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Permit Number: T05OT00811
Parcel: 10308001R

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: FLOODPLAIN

Permit Number - T05OT00811
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
04/18/2005 MATT FLICK ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied DSD Engineering Comments for T05OT00811

DSD Engineering does not recommend approval of this plan and offers the following comments:

1. Sheet 1, General Note #14: Please indicate the basis of elevation and indicate whether it's based on NAVD88 or NGVD29.

2. Sheet 2: It appears that there is excavation to take place east of the tee located between the words (100-yr floodplain" and "Q100-6747 cfs". Excavation in this area may cause breakout due to Santa Cruz River flows or increase breakout that already occurs. Breakout in this area does not appear to be directed toward a lake. It is highly recommended that this area not be lowered and, in general, areas near the Camino De Oeste Wash channel not be excavated for the same reason.

3. Sheet 2: Indicate floodplain boundaries and water surface elevations (incl. floodplain and water surface elevations associated with the Santa Cruz River). If applicable, show the regulatory floodway boundary.

4. Sheet 3: Indicate floodplain boundaries and water surface elevations (incl. floodplain and water surface elevations associated with the Santa Cruz River). If applicable, show the regulatory floodway boundary.

5. Drainage Statement: Please note that the HEC-2 analysis appears to use transposed digits (6474 v. 6747) for the hydraulic analyses. No appreciable change is expected in the hydraulic results. However, if the results are to be submitted to another agency for review, the flow value should be corrected.

6. Drainage Statement: The text indicates that breakout overflows to the west. Based upon the topography, it appears that breakout could go east or west. Please justify the assertion that breakout will proceed westward and will not change due to construction.

7. Sheet 2 & 3: Clearly indicate grading limits. Work within the wash may trigger AZPDES and/or 404 violations. This may include pollution controls and removal of pollutants within the Camino De Oeste Wash. See also Comment #8.

8. Drainage Statement: Not being within a "Nationwide 404 Permitting Area", as shown on Figure 7, is disadvantageous, rather than advantageous. Areas outside the "Nationwide 404 Permitting Area" may require endangered species surveys and/or individual permitting for 404-regulated activities. Changing the text in Section 1a is in order.

Matt Flick, PE
Engineering Manager

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
04/25/2005 KMEDINA1 OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed