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Permit Number: T06BU00053
Parcel: 10308001R

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: GRADING

Permit Number - T06BU00053
Review Name: GRADING
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
02/15/2006 ANDREW CONNOR NPPO REVIEW Denied Submit stamped approved tentative plat including landscape and NPP plans, review will continue upon re-submittal of requested documents.
PROJECT NAME: Silverbell Crossing
PROJECT ADDRESS: 3600 North Silverbell
PROJECT REVIEWER: Patricia Gilbert

The following items must be revised or added to the grading plan. Please include a response letter with the next submittal that states how all comments have been addressed.


Be aware this review comment was conducted for Elizabeth Eberbach P.E. by Patricia Gilbert

1. Due to the fact there are outstanding tentative plat comments the grading plan was not reviewed at this time. Please resubmit the above requested items once the outstanding comments from the tentative plat have been addressed.
03/09/2006 PATRICIA GILBERT ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied TO: Steve Hill, PE, Leadstar Engineering
SUBJECT: Silverbell Crossings (S04-188) Grading Plan Submittal Engineering Review
LOCATION: T13S R13E Section 28
REVIEWER: Elizabeth Eberbach

SUMMARY: The revised Grading Plans, with a copy of the previous grading plan, a copy of the latest Tentative Plat, Drainage Report, were reviewed by Engineering. The grading plan can be approved once it is in conformance with an approved tentative plat. Engineering recommends conditional approval of the Grading Plan once the following conditions are completed and the Tentative Plat is approved.

1) For compliance of SCZ Variance conditions, submit a final copy of the drainage report with all addenda, that provides a statement (indicate page in response letter) that the slope and channel improvements along the frontage of the project provides conveyance of the flows along the Scenic Corridor and is the minimal amount of disturbance for the 30-ft SCZ buffer
2) The following changes will be needed prior to picking up the permit:
a) Add activity number T06BU00053 to plan.
b) A drainage construction / maintenance easement will be needed for those areas of drainage structures that are proposed outside of the property boundaries. Provide docket and page for the basin to gold course drain pipe and the south slope maintenance easements. This must be provided prior to picking up grading permit.
c) Provide reference for Geotechnical Report (and any addenda) / Engineer as a general note.
d) Regarding General and Grading Note 15, show a local basis of elevation on planview.
e) For General Note 14, provide a local basis of bearing, and show tie from basis of bearing to a project boundary corner on planview.
f) Submit a copy of the Drainage Report with the administrative address listed on the cover and add subdivision case number (S04-188).
3) The following will be added to the grading permit as conditions:
a) If grading construction is expected to last longer than the expiration date of the grading permit, contact DSD to renew/extend the Grading Permit. If Final Grading Inspection has not been completed before the Grading Permit expires, and the permit has not been renewed, additional fees and reviews may be required.
b) Call for Pre-construction meeting. For a DSD Engineering Inspection, call IVR (740-6970), or schedule with a Customer Service Representative at the Development Services Department, or contact DSD Engineering at 791-5550 extension 2101, or schedule inspections online at: http://www.ci.tucson.az.us/dsd/Online_Services/Online_Permits/online_permits.html
c) Any revision to the Grading Plan may require a re-submittal of a revised grading plan for review. Contact DSD Engineering at 791-5550 to discuss changes in grading design.
d) There shall be no disturbance or stockpiling outside of the approved Grading Limits as shown on the Grading Plan.
e) As-builts are required, with completion documentation from project engineer at time of final inspections.
f) Add to a note or add separate note that the grading shall also conform to Development Standards Sections 11-01, as well as the current IBC (2003).
g) Contact Permits and Codes (791-5100) for right-of-way use permit requirements.
4) The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will need to be updated to reflect the new grading limits per the approved Tentative Plat. Revise the SWPPP to according to these comments:
a) Provide updated Certification Statements and signatures for the operators. Please note that signatures of the operators must be on the SWPPP on the site copy of the SWPPP at or before commencement of grading construction.
b) Show location of concrete wash-out area on plan view.
c) Show limits, dimensions, and designated location of new localized stockpile area(s).

Submit a total of 4 copies of the revised grading plan, one copy of the complete and bound Drainage Report, and 4 copies of the revised SWPPP. If you have any questions, please call me at 791-5550 extension 2204.

Elizabeth Eberbach, PE
Civil Engineer
Engineering Division
Development Services
03/15/2006 DAVID RIVERA ZONING REVIEW Denied 03/15/06

Development Services Department
Zoning Review Section

David Rivera
Principal Planner


1. The grading plan has been reviewed by Zoning Review Section but cannot approve the plan until it has been approved by the Engineering, and Landscape Review Sections and until all zoning comments or concerns have been addressed.

2. Zoning could not verify that the grading plan was in compliance with the approved tentative plat. Please submit one copy of the CDRC approved and stamped tentative plat, landscape, and NPPO plans with the next grading plan submittal.

3. Zoning will re-review the grading plan on the next submittal to ensure compliance with the CDRC approved and stamped tentative plat. Additional comments may be forthcoming.

4. The Scenic Corridor application has not been approved as of this review date. List the SCZ case number and date of approval and list any conditions of approval on the grading plan.
05/24/2006 ELIZABETH EBERBACH ENGINEERING additional review Approv-Cond DATE: March 9th, 2006
PROJECT NAME: Silverbell Crossing
PROJECT ADDRESS: 3600 North Silverbell
PROJECT REVIEWER: Patricia Gilbert

The following items must be revised or added to the grading plan. Please include a response letter with the next submittal that states how all comments have been addressed.


Be aware this review comment was conducted for Elizabeth Eberbach P.E. by Patricia Gilbert

1. Due to the fact there are outstanding tentative plat comments the grading plan was not reviewed at this time. Please resubmit the above requested items once the outstanding comments from the tentative plat have been addressed.
05/24/2006 ELIZABETH EBERBACH ENGINEERING additional review Approv-Cond TO: Steve Hill, PE, Leadstar Engineering
SUBJECT: Silverbell Crossings (S04-188) Grading Plan Submittal Engineering Review
LOCATION: T13S R13E Section 28
REVIEWER: Elizabeth Eberbach

SUMMARY: The revised Grading Plans, with a copy of the previous grading plan, a copy of the latest Tentative Plat, Drainage Report, were reviewed by Engineering. The grading plan can be approved once it is in conformance with an approved tentative plat. Engineering recommends conditional approval of the Grading Plan once the following conditions are completed and the Tentative Plat is approved.

1) For compliance of SCZ Variance conditions, submit a final copy of the drainage report with all addenda, that provides a statement (indicate page in response letter) that the slope and channel improvements along the frontage of the project provides conveyance of the flows along the Scenic Corridor and is the minimal amount of disturbance for the 30-ft SCZ buffer
2) The following changes will be needed prior to picking up the permit:
a) Add activity number T06BU00053 to plan.
b) A drainage construction / maintenance easement will be needed for those areas of drainage structures that are proposed outside of the property boundaries. Provide docket and page for the basin to gold course drain pipe and the south slope maintenance easements. This must be provided prior to picking up grading permit.
c) Provide reference for Geotechnical Report (and any addenda) / Engineer as a general note.
d) Regarding General and Grading Note 15, show a local basis of elevation on planview.
e) For General Note 14, provide a local basis of bearing, and show tie from basis of bearing to a project boundary corner on planview.
f) Submit a copy of the Drainage Report with the administrative address listed on the cover and add subdivision case number (S04-188).
3) The following will be added to the grading permit as conditions:
a) If grading construction is expected to last longer than the expiration date of the grading permit, contact DSD to renew/extend the Grading Permit. If Final Grading Inspection has not been completed before the Grading Permit expires, and the permit has not been renewed, additional fees and reviews may be required.
b) Call for Pre-construction meeting. For a DSD Engineering Inspection, call IVR (740-6970), or schedule with a Customer Service Representative at the Development Services Department, or contact DSD Engineering at 791-5550 extension 2101, or schedule inspections online at: http://www.ci.tucson.az.us/dsd/Online_Services/Online_Permits/online_permits.html
c) Any revision to the Grading Plan may require a re-submittal of a revised grading plan for review. Contact DSD Engineering at 791-5550 to discuss changes in grading design.
d) There shall be no disturbance or stockpiling outside of the approved Grading Limits as shown on the Grading Plan.
e) As-builts are required, with completion documentation from project engineer at time of final inspections.
f) Add to a note or add separate note that the grading shall also conform to Development Standards Sections 11-01, as well as the current IBC (2003).
g) Contact Permits and Codes (791-5100) for right-of-way use permit requirements.
4) The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will need to be updated to reflect the new grading limits per the approved Tentative Plat. Revise the SWPPP to according to these comments:
a) Provide updated Certification Statements and signatures for the operators. Please note that signatures of the operators must be on the SWPPP on the site copy of the SWPPP at or before commencement of grading construction.
b) Show location of concrete wash-out area on plan view.
c) Show limits, dimensions, and designated location of new localized stockpile area(s).

Submit a total of 4 copies of the revised grading plan, one copy of the complete and bound Drainage Report, and 4 copies of the revised SWPPP. If you have any questions, please call me at 791-5550 extension 2204.

Elizabeth Eberbach, PE
Civil Engineer
Engineering Division
Development Services

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
03/22/2006 AOLIVO1 OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed
03/22/2006 SUE REEVES REJECT SHELF Completed