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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: FLOODPLAIN
Permit Number - T05OT01755
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
07/19/2005 | BLANCA ESPINO | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Approved | FLOOD USE PERMIT CONDITIONS JULY 22, 2005 FLOODPLAIN USE PERMIT NO. T05OT01755 ADDRESS: 2075 W. GARDNER LANE Suites 101-106 (IN) Suites 107-113 (OUT) PROPERTY OWNER: WINDMILL DEVELOPMENT The applicant is authorized to use a portion of the City of Tucson the property described as (legal description): 104-06-011E 1. This permit is for the purpose of a 20,100 sq. ft. Non-Residential structure to be constructed within a FEMA floodplain. FIRM Panel1617K, Zone A0+1, Dated February 08, 1999 2. The proposed building is impacted by the regulatory floodplain. The floodplain 100-year water surface elevation (WSE) just upstream of the proposed building is 2277.00 feet. The building must be elevated above the floodplain 100-year WSE. This can be achieved by either building up the building pad to the 100-year WSE or higher, or elevating the building by any other acceptable method such as stem walls, piers, etc, depending on what the drainage report, the engineer or the owner is proposing. The building lowest finish floor, utilities, machinery, equipment (i.e. furnaces, water heaters, heat pumps, air conditioners and their associated equipment, including all electrical equipment), or an open utility platform that provides utility services for the structure on this property, under this permit shall, be placed at a minimum of 2 feet above the existing ground, NAVD 1988 as certified by a Registered Land Surveyor. 3. Finish Floor Elevation for Suites 101-106. Ste. 101, FFE:2276.5 Ste. 102 & 103, FFE: 2277.08 Ste. 104 & 105, FFE: 2277.67 Ste. 106, FFE: 2278.25 NOTICE This Certification (Elevation Certificate) is required and must be completed and returned to Development Services Department, Engineering Division, on the first floor of the County/City Public Works Building at 201 N. Stone Avenue. This Certification must be completed and returned prior to the final inspection, occupancy of the structure, or issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. Xref: T05CM01364 & T05BU00686 |