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Permit Number: T05SA00358
Parcel: 14026003E

Address: Unknown

Review Status: Completed


Permit Number - T05SA00358
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
SUBJECT: Tres Pueblos II (Este) Subdivision (S05-134) W.A.S.H. Engineering Resubmittal Review
REVIEWER: Elizabeth Eberbach

SUMMARY: The revised Overlay package including the W.A.S.H. Report, copy of the Tentative Plat, and Landscape documents were received on January 12, 2006. The watercourse adjacent to this site, Rodeo Wash, is designated as a Watercourse Amenities Safety and Habitat (W.A.S.H.) Ordinance wash and thus review and approval is necessary for Tentative Plat approval. Subsequent to the meeting held January 11, 2006, Development Services Department Engineering Division has provided the following comments. At this time Engineering does not recommend approval of the overlay package until these comments are addressed.

1) Tucson Code Sec. 29-15(b)(1): Tentative Plat labels Rodeo Wash as a City W.A.S.H. Ordinance wash along the north boundary of the development. The report submitted does not completely address all of the items listed in this section of the Tucson Code. Per this section of the W.A.S.H. Ordinance, a Wash Report must be approved for Rodeo Wash for this project. Address the following:
a) Tucson Code Sec.23A-50.(2): As previously stated, the W.A.S.H. review is critical to the tentative plat review of this project due to the extent of proposed drainage improvements that fall within the W.A.S.H. Ordinance study area. The plans continue to indicate a substantial amount of proposed grading for drainage facilities including rock channels, scuppers, curb, and gabion outlets in the study area or south embankment area of the Rodeo Wash. These improvements are highly discouraged within the study area. Per the new W.A.S.H. Ordinance of January 2005, if any portion of the 50-ft study area is proposed to be developed, the following needs to be addressed:
i) After addressing the comments for this submittal and the acceptance of the review package is provided by DSD, the W.A.S.H. submittal package will need to proceed to City of Tucson stormwater committee(s) for review including Stormwater Advisory Committee. This will occur if there are any placement of structures, paths of any type, or other grading disturbance proposed within the resource areas of the Study Area.
ii) Tucson Code Chapter 23A.Article II.Division 3.Sec.23A-50: Full notice procedure will also be required if there are any proposed disturbance within the study area.
iii) Tucson Code Sec. 29-15(b)(1): If any portion of the 50-ft study area is proposed to be developed, the W.A.S.H. Mitigation Plan included in the W.A.S.H. Report must be accepted.
iv) It is imperative that the proposed grading design for trails, maintenance access, and drainage outlet improvements provide the minimum disturbance of the wash and study area.
b) Tucson Code Sec.29-15(b)(1): Assure that there are complete discussions regarding any effects on hydrology and hydraulics to the study area due to each of the elements a - i listed in this section of the Tucson Code. Address the following element comments:
i) Element a - In section 3.1, clarify how the flow rate increases between sections 21 and 22.
ii) Tucson Code Sec.23A-50.(1), Element b - Address the following regarding soil conditions and erosion potential:
(1) Provide copy of the bound soils report and discuss results in the W.A.S.H. Report. Submit a bound copy of the soils report that discusses suitability and feasibility of the project. Besides description of existing soil constraints for the site, and other typical geotechnical data, the soils report shall provide identification / assessment of any potentially hazardous geotechnical areas, provide proposed recommendations for minimum distance from foundations to drainage swales, and provide slope stability recommendations.
(2) Revise section 4.2, to clarify the velocities upstream and downstream of the Tucson Boulevard drainage crossing, as the table on page 6 indicates higher velocities upstream than at crossing and at downstream sections.
iii) Element c - Regarding right-of-way and easements, address the following:
(1) Provide copy of dkt.7088 pg.754.
(2) State ownership of Rodeo Wash in section 6.1.
(3) Label the 80-ft drainage easement as public or private on exhibits.
(4) In section 6.1, describe proposed improvements for the trail easement, maintenance access road, and any other grading disturbance activity proposed within the study area and wash. Provide details of the improvements in the report or on an exhibit, including cross sections of the existing maintenance access road and location of the proposed trail. (see also comments below)
iv) Element f - In section 3.2 of the W.A.S.H. report, revise statement that there is only the west channel improvement within the study area; it should be stated in this section that there is a proposed trail, maintenance road, and three proposed drainage basin outlets with scuppers and curb crossing the study area and south wash embankment. (see also comment vi)
v) Element g - Clarify the last three sentences in section 5.0. It is stated that the proposed amount of onsite sediments discharging into the Rodeo Wash will decrease however the west channel will discharge the majority of its sediments. Compare existing and proposed sediment transport characteristics and describe how the project will maintain the existing sediment transport characteristics in the Rodeo Wash, given the type of proposed drainage improvements.
vi) Element i- Address the following regarding any other elements that may be characteristic of the watercourses on or adjacent to the site:
(1) Explain what improvements will be necessary for the Public Recreational Trail. Specifically discuss in report (and show on exhibit and Tentative Plat) any proposed grading activities, including placement of trail materials, compaction, or other type of earthwork or grading-related activity.
(2) There are locations where concentrated flows from onsite are proposed to discharge into the wash through the study area. In section 3.2, specify exact type of materials proposed at the confluence of west channel and west end of Rodeo Wash north of the site. Add details to an exhibit or the report (section 3.2 or 7.2) for the drainage improvements that are proposed within the study area. Provide details that show drainage outlet facilities at the north portion of the site within the W.A.S.H. 50-ft study area, including details and cross sections identifying scuppers, curb, erosion protection, type of proposed materials, slope grades, and dimensions. Hydraulic data is necessary within the drainage report as well. (see also comment iii)(4))
(3) An existing maintenance road is located along the top bank of the Rodeo Wash. Explain how the existing and proposed flows are conveyed into the Rodeo Wash. Provide cross sections that shows the existing and proposed elevations at locations of proposed drainage outlets. (see also comment iii)(4))
(4) On the drainage exhibit Figure 5, address the following comments:
(a) Add the delineation in legend for the existing maintenance road.
(b) Provide delineation for the 50-ft offset line for the 50-ft study area on planview.
(c) Describe on planview, with hatching or other linetype, the locations of the mitigated areas or the resource area within the study area.
vii) Please be aware that any required improvements (including trail, maintenance access improvements, erosion protection, or other drainage improvements or grading activities), will require thorough justification and mitigation within the W.A.S.H. Report. (see comment 1)a)iv)
2) Tucson Code Sec.29-12: Add discussion in W.A.S.H. Report regarding how the study area and especially any proposed disturbed resource area is restored as closely as possible to its pre-disturbance or more natural wash condition. Add discussion regarding whether the proposed project is designed to accomplish the following:
a) Maximizes opportunities for groundwater recharge through the preservation of specific washes with earthen channels and banks.
b) Protects existing vegetation found within and near specific washes.
c) Provides for restoration of vegetation disturbed as a result of development in and adjacent to specific washes.
d) Assists in the reduction of the urban heat island effect by retaining existing vegetation and minimizing structural improvement of urban washes.
3) LUC Sec. For further W.A.S.H. Ordinance overlay zone process and notification questions, see sections 23A-50 and 23A-51 in the Tucson Code , or contact Zoning Manager Patricia Gehlen 791-5608 ext. 1179.

Submit a revised report for the W.A.S.H. Report with exhibits discussed in the above comments, a copy of the updated Tentative Plat, a bound copy of the geotechnical report, response letter, and any other supporting documentation. The next submittal should address all the above W.A.S.H. items. If you have questions or would like to set up a meeting, call me at 791-5550, extension 2204.

Elizabeth Eberbach, PE
Civil Engineer
Engineering Division
Development Services
01/27/2006 JOE LINVILLE LANDSCAPE REVIEW Denied 1) The mitigation plan will be required to provide 2:1 mitigation for shrubs and small trees removed and 3:1 for trees greater than 4" removed from the resource area. Revise the totals for Prosopis velutina and Acacia Constricta on page 4 of the report.

2) The note regarding areas for desert seed mixes being "ripped to 4" depth should not apply where the seed mix is used in natural areas. Clarify sheet W3 as necessary.

3) The wash resource area is not consistently identified on W1 and W2. The resource area includes native vegetation and wildlife habitat within the channel and an area extending 50' from the banks. Revise the delineation and ensure that all of the call-outs are located properly.

4) Revise the wash study summary on W1 to explain that the resource area is based on wildlife habitat.

5) Revise the wash study summary on W1 and page 2 of the TMHS report to revise the section regarding selection of the resource areas. The criteria mentioned is only a partial definition of vegetative resources and does not constitute acceptable criteria for resource area delineation, although the plant species listed are common in resource areas.

6) The plans should include an irrigation plan or reference to an irrigation plan to be provided with the project landscape plans.

7) Additional copies of the plant/habitat inventory and the preservation/revegetation plan, and 2 the Hydrology/hydraulic study plan will be required for distribution to the SAC and TDOT Stormwater.