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Permit Number: T06BU00053
Parcel: 10308001R

Review Status: Completed


Permit Number - T06BU00053
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
09/22/2006 ANDREW CONNOR NPPO REVIEW Denied Submit a copy of the approved tentative plat including landscape and native plant preservation plans for reference. The grading application will be reviewed for compliance only when the approved documents are included in the submittal. Revise grading plans as necessary to comply with the approved tentative plat.
10/12/2006 MICHAEL ST. PAUL ZONING REVIEW Denied Please see previous zoning review comments by David Rivera and current comment for NPPO.
11/02/2006 ELIZABETH EBERBACH ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied Laith Alshami, Engineering and Floodplain Review, 11/02/2006,

TO: Steve Hill, PE, Leadstar Engineering
SUBJECT: Silverbell Crossings (S04-188) Grading Plan Submittal Engineering Review
LOCATION: T13S R13E Section 28
REVIEWER: Laith Alshami for Elizabeth Eberbach

SUMMARY: The revised Grading Plans and Drainage Report were reviewed by Engineering. The grading plan can be approved once it is in conformance with an approved tentative plat. Engineering recommends denial of the Grading Plan until the following comments have been satisfactorily addressed and the Tentative Plat is approved.


1) Provide a copy of the approved and stamped Tentative Plat with the Grading Plan submittal.
2) For compliance of SCZ Variance conditions, submit a final copy of the drainage report with all addenda, that provides a statement (indicate page in response letter) that the slope and channel improvements along the frontage of the project provides conveyance of the flows along the Scenic Corridor and is the minimal amount of disturbance for the 30-ft SCZ buffer. This comment was previously made, but the response did not specify where in the Drainage Report this comment was addressed.


1) The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will need to be updated to reflect the new grading limits per the approved Tentative Plat.
2) Please be advised that copies of the following documents shall be kept onsite at all times:

a) Sample copy of the inspection report
b) Copy of the NOI
c) Copy of the General Permit
d) Provide an appropriate record keeping method.

Submit a total of 4 copies of the revised grading plan, one copy of the complete and bound Drainage Report, and 4 copies of the revised SWPPP. If you have any questions, please call me at 791-5550 extension 2204.

Elizabeth Eberbach, PE
Civil Engineer
Engineering Division
Development Services

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
06/28/2007 SUE REEVES OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed
06/28/2007 SUE REEVES REJECT SHELF Completed