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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: RESUBMITTAL
Permit Number - T06CM01816
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
07/14/2006 | ROBERT SHERRY | PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | The waste and vent schematic appears to show the mop sink being connected to the existing grease trap and sharing a flow control device with the directly-connected portions of the 3-compartment sink. Each fixture attached to a grease trap shall have a flow control device. Reference Section 1014.3, UPC 2003. |
07/17/2006 | GERRY KOZIOL | WWM | REVIEW | Denied | needs 8th floor credit evaluation |
08/08/2006 | WILDAN | BUILDING-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | August 7, 2006 City of Tucson Development Services 201 N. Stone Avenue Tucson, AZ 85701 RE: ARCO REMODEL – TANQUE VERDE – 1ST REVIEW CITY OF TUCSON LOG NO. T06CM01816 WILLDAN PROJECT NO. 13881-6039 The initial review for the above project has been completed. This letter contains comments which need to be addressed by written responses to each which indicate any actions taken. In order to facilitate a shorter second review, all corrections and revisions must be made on the original plans and two complete new sets of prints, along with one complete redlined set, must be returned to our office. To avoid delays, ensure that all corrections have been made, are complete, and have been coordinated on all applicable detail and note sheets, and that all changes have been highlighted with appropriate revision numbers, revision dates, and “cloud bubbles.” Pen or pencil corrections on final prints are not acceptable. This project has been reviewed for conformance with the 2003 IRC, 1997 UAC, 2003 IMC, 2003 IECC, 2002 NEC codes with local modifications, and the 2003 UPC with State of Arizona Amendments. Any revisions to this plan will require an additional review and approval by Willdan. Should you have questions regarding the comments herein, please contact your plans examiner John Stigalt. Occupancy Occup. Load Construction Area S.F. Sprinklered Alarms M 43? VB 2696 No No ] Special Inspection is required for the following items: N/A The following items are acceptable for deferred submittals: N/A ARCHITECTURAL COMMENTS: Sheet C1 The office and control counter are incidental uses to the “M” use; therefore, the square footage for these areas should be added to the general floor area. Also, there is another project with the same square footage, yet there is an approximate difference of 10 occupants in the occupant load calculations. Please review and revise the floor square footage and recalculate the occupant load accordingly to 2003 IBC Table 1004.1.2. Sheet A1 Annotate on the plans that at the egress door a sign with 1” lettering on a contrasting background will be installed stating “THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED”. Reference IBC Section 1008.1.8.3, Item #2.2. Please remove all references to the “Uniform” codes except for plumbing. Please review the list of adopted codes by the City of Tucson listed under the General comment section and revise accordingly. Reference the city of Tucson adopted codes. Please remove the reference to the California ADA. The City of Tucson has adopted the 2003 ANSI A117.1 in lieu of the ADA. Please reference the 2003 ANSI A117.1 throughout plans. Reference the City of Tucson adopted codes. Sheet A2 Please remove all references to the “Uniform” codes except for plumbing. Please review the list of adopted codes by the City of Tucson listed under the General Comment Section and revise accordingly. Reference the City of Tucson adopted codes. Please coordinate callouts with details listed. Reference IBC Section 106.1.1. STRUCTURAL COMMENTS: General Please provide a structural analysis for the roof assembly to justify that the existing roof assembly will be able to support the new imposed loads of the roof top HVAC unit and the soffits. Reference IBC Sections 1604.2 and 1604.4. Please coordinate the weight of the rooftop HVAC unit. On the roof framing the rooftop HVAC unit weight is noted to be 213 pounds, but Detail “B” it is noted to be 200 pounds. Reference IBC Sections 1604.2 and 1604.4. In Detail “C”, screws are listed to be used with the “A35” framing angle. Please review the manufacturer’s list of fasteners to be used with this fastener. Reference IBC Section 2309.4. PLUMBING COMMENTS: Sheet P1 Please remove all references to the “Uniform” codes except for plumbing. Please review the list of adopted codes by the City of Tucson listed under the General Comment Section and revise accordingly. Reference the city of Tucson adopted codes. Annotate on the plans that the grease interceptor will follow the requirements set forth in appendix “H”. Reference UPC Section 103.2.3. Show on the plans an isometric diagram of the water piping system. Reference the City of Tucson Submittal Requirements. MECHANICAL COMMENTS: Reviewed and accepted by the City of Tucson. ELECTRICAL COMMENTS: Sheet E1.1 The plans show that the disconnect for the dispensers is over 100’ (See section 514.11 B). A disconnect will have to be installed within the 100’ or provide data indicating that the building was built prior to the adoption of the 1993 NEC, so as to satisfy the requirements listed in UAC Section 106.6.6 or an appeal to the Building Official can be filed. Reference IBC Section 106.1.1. Annotate on the plans that the seal requirements will meet Section 514.9 (A) and (B). Reference IBC Section 106.1.1. ENERGY CODE COMMENTS: Sheet P1 Annotate on the plans that heat traps will be installed on the inlet and outlet piping on the water heater unless the water heater is part of a recirculating system. Reference IECC Section 504.7. ACCESSIBILITY COMMENTS: Sheet A3 Annotate on the plans that the items will be within the reach ranges listed in 2003 ANSI A117.1 Section 308.1. Reference IBC Section 106.1.1. Annotate on the plans that an 18” vertical grab bar will be installed within the dimensions set forth in Section 604.5.1. Reference 2003 ANSI A117.1 Section 604.5.1. Please provide interior elevations of the toilet rooms to verify that they are in compliance with the 2003 ANSI A117.1 Standard as adopted by the City of Tucson. Reference IBC Section 106.1.1. Annotate on the plans that the alteration shall comply with the applicable provisions listed in Chapter 11 and 2003 ANSI A117.1 for accessibility. The alteration shall provide access to the maximum extent technically feasible. Reference IBC Section 3409.5. Sincerely, WILLDAN Martin Haeberle, C.B.O. Building Official MAH/tb |
08/08/2006 | WILDAN | ELECTRICAL-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | August 7, 2006 City of Tucson Development Services 201 N. Stone Avenue Tucson, AZ 85701 RE: ARCO REMODEL – TANQUE VERDE – 1ST REVIEW CITY OF TUCSON LOG NO. T06CM01816 WILLDAN PROJECT NO. 13881-6039 The initial review for the above project has been completed. This letter contains comments which need to be addressed by written responses to each which indicate any actions taken. In order to facilitate a shorter second review, all corrections and revisions must be made on the original plans and two complete new sets of prints, along with one complete redlined set, must be returned to our office. To avoid delays, ensure that all corrections have been made, are complete, and have been coordinated on all applicable detail and note sheets, and that all changes have been highlighted with appropriate revision numbers, revision dates, and “cloud bubbles.” Pen or pencil corrections on final prints are not acceptable. This project has been reviewed for conformance with the 2003 IRC, 1997 UAC, 2003 IMC, 2003 IECC, 2002 NEC codes with local modifications, and the 2003 UPC with State of Arizona Amendments. Any revisions to this plan will require an additional review and approval by Willdan. Should you have questions regarding the comments herein, please contact your plans examiner John Stigalt. Occupancy Occup. Load Construction Area S.F. Sprinklered Alarms M 43? VB 2696 No No ] Special Inspection is required for the following items: N/A The following items are acceptable for deferred submittals: N/A ARCHITECTURAL COMMENTS: Sheet C1 The office and control counter are incidental uses to the “M” use; therefore, the square footage for these areas should be added to the general floor area. Also, there is another project with the same square footage, yet there is an approximate difference of 10 occupants in the occupant load calculations. Please review and revise the floor square footage and recalculate the occupant load accordingly to 2003 IBC Table 1004.1.2. Sheet A1 Annotate on the plans that at the egress door a sign with 1” lettering on a contrasting background will be installed stating “THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED”. Reference IBC Section 1008.1.8.3, Item #2.2. Please remove all references to the “Uniform” codes except for plumbing. Please review the list of adopted codes by the City of Tucson listed under the General comment section and revise accordingly. Reference the city of Tucson adopted codes. Please remove the reference to the California ADA. The City of Tucson has adopted the 2003 ANSI A117.1 in lieu of the ADA. Please reference the 2003 ANSI A117.1 throughout plans. Reference the City of Tucson adopted codes. Sheet A2 Please remove all references to the “Uniform” codes except for plumbing. Please review the list of adopted codes by the City of Tucson listed under the General Comment Section and revise accordingly. Reference the City of Tucson adopted codes. Please coordinate callouts with details listed. Reference IBC Section 106.1.1. STRUCTURAL COMMENTS: General Please provide a structural analysis for the roof assembly to justify that the existing roof assembly will be able to support the new imposed loads of the roof top HVAC unit and the soffits. Reference IBC Sections 1604.2 and 1604.4. Please coordinate the weight of the rooftop HVAC unit. On the roof framing the rooftop HVAC unit weight is noted to be 213 pounds, but Detail “B” it is noted to be 200 pounds. Reference IBC Sections 1604.2 and 1604.4. In Detail “C”, screws are listed to be used with the “A35” framing angle. Please review the manufacturer’s list of fasteners to be used with this fastener. Reference IBC Section 2309.4. PLUMBING COMMENTS: Sheet P1 Please remove all references to the “Uniform” codes except for plumbing. Please review the list of adopted codes by the City of Tucson listed under the General Comment Section and revise accordingly. Reference the city of Tucson adopted codes. Annotate on the plans that the grease interceptor will follow the requirements set forth in appendix “H”. Reference UPC Section 103.2.3. Show on the plans an isometric diagram of the water piping system. Reference the City of Tucson Submittal Requirements. MECHANICAL COMMENTS: Reviewed and accepted by the City of Tucson. ELECTRICAL COMMENTS: Sheet E1.1 The plans show that the disconnect for the dispensers is over 100’ (See section 514.11 B). A disconnect will have to be installed within the 100’ or provide data indicating that the building was built prior to the adoption of the 1993 NEC, so as to satisfy the requirements listed in UAC Section 106.6.6 or an appeal to the Building Official can be filed. Reference IBC Section 106.1.1. Annotate on the plans that the seal requirements will meet Section 514.9 (A) and (B). Reference IBC Section 106.1.1. ENERGY CODE COMMENTS: Sheet P1 Annotate on the plans that heat traps will be installed on the inlet and outlet piping on the water heater unless the water heater is part of a recirculating system. Reference IECC Section 504.7. ACCESSIBILITY COMMENTS: Sheet A3 Annotate on the plans that the items will be within the reach ranges listed in 2003 ANSI A117.1 Section 308.1. Reference IBC Section 106.1.1. Annotate on the plans that an 18” vertical grab bar will be installed within the dimensions set forth in Section 604.5.1. Reference 2003 ANSI A117.1 Section 604.5.1. Please provide interior elevations of the toilet rooms to verify that they are in compliance with the 2003 ANSI A117.1 Standard as adopted by the City of Tucson. Reference IBC Section 106.1.1. Annotate on the plans that the alteration shall comply with the applicable provisions listed in Chapter 11 and 2003 ANSI A117.1 for accessibility. The alteration shall provide access to the maximum extent technically feasible. Reference IBC Section 3409.5. Sincerely, WILLDAN Martin Haeberle, C.B.O. Building Official MAH/tb |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
10/16/2006 | SUE REEVES | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |