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Permit Number: T06CM01792
Parcel: 13323110C

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: OTHER

Permit Number - T06CM01792
Review Name: OTHER
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
07/21/2006 SREEVES1 LANDFILL REVIEW Passed City of Tucson, Environmental Services (COT, ES) has reviewed Case Number T06CM01792. The planned development is subject to the City of Tucson Landfill Ordinance, Ordinance No. 10037. Any development located between 100 and 500 feet from the Broadway North landfill and Broadway South landfill is subject to Sec. 29-24 of the Landfill Ordinance.

The following modifications must be done to the drawing set

· Identify the landfill and show the boundaries on the drawing sets where applicable.
· Show the lines of 100 and 500 foot distances from the landfill where applicable on the drawing sets.
· Add a note stating "All utilities and structures located within 500 feet of Broadway North landfill and Broadway South landfill shall comply with the requirements of the City of Tucson's Landfill Ordinance No. 10037."

Also, the developer must complete the Self-Certification statement mentioned in Sec. 29-24 of the City of Tucson Landfill Ordinance, Ordinance No. 10037. These items must be completed before approval.

If you have any questions please contact Robert Babbitt at (520) 791-5414.