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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Permit Number - T05CM06242
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
02/16/2006 | LINHART PETERSEN POERS ASSOC. | 2ND PARTY REVIEW | REVIEW | Denied | February 16, 2006 CITY OF TUCSON - FIRST CHECK Tucson Appl. No. T05CM06242 LP2A Job No. 2060161.013 City of Tucson 201 N. Stone Ave. 1st Floor Tucson, AZ 85701 Re: Plan Review: Gonzales SFR Addition/Remodel Address: 4761 S. Warren Ave Linhart Petersen Powers Associates (LP2A), a Bureau Veritas Company, has completed a review of the following documents on behalf of the City of Tucson: 1. Plans: Two (2) sets of plans (6 sheets 1 through 6) no dates, no stamps. 2. Truss Calculations: None provided. Structural Calculations: Two (2) sets of calculations, no dates, no stamps. Energy Compliance: None provided. These documents were reviewed only for their conformance to the provisions of the 2003 International Building Codes (i.e., State of Arizona and Tucson amended 2003 IRC, 2003 IMC, 2002 NEC and 2003 IPC). Please submit an itemized response letter and required number of complete and revised documents with all revisions clouded. Sincerely, LINHART PETERSEN POWERS ASSOCIATES A Bureau Veritas Company Randy McCoy, Senior Plans Examiner ICC Plans Examiner RM:pc c:/tucson\2060161.013pc1 enclosures Re: Stories: One Fire Sprinklers: No Building Area (sq. ft.): 3954 (livable) 1903 (patio) A. The following plan review comments are based on the City of Tucson Building Regulations and referred to the 2003 International Residential Code. B. Please respond in writing to each comment by marking the attached comment list or creating a response letter. Indicate which detail, specification, or calculation shows the requested information. Your complete and clear responses will expedite the re-check and hopefully, approval of this project. Thank you for your assistance. C. These plan review comments are based on building code items only. If site-related comments are applicable to this project, they will be generated by others (e.g., County Engineering, Public Works, Health, etc.). ARCHITECTURAL COMMENTS: Please correct keynote 6 to reflect the proper beam size on roof plan. Sheet 5. R106. Complete framing detail for storage room on roof plan. Sheet 5. R106. Section A/4 on roof plan does not show a true representation of the section. Please correct. Sheet 4 & 5. R106. MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING COMMENTS: Provide a switch for exterior light at living room. Sheet 6. E3803.3. Show location of electric panel on electrical plan. Sheet 6. R106. Panel schedules are confusing. Please clarify. Sheet 6. R106. Please provide capacity of proposed electric heater with a complete description. Sheet 6. If you have any questions regarding the above comments, please contact Randy McCoy at (520) 820-1980 between 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., M-F. |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
03/02/2006 | GBONILL1 | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |
03/02/2006 | SUE REEVES | REJECT SHELF | Completed |