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Plan Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: PIA SUBMITTAL
Plan Number - T05PI00009
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
07/27/2005 | LANCE PETERSON | DOT STREET MAINTENANCE | REVIEW | Denied | I have reviewed these plans and have the following comments: 1. Sheet 1 - Need Streets and Traffic Maintenance Signature Block. 2. Sheets 7 and 8 - These sheets are missing the profile information. Reviewed 7/27/05 |
08/01/2005 | TAMI ACHONG | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Needs Review | |
08/03/2005 | DALE KELCH | DOT TRAFFIC | REVIEW | Denied | Traffic Engineering REJECTS this PIA submittal: 1. General Note 11, sheet 1, incorrectly identifies a reference manual as the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The title of the publication is the Manual ON Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Please correct. 2. Add to the end of general note 11: "Contact Traffic Engineering @791-4259, 48 hours prior to placement or removal of any said traffic control devices." 3. The symbol used for new street signs is not correct in accordance with Standard Details for Public Improvements, SD100, 2003 edition. The sign symbol you have indicated in the legend is for existing signs. 4. Add additional no parking signs on Jumping Cholla Drive to have a minimum of one no parking sign per block. 5. Provide three end of roadway object markers (OM 4-3) at each instance where the roadway terminates. 6. Provide a Dead End sign (W14-1) at the end of curb return on Jumping Cholla Drive at lot 45. D. Dale Kelch, PE Senior Engineering Associate Traffic Engineering Division (520)791-4259x305 (520)791-5526 (fax) dale.kelch@tucsonaz.gov |
08/08/2005 | THAD HARVISON | DOT ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | Comments for Empire Heights, Lots 1 thru 241, Sewer and Paving Plans: The attached comments are based on the information provided and is not meant as an all inclusive list of items that must be addressed but a check for general conformance to City Standards. The Engineer of Record (The Engineer preparing and certifying the plans, in this case EEC, Inc.) is responsible for the plans/design meeting all applicable Standards, Codes, Ordinances, and for any issues errors and/or omissions. Sheet 1: Provide recordation information (Book and Page) on cover sheet. Sheet 1: Add plan number (I-2005-038). Sheet 1: General Notes: Remove note 8 and add notes checked on attached sheet. Sheet 1: Provide administrative address on cover sheet. Provide Utility Awareness Notification documentation. See Attached Sheet 1: Use Permit and Codes title block see attached. Sheet 1: Remove signature line for the "City of Tucson Engineer" Sheet 2: Add additional curb access ramps to allow for pedestrian to cross Jumping Cholla Drive at Minoan Drive to access Common area "A" Sheet 2: Remove proposed survey monuments in the ROW for PAAL to parking area for Common Area "A". Survey monuments are not required for PAALs. Sheet 3: Call out new to existing curb connection per PC/COT Sta. Dtl. 211 at the west end of Jumping Cholla Drive. Additionally, call out station. Sheet 3: Correct call-out for sheet 8 at the intersection of Jumping Cholla Drive and Otis Drive. Sheet 5: Roadway profile has been omitted for Hunnic Drive. Provide a roadway profile. Sheet 6: Roadway profile has been omitted for Otis Drive. Provide a roadway profile. Sheet 12: The proposed anchoring of barricade railing shown on detail E/12 and F/12 is not acceptable. Railing must be anchored into the piers of the sidewalk scupper per PC/COT Std. Dtl. 105. Sheet 12: Remove keynotes stating "subject to updated geotechnical evaluation for this project". Show recommended pavement section per final geotechnical report. Tentative Plat and Drainage Report calls for 3 - Type 4 catch basins per PC/COT Std. Dtl. 309 at the inlet of the storm drain across Greek Drive, while a headwall per PC/COT Std. Dtl. 313 is proposed on the submitted plans. Please provide a revised drainage report analyzing this proposed configuration. Additionally, the headwall wing wall does not comply to ADOT Std. Dtl. B-11.11. Provide a Headwall with a cut -off wall for down stream end of storm drain across Greek Drive and provide complete details on plan set. Additionally, submit scour analysis for sizing the cut-off wall. Drainage report provides an analysis for an 8 cell sidewalk scupper at concentration point 1.2 but a scupper was not provided an paving plan set. Please justify the omission of this scupper. Paving plan shows a 1 cell sidewalk scupper on Jumping Cholla Dr. +/- 10+60 LT but drainage report does not address this scupper. Please submit revised drainage report to analyzing this scupper. Station all drainage structures. Provide a 100' (minimum) vertical curve at all longitudinal grade changes greater than 1% (Development Standard 3- Drainage report uses a 3 % street cross slope in the analysis of the proposed drainage scupper on Greek Dr., while the paving plans proposes a 2% cross slope. Please submit a revised a drainage report analyzing the sidewalk scupper with the proposed cross slope. Detail E/12 and F/12 on sheet 12 of 12 proposes a 3' wide local gutter depression. The maximum gutter depression should be less than 2'. All sidewalk scuppers will need to analyzed Provide a detail for the proposed curb access ramps on the plan set. Additionally, call out Truncated Domes per ADOT Standard Detail C-05.30 sheet 7 of 7 as the detectable warning device. |
08/19/2005 | GARY WITTWER | DOT LANDSCAPE | REVIEW | Denied | The Median Island @ Jumping Cholla & Minoan can either be moved out on the R.O.W. or paved solid with concrete. |