drainage Report requirements below). 7. Per D.S. 2-, please provide drainage patterns, proposed finish floor elevation and finish grades, as determined from the Drainage Report (requirements below). 8. Please provide the vertical datum, ensuring it matches the vertical datum used in the Hydrology Report. 9. The Land Use Code (LUC) requires storm water harvesting for supplemental onsite irrigation purposes. Please provide water-harvesting techniques on your next submittal. You may access the Water Harvesting Guidance Manual from the following link: http://dot.ci.tucson.az.us/stormwater/downloads/2006WaterHarvesting.pdf Drainage Report: A Drainage Report is required because the property is located in a Critical Basin and a City of Tucson Flood Hazard Area. The following items need to be addressed in the Drainage Report. 1. A hydrologic analysis is required to determine the 100-year water surface elevation (Base Flood Elevation or BFE) and 100-year floodplain limits. Please show these on the Site Plan. 2. The designs of flow-through wall openings, if applicable. 3. If a Grading Permit and Grading Plan are required, based on the above comment regarding fill in excess of 50 cubic yards, please ensure the Grading Plan demonstrates adequate site drainage with the use of drainage flow arrows and finished spot elevations. 4. Threshold retention systems are required within all commercial or industrial developments disturbing an area larger than one acre in size. The required retention is the volumetric difference between the pre- and post-development 5-year runoff. Please show all calculations and provide a cross-section of the retention basin as a detail with the Site Plan. Please include the percolation test results. 5. A Detention Basin is required, due to the property being located within a Critical Basin. A Critical Basin is defined as a basin in which has been identified as already having severe flooding problems as a result of existing watershed conditions. All new developments within a Critical Basin are required to reduce the existing 2-, 10- and 100-year peak discharges by 15%. Please show all calculations, including the Stage-Storage Relationship, the Stage-Discharge Relationship and the Storage-Discharge Relationship, and provide a detail for the outlet structure designed. The following references include detailed report formats and design calculations to assist in ensuring the proposed development meets all required standards: Standards Manual for Drainage Design and Floodplain Management in Tucson Arizona Stormwater Detention/Retention Manual (aka D.S. No. 10) Floodplain, Stormwater and Erosion Hazard Management (Chapter 26 of the Land Use Code) Web links to these references can be found by going to the City of Tucson's (tucsonaz.gov) Development Services Dept., Codes and Ordinances. Grading Plan: If a separate Grading Plan is required, the following items are required for submittal: 1. If quantity of fill exceeds 5,000 cubic yards, a geotechnical (soils) report is required. 2. A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). 3. The Drainage Report. 4. The approved Site Plan. Items to be incorporated on the Grading Plan include the: 1. General vicinity of the proposed site. 2. Property limits and existing contours. 3. Limiting dimensions, elevations or finish contours, and proposed drainage channels and related construction. 4. Detailed plans of all surface and subsurface drainage devices, walls, cribbing, dams and other protective devices to be constructed with, or as a part of, the proposed work together with a map showing the drainage area and the estimated runoff of the area served by any drains. 5. Location of any building or structures on the property, existing and proposed, and any building or structure on land of adjacent owners within 15 feet of the property or which may be affected by the proposed grading operations. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Thank you, Suzanne Bohnet, CFM Engineering Associate (520) 791-5550 x1188 office Suzanne.Bohnet@tucsonaz.gov |
11/17/2006 | TERRY STEVENS | ZONING HC SITE | REVIEW | Denied | see zoning comments |
11/28/2006 | ANDREW CONNOR | LANDSCAPE | REVIEW | Denied | 1. Revise landscape plan per DS 2-07.0. to verify that entire site meets current minimum requirements. Indicate all improvements. 2. Fifty (50) percent or more of all street landscape borders must have shrubs and vegetative ground cover per LUC 3. Indicate square footage of all landscaped areas and calculation of the percentage of vegetative coverage per DS 2- 4. A 30" continuous screen along street frontages for vehicle use area must be provided per LUC Table 3.7.2-I 5. Show on the site plan existing and future sight visibility triangles DS 2- 6. Within vehicular use areas, one (1) canopy tree is required for each 10 motor vehicle parking spaces and every parking space shall be located within forty (40) feet of the trunk of a canopy tree (as measured from the center of the tree trunk) per LUC Verify entire site meets canopy tree requirement 7. Submit Application for Exception; include acceptable documentation, which clearly indicates that the project will not impact Protected Native Plants. 8. Landscape plan shall include irrigation specification design and layout per DS 2-06.5.4.A & DS 2-06.5.4.B including source of irrigation, sleeves for driveways and sidewalks, locations of valves, low-flow bubblers or drip irrigation. 9. Add note to landscape plan: ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL BE DEPRESSED A MAXIMUM OF 6" TO ACCOMODATE WATER HARVESTING. 10. Additional comments may apply. |
11/28/2006 | ANDREW CONNOR | NPPO | REVIEW | Denied | Submit Application for Exception; include acceptable documentation, which clearly indicates that the project will not impact Protected Native Plants. |
Showing 1 to 7 of 7 entries
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
11/29/2006 | CINDY AGUILAR | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |
11/29/2006 | SUE REEVES | REJECT SHELF | Completed |