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Permit Number: T06CM00297
Parcel: 11502479C

1611 N 3RD AV

Review Status: Completed


Permit Number - T06CM00297
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments

TO: Mike Goodman
1035 E. Mabel Street #23
Tucson, AZ 85719
(520) 977-8002

FROM: Steve Shields
Lead Planner

FOR: David Rivera
Principal Planner
Development Services Dept.

(N.W.C) University Duplexes,
Various addresses on Lee Street, Elm Street and 3rd Avenue
Site Plan Review (2nd review)

TRANSMITTAL: November 6, 2006


1. Attach a response letter with the next submittal, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed.

2. DS 2-02 This project is being reviewed as a new multifamily project. Full code compliance is required.

3. DS 2-02.2.1.B This comment has not been addressed. What appears to be property lines and water lines have the same line type and width. The location of lot lines is difficult to determine. Revise site plan to show all property lines with a bold line and add the location of all property pins using a circle or other standard symbol.

4. DS 2-02.2.1.A.2 This comment has not been addressed. Provide documentation for the lot combination. A lot combination is required. If a lot reconfiguration or lot combination has been approved for any portion of this project, provide a copy of the approved documents.

5. DS 2-02.2.1.A.19 & .21 The comment has not been fully addressed. Provide a dimension for the alley to the west. Dimension all rights-of-way for Elm Street, Lee Street, 3rd Avenue and the adjacent alley (to the west) and add the dimensions from street monument lines to existing curbs. Label the alley, which borders the property on its west side.

6. DS 2-02.2.1.A.6 & .7, LUC & This comment has not been fully addressed. Buildings "A & C" provide a dimension from the west porch to the property line. Dimension all building setbacks to perimeter lot lines and, where applicable, to nearest edge of travel lane along Lee Street, Elm Street and 3rd Avenue. Provide building elevation drawings showing heights of all building walls above design grade at the each side of the buildings. Setbacks cannot be verified until building heights are stated on the plan.

7. LUC This comment has not been fully addressed. Add SUBJECT TO LUC. SEC. following the development designator. Add the development designator "K" to the Zoning Information table and add the restriction to which the proposed use is subject to. This residential use in the R-2 zone is subject to LUC Sec.

8. DS 2-02.2.2.A.4 & DS 2-02.2.1.A.9 This comment has not been fully addressed. Per LUC 3.3.4 Residential Use Group, Bicycle parking will be provided at 8% of the total number of parking spaces provided, 50% Class 1 and 50% Class 2. 57 x .08 = 4.56 or 5 bicycle spaces required, 2 Class 1 and 3 Class 2. Revise the calculation to reflect the class 1 & class 2 bicycle parking space requirement. Per D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.9 provide the materials for lighting, paving, and security; fully dimensioned layout; location; specific type of rack and the number of bicycles it supports, and the location and type of directional signage if required. If the four (4) bikes shown within the fenced common area are not accessible to the public then they need to be relocated. Add a bicycle parking calculation based on 8 percent of vehicle parking proposed 50 percent class 1 and 50 percent class 2. Show the location of class 1 and class 2 bicycle parking on the plan and add a fully dimensioned bike parking detail showing width and length of spaces and additional 5-foot area for maneuvering the bicycles into their parking areas.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact me at Steve.Shields@tucsonaz.gov or (520) 791-5608 ext. 1180.


RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Revised site plan, lot combination documentation and additional requested documents
11/09/2006 ANDREW CONNOR NPPO REVIEW Denied Provide acceptable documentation, which clearly indicates that the project will not impact Protected Native Plants. Such documentation includes photographs of the site taken from all sides of the property. Photographs of the site are necessary for NPPO approval per DS 2-15.2.0.C.
11/09/2006 ANDREW CONNOR LANDSCAPE REVIEW Denied 1. Indicate square footage of all landscaped areas and calculation of the percentage of vegetative coverage per DS 2- Verify the vegetative coverage for street landscape borders. Plant coverage calculations for area(s) is as follows:

Diameter Approximate Area (sq. ft.)

1' .8
2' 3.5
3' 7
4' 13
5' 20
6' 28.5
7' 38.5
8' 50.5

2. The planting plan and layout calculations will include the following Information:

§ Both the proper and common name of each type of plant material must be listed. Include proper name of all plant material.

§ All disturbed areas including adjacent right of ways shall be treated with ground cover such as decomposed granite to help reduce dust pollution per LUC Revise note pertaining to decomposed granite.

3. Landscape plan shall include irrigation specification design and layout per DS 2-06.5.4.A & DS 2-06.5.4.B including source of irrigation, sleeves for driveways and sidewalks, locations of valves, low-flow bubblers or drip irrigation.

4. Provide acceptable documentation, which clearly indicates that the project will not impact Protected Native Plants. Such documentation includes photographs of the site taken from all sides of the property. Photographs of the site are necessary for NPPO approval per DS 2-15.2.0.C.

5. Additional comments may apply.
12/21/2006 LOREN MAKUS ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied To: Michael Goodman
DATE: December 21, 2006
FROM: Loren Makus, E.I.T.
Engineering Division

SUBJECT: Site plan T06CM00297(Second Review)
T14S, R13E, Section 31


The Site Plan cannot be approved as submitted. Please address the following review comments prior to the next submittal. Please include a response letter to the comments along with the corrected copies of the Site Plan.

Site Plan:

1. Label lot dimensions and bearings per D.S. 2- for all boundary lines.
2. List estimated cut & fill quantities per D.S. 2- The cut and fill quantities must be gross estimated quantities and not just net.
3. All easements of record must be graphically shown on the plan together with recording docket and page per D.S. 2- Provide the recordation data for the utility easement shown to the north of buildings B and C.
4. Add the basin(s) maintenance responsibility note per S.M.D.D.F.M. C 1 and 2 to the Site Plan.
5. Please provide proposed spot elevations as pertinent and Bench Mark based on City of Tucson Datum, including City Field Book and page number per D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.23. The additional spot grades will assist in determining proper drainage of the site and to ensure that there will be no nuisance ponding on-site or to adjacent off-site lots per D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.16.
6. A permit or a private improvement agreement may be necessary for any work performed within the Right-of-way. Contact Permits and Codes at (520) 791-5100 for permit information.
7. Please show a typical cross section of the P.A.A.L. or call out the percentage of slopes. Call out all grade breaks.
8. Address the maintenance responsibility for all drainage facilities (including water harvesting basins) in the Drainage Report and provide a maintenance checklist.

SWPPP Comments
9. Part IV.C.2.e. Include a general location map (e.g. U.S.G.S. quadrangle, portion of a city or county map) showing 1 mile radius around site. Include and identify receiving waters in the general location map.
10. Part IV.C.3.g. Identify on the map locations where stormwater is discharged to a surface water (e.g. ephemeral waters or dry washes) and to MS4s

If you have any questions, I can be reached at 791-5550 x1161 Loren.Makus@tucsonaz.gov
Loren Makus, E.I.T.
City of Tucson/Development Services Department
201 N. Stone Avenue
P.O. Box 27210
Tucson, Arizona 85726-7210
(520) 791-5550 x1161 office
(520) 879-8010 fax

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
01/09/2007 SUE REEVES REJECT SHELF Completed